Assuming you're not just sitting in your room all day and actually working on improving your life...

Assuming you're not just sitting in your room all day and actually working on improving your life, does nofap have any benefits?

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Let's say that nofap doesn't work. Does it make any fucking sense to you to sit in front of a computer and beat your meat to another dude fucking a girl? Waste of time in my opinion. The time that you spend edging and masturbating can be used to work toward a more valuable aspect of your life. To each their own.

Honestly just do lessfap and only fap to solo porn.

nofap is good for worthless neets that don't leave their house. it gets them occupied, but most fail and just post their failures in nofap threads.
a normal human doesn't fap nearly enough for it to cause problems
the issue is porn a lot of the time. men get bored and want something more exciting, and suddenly you're watching asian pukeporn unironically.
fuck a girl once in a while, don't be a degenerate when it comes to porn, get a meaningful hobby and a job. your mind will be healthy and your body too.

Anyone just forget about fapping for weeks at a time?

Fapping caused sub par performance on heavy set even after 48h in my case. Only 3 days later i can be at my average potential.

Only after 2 weeks, after flatlining.


The atrophy will shrink your cock down so you can a qt trap with a feminine benis. That's a benefit.

You have low T, my dude. Sorry.

can you successfully stay hard and ejaculate just from having vaginal intercourse with a woman?

if yes, congrats, you don't need nofap!

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one of the better webms that you can post on this website, thanks op for your contribution i love seeing it around

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>finished an epic workout, ate proper nutrition, and mark off another day on the calendar while getting to bed early at around 9:30 for that delicious 8 hour sleep
>this bed in question also being occupied by a 9.5/10 azn qt3.14 gf, whom I will smash
I don't know how I did it but I got the latter half of making it before I even "made it" in the first place, I might just have the greatest luck imaginable
I'm at a point where fapping doesn't even concern me, stick to nofap and I promise you'll get some kind of reward out of it. NO COPING

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This. No faps a trap if you've already been down the porno drain.
>Dec. starts and go back to fapping daily, back into fetish shit after a week
>Stop again for a week
>End up going to an AMP and fucking some chinese whore on New Years Eve
>Still feeling lusty, but more disappointed in myself.
This wouldn't have happened if I just waned down and watched what I fapped to, now I feel like a fucking worm


I like doing it for a week or two at a time, then I'll hire a prostitute and blow a massive load all over them.


based brapposter

Unironically true unless maybe you're just super insanely busy.

Literally the only thing anybody needs to know about NoFap.

>sit in front of a computer and beat your meat to another dude fucking a girl?
literally the only porn i jerk off to are amateur girls from manyvids/camsites masturbating

Oh god that caught me off guard. Top kek

Hi Cem!

>doesn't jerk off to hentai

fat man and little boy

I would commit unspeakable crimes for that

Noporn has merit but nofap for weeks at a time seems like an abstract way of cucking yourself if you have no gf/fuckbuddy.


You're already not getting laid, would you also intentionally blue ball yourself because the internet told you with only anecdotes as evidence? Porn has been shown to fuck with your mentality but I don't support completely abstaining from ejaculation.

Fapping is a valuable aspect of life because it makes you feel good.
You can ruin your life in 5 minutes by being too horny in public/work.
Its not your girl with another dude, its another girl with another guy.
The entire female population cant belong to just you.
You'll just dream about sex and wake up in involuntary cum that "doesn't count" but daydream cum does.

Involuntary cumming is hardly as frequent.

>Fapping is a valuable aspect of life because it makes you feel good.
when youre enslaved to your instincts and live life as a series of sensations

this guys got it. don't always trust your senses they will deceive you. They unironically constantly are


I don't believe in nofap... but noporn, that's something you should do

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Life is always just a serious of sensations
People do good and noble things for sensations and people do evil things for sensations

>Fapping is a valuable aspect of life because it makes you feel good.

You should earn that good feeling, deserve it, not reward yourself for doing nothing.

It does if you're addicted to fapping. It cures fap addiction.

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NoFap was a meme that made it's way to Jow Forums somewhere around 2006-2008. As most people on this site are retards, oldfags were successful at trolling them into believing this shit. Ejaculating and having sex has nothing to do with your physical performance - look up all the newer studies in the field.

cheers mate into all your urges and desires is the weakest beta shit ever. I’ve been on Jow Forums for a long time and seen a lot of disgusting shit but that is the most degen post I’ve ever seen. Get some willpower you fucking animal.


>read my studies!

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The anecdotes are mine though. The only time I tried nofap in any meaningful way (over 3 weeks) I got the first gf of my life.
Now, I ain't absurd enough to say nofap gifted me a gf, but I might have become more masculine because of it. Fapping 3 times a day to pixels yields no real benefit.

I can find this on pornhub but I've been looking for a code for it for ages now
Any idea?


Attached: wii would like to fuck.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

>sit in front of a computer and beat your meat
Only true patricians know that the bedroom is where it's at

me on the right


Glad no porn worked for you.

Zero, but no porn does, it's jewish poison.

Haven't you already earned it?
>went to work + gym
>didn't sexually harass anyone at either
>paid rent + internet bill
>didn't have casual sex with a crazy lady
>no STDs
>no rape allegations to your name
>enough in savings to not worry about the first of the month every month
Doing nothing is better than making major life mistakes while horny.

Its not giving in if its on a schedule.
>Masturbate twice a day, 8pm and 6 am
>never snooze because horny morning wood
>sometimes I'm tired and don't want to but I do it anyway and I always feel better after doing it
>consistent sleep schedule organized around masturbating to fall asleep and morning wood wake ups

kill yourself

>planning a fap around your day
alcoholics plan their day around their first opportunity to drink you fucking de-gen

The only benefit from no fap is less time wasted


Imagine the heat radiating from that asshole...

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Good goy, don’t ever aspire to be anything more than a “just good enough” masturbation addict who plans his day around self-pleasure

I'm fucking dying here.


How much does that cost to fuck the girl? Asking for a friend

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>Anyone who thinks masturbating feels good is somehow brainwashed by the jews.
>The Talmud prohibits masturbation but if I say Good Goy
Masturbating in bed is more like "planning your self pleasure around your day" with no consequence.

Sauce? Atleast give me a name or something pls


do no porn, and dont go more then once a day and youll be ok amigo

ARRRGH!!! IVE BEEN SITTING IN MY ROOM ALL DAY, NOFAP is driving me insane!!!!!!!! Help me oh my god someone help.
I genuinely feel like I'm moulting. My previous body is being shed and the new me is coming out. But it hurts! I ate three big dairy milks bars and a box of jaffa cakes just to calm myself down.

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In bed with your hentai-filled phone on your left hand, absolutely based.

>dividing Jow Forums into Jow Forums and 4channel actually pushes anons to build a massive collection of the hottest sfw webms in existence
>limitations of an sfw board make anons seek only the hottest webms in existence
>after years anons have a collection of absolute classics, turning your dick into diamonds without giving in to porn urges
>everybody's porn addiction weakens
>eventually everybody leaves any form of erotica/lewd material
>anons en masse have healthy romantic, sexual lives
>everybody is healthier, fitter, happier, more productive

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>heroin is a valuable aspect of life because it makes you feel good.

>fuck a girl once in a while

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>jerking off to something that has scientifically been proven to lower your interest in real women
You want to fuck your brain up?

>fuck a girl once in a while
lmao porn and jerking off wouldn't be a problem if it were that easy

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>>sometimes I'm tired and don't want to but I do it anyway
>raping yourself

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lol none of these faggots have even came up with a single reply to justify wasting your time fapping all day

>muh solo porn
>muh hentai

that shit means nothing, you are still just sitting there fapping 6 times a day so the argument still stands

>implying you either jerk off 6 times a day or never
the audacity of this retard

This. And inb4 someone says I'm a cuck for watching porn there is literally nothing wrong with watching a video of another man fuck a girl your attracted to, polygamy and wife sharing is natural in humans and is seen in various species of monkeys as well.

Imagine the smell haha