So I've been at SS for about 3 months, since mid october. The holidays have been brutal, I was sick, and I haven't gotten enough sleep or food because of all the stupid travelling and visits and holiday garbage, so I've been failing a lot of different lifts the past like 2 weeks, and then there was a 1 week vacation where I didn't have a gym. Anyway, I feel like the most important thing is to just keep lifting and eating, but I'm just curious about progress points. For two to three months, how am I doing? These are my numbers Squat - 175 (lbs) Bench - 115 Press - 90 Rows - 105 Deadlift - 195
Does anything stand out as really strange or bad? Some people say that when they finished starting strength their deadlift was in like the high 300s, which seems not deasible for me if I wanted to move on around the 4-6 month mark (which is what everyone says, "don't do a beginner program for like 9 months or a damn year")
Your numbers are a bit low, but everyone starts somewhere.
Keep eating big, sleeping lots, and training hard. Don't skip days or compromise your training with bad choices. If you're eating less than 3000 calories daily, eat more.
Ryder Harris
Is this a joke? These numbers are great for the three-ish month mark on SS. The deadlift is a little low (depeding on your weight, 230-250 is where you should be) and the press is pretty high.
Yeah I've been really good about not skipping any days up until the holidays + sick there were like maybe 3 days I skipped. For reference I never touched weights or played sports before, i mean my first squat was like 85 pounds, i was just really weak Appreciate it. Yeah I weigh like 160, about 6 feet tall. I goofed in the beginning, deadlifting every other day insteaf of everyday like with squats. I just didn't know there were like different phases I think that's why its so low, yet the weight that im doing now feels really heavy I'm afraid to add more than 5
Nicholas Thomas
Your lower half looks to be stronger and your bench is oddly low.
Luke James
Any recs or diagnosis? Ive heard of switching up the amount of sets for things like the press for example.
Nathaniel Morris
Only thing that stands out as weird to me is that your OPH is at 40kg which is pretty damn good, yet your bench is only 52kg.
To give you perspective, I've been doing SS for five weeks now, my OHP is at 32kg, and my bench is at 52kg.
This is what my numbers look like 5 weeks in if it helps.
My squats are a little on the low side as I was squatting 60kg, but deloaded back to 50kg as I wasn't getting low enough and my form was suffering.
Thoughts guys? I am currently trying to loose weight whilst doing SS, so I am eating at a 500cal deficit.
176cm, 85kg currently.
Anthony Morris
Im on my second month, I have made some gains in strength even if it is not much, I have been trying to add 5 lbs per week.
I am 6'0 skinny fat, and weight 162 lbs, I havent weighted myself since I began tho, so im not sure how much I weight now.
I can do 170 on squats, and just tried my first press this week, only did it with the bar tho, I tried adding 2 10lb weights but I couldnt do it properly, I will try just adding 10 pounds total next week.
Aaron Cook
Im just curious have you ever trained before?
Ian Martinez
No I have not.
Does my progress seem to be okay?
James Rogers
The real answer is that it doesn't really matter. The point is to make gains. Whether or not those gains are made on SS or some other program doesn't matter. Two people will end up with various lifts at the "end" of SS. Based on your lifts, it sounds like you have finished the SS progression by Rippetoe's criteria, since it's clear you have not been adding 5 lbs to your squat per training session 3x a week.
Aaron Kelly
>I've been at SS >Does anything stand out as really strange or bad? >or bad?
Yes falling for the Jow Forums dyel fat shit meme powerlifter routine is considered bad to people who actually lift
Nolan Rogers
Here's one suggested modification for SS for bench and press when the straight 3x5 is no longer sufficient.
>Only thing that stands out as weird to me is that your OPH is at 40kg which is pretty damn good, yet your bench is only 52kg I have a similar problem as OP, turns out the way I had my elbows flared, I wasn't really engaging my core and just the shoulders instead
Aiden Watson
Progression is too slow for me to get my deadlift into an intermediate range compared to everything else.
Landon Williams
Interesting. Can you explain the right way to position the elbows? I think I have the exact same problem.
Jaxon Anderson
I think i know what that friend meant- check out the "bulldog grip", theres a little asian guy on YT who did a great beginner "how to ohp" video where he went over this and elbow placement
Aaron Wright
Get off SS mark cucketoe is ass Do 6-12 rep range start off with 12 then next 10-8-6 that shit will progress you way faster than that pussy shit youre doing 4-5 sets on your compounds
Ayden Sanders
How's this for three months of SS? >5'5 at 165 lbs >105 OHP >145 Bench >185 Squat >225 Deads
Nolan Ward
That's not SS retard. Where are your cleans? Also you give us no useful information, what we're you lifting when you started, what is your age, weight, height?
Jose Lopez
You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Dis cord yet?? Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc. Self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention, etc. We also have some fun channels like memes. For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!
We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!
dis cord (dot) gg / v3wR7nr
Jackson Bell
are you a girl?
John Thompson
Spic manlet actually
Luis Russell
[spoiler]Did you even read the book?[/spoiler]
Jaxson Gonzalez
Im on SS right now and here are my 1 month results Squat 85kg Bench 55kg Press 32.5kg Rows 55kg Deadlift 75kg (a bit lower than squat because I have never done them and needed to learn the movement first)