

Attached: 1546458530408.jpg (700x448, 73K)

me like

me on the left

Straight WoJACKED his girl

stirnerfags btfo

me in the center

>this wouldn't happen to a lifter like m-

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do you think he is yelling "Baaaaaasedyyyyyyyy!"?

>Dad, do I have to?

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>this is his wife

We truly don't stand a chance do we?

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>If only you knew how bad things really were


His wife is 20 years older than him.

>not grabbing his foot and smelling it

Jesus fuck

What's the move here? Not take the picture? Only one I can see unless you're big enough to mog him right there.

these two actually look like they are homeless and live in a sand fort on the beach. Great casting desu.

More like 12

It's just a running joke among fans you dumb autist.

You either don't play the game or you do something like this.

Attached: 1546468136054.jpg (700x827, 139K)

No shit it's a joke, but obviously a bunch of these guys aren't into it and only do it because the chick wants to.
Maybe hold him from behind instead of being pushed away

This is the correct action to take

Alpha response.

Can any man truly compete?

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Such is life for Timothy

What the fuck is this shit? Cuck panarama?