Anterior Pelvic Tilt

What would be the best way to fix an anterior pelvic tilt you have had your whole life? So much misinformation online unfortunately. Kind of like pic but maybe a little worse

Attached: pelvic tilt.jpg (600x800, 93K)

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Try to tilt it back

>tfw no potbelly duck-butt smooth skin gf

APT means you have a weak core, weak glutes, tight hip flexors and tight lower back (erector spinae). I would suggest:
>do an work
>do hamstring exercises
>do hip flexor stretches (they're so easy to find on google)

seriously I love that shit,its like they're always In prime dicking position

ab work*


It is complicated because there are various different causes of your pelvis to tilt that way. Generally though, long-stride walking lunges and some kind of medicine ball throws (something to engage serratus) will be the main things. But then you have to consider QL length and whether you are doing exercises to excaserbate QL tightness, and then whether your obliques and glutes are balanced, and maybe some foot asymmetries and so on. Also, things like squats make it worse, so there has to be a certain ratio between squat weight and lunge weight. You are better off adopting lunges as your main movement. And so on and so on.

foam roller

Yeah it really isn't that simple. It sounds like you just googled it or some shit. There are different hip flexors. The hamstrings are only antagonists to the rectus femoris. You still have the psoas, and other weak hip flexors. Ab exercises usually don't do anything because they engage the hip flexors as well. Stretching is retarded. Etc.

Look in the mirror naked. Push your hips forward as far as you can. Pretend you're fucking a fat black woman. Lol.Ok that's normal now.

So no real general consensus huh. I'll try add my lunges into my routine and see if it helps unless anymore ideas pop up in here

Rick Kaselj has an ebook called Unlock your hip flexors. Costs around 20$.He is an actual physical therapist. It is lke 10 minute routine. It certainly helped.

Here you go OP, this'll fix all your problems

I recently realized that have APT. I've added hip thrusts and leg curls to my squat/deadlift days. In the meantime, i'm focusing on walking more straight, but i find myself contracting my glutes and kinda chaffing my inner thighs (because my legs love fat over my adductors.).
Is that expected?

Why is stretching retarded?

Unironically jeff cavaliere anterior pelvic tilt video
Also Lots of Abs and vacuums

Attached: 1543292126724.jpg (1136x633, 57K)

Try posting your tits with timestamp first

Attached: Screenshot_20181215-060506_YouTube.jpg (1432x853, 413K)

>Jesse developed that because he's a nerd

Google basic pelvic control exercises and tranverse abdominus activation exercises. Less is more while you begin to train your proprioception of the pelvis. Once you have an understanding of where the fuck your pelvis is you can actively try to keep it in a neutral position during daily life.

Source - 4th year physio fag. I treat atleast 2-3 new patients a week for this

>there are other muscles in the body too, buddy
No shit. You have to do a combination of things to fix problems. Keep making excuses and providing zero useful content