My remaining interest in them ruins my workout (and the rest of the day by proxy) and also makes them uncomfortable (secondary issue, but I don't want to be a creep either)
>be me as opposed to being anyone else >doing sets of 4-6 reps >have 2 min pause >look down at the floor for too long and my neck hurts >Don't look down at the floor and I immediately find eye contact with a roastie.
Life is suffering, because I have interest in women. What do?
the fuck is going on with all these threads who the fuck let the incel cage open
Kevin Edwards
It's easy. Here's how I did it. Get job working afternoons... I leave my place about 2:30 pm. Job keeps me at work sometimes after midnight. Get home and don't fall asleep until 2 - 3am. Wake up at 11:30 am, eat, do chores, head to gym at 12:30. Get to gym around 1pm, lift until about 2pm. No ladies at my gym because it's more "hard core" and not a fitness center.
Days off ? Drink an 8-pack of Guinness and play Witcher III GOTY. Thus, zero exposure to ladies, and zero problems, and zero temptations. No one misses me.
Call it what you want, it is still a genuine issue for me. The constant Voice at the back of my head telling me to fuck everything that has a hole needs to fucking go. I have ambitions and dreams and the hurdle that I meet the most is that of wanting to have sex. And to be honest, when its not women, then it quickly turns over to men. My instincts just want to fuck, and I fucking don't
I'm sorry to be a naysayer, your advice is clearly good, it just doesn't fit my situation
I am studentmaxxing for now so avoiding women is practically impossible. Also the only gym I can afford is the student gym, which again is filled with women(and cute twinks).
[spoiler] Also drinking and playing games kill the mind of the monk, don't do it brother. Much love. [/spoiler]
If you’re really studentmaxxing you should be in a STEM field and avoiding women should be easy as a result
Ethan Nelson
>Muh stem meme
Stem is too full right now. Stem graduates are not more imployed where i'm at. Not to mention they are subhumans, who don't understand anything beyond numbers. I literally know dozens of stem people who have never read anything beside their school books. Fuck STEM.
Jaxson Lee
>Stem graduates are not more imployed where i'm at.
Then move, you retard.
Lincoln Reyes
>drinking and playing games kill the mind of the monk >because I have interest in women You're fucking contradicting yourself. Monks train the mind to not give in to any sort of temptations. If you're like that, it just means you got a weak mind, really. I'm 25 and a kissless virgin who doesn't give a fuck about woman, really. Whenever I start thinking I want to fuck a woman I just fap and as soon as I cum the temptation fades away. Its just lust, in the end.
Jonathan Price
Browse social medias
Adrian Reyes
I'm not giving up my dreams because of muh STEM meme, or because of some wet holes are distracting me. I need real fucking solutions. >I just fap and as soon as I cum So you have no real solution then, and are just as weak as I am. Everyone can jack off to keep sexual thoughts away, but then you are draining yourself, and if anything feeding the urges.
Your desire for women will never truly go away. Once you accept This, it will become easier. This will be a test of your willpower. Try to stay mega focused on your goals and do more stuff that is fufilling and fun in your life that requires time and dedication. Have the right positive, mindset and you will surivie. Dwell on the negative thoughts and you will drown in your own mind.
Hope this helps.
Nicholas Nguyen
Then your just depressed. Holy fuck dude stop acting like an incel. In a few months/years you start asking why you cant bond with women anymore but feel no attraction to men because of your messed up view on women.
Or else youre just gay.
Brody Sanchez
>draining yourself Do you mean in terms of energy? Not really. Everyone says it helps to fall asleep, for example, but not for me. >are just as weak as I am I hardly look at woman outside the house anymore, but you seem to be raging to the point of turning homo, apparently. >feeding the urges Not really. I could spend maybe 2 weeks without doing it. The problem is that if I do that I usually wake up in the morning with a boner so hard that it lasts for 30 minutes and starts hurting.
Adrian Kelly
I'm definitely bisexual there is no doubt about that. I just want to not be anything-sexual, because I know that would be a waste of the short time I have on earth, relative to my goals at least. I'm not willing to redefine my goals, but I can't stop my nature either, which is why I'm asking you guys for help.
I'll try to take your words to heart, it is certainly good advice. I just don't know how to apply it in real life concrete situations.
Luke Cruz
>I'm not giving up my dreams What are your dreams, exactly? What do you want out of life?
Ayden Cook
I'm doing a philosophy major, I want to write a few books. I'm not completely terrible at it, I have a genuine chance at creating good ideas that will help the world even after I'm dead. I want to be this millenniums Aristotle. I know its unachievably stupid to aim that high but I have to at least try right?
Juan Ross
Give help please, How do I get rid of bad thoughts. >Don't want eye contact >Don't want to look at bodies >Don't want to interact
stop jacking off and watching porn, also try meditating i sometimes have the urge but it is really scarce much more controlable than before you are me and i ma you xd
Dominic Cox
expect i fell for the STEM meme and it will take some time until i will be able to pursue philosophy academicly, for now i am constrained to simple hobbystic activity
Luke Hall
We can make it. I know we can. I just need someway to block these fucking urges. Its like every time i think there is a chance for interaction with someone my mind goes blank and throws all my ambitions out the window. I spent about 40 min today ruminating on what I could have done with a girl Who sat opposite me at the metro. Like what the fuck she didn't even see me, and I barely got a glimpse of her face.
i do not know whether it is a good idea but maybe if you haven't had sex before in your life, you could get a hooker to see that it is not some magical thing. It might get your mind off it but i am not sure because i am virgin myself
Mason Ross
Sounds like you're retarded
Christopher Reed
>No argument >one bad insult your post was looked at as a courtesy but has now been discarded from memory, please refrain from posting in my thread again.
It not just about sex though, I want to take care of them, and I want to love them really really bad. I create a whole fictional life before I remember that they got off 4 stops ago and I'll never meet them again.
Shit, i just realized I'm a retarded >tfw no gf poster who doesn't want to have that feel. I just want to flourish in life man, I just want to create in peace.
Falling in love with every girl you see is classic lack of self confidence, you need to realise these strangers aren't special to you. Have some belief in yourself and you'll see that you won't need to settle for every girl you see
Aiden Nguyen
I don't know about everyone else but I wouldn't want to read a book written by you after reading this thread
Matthew Powell
this Women aren't anything special. You have to realize that 97% of them are just moist holes and your life with them woudn't be at all like you imagine but rather constant suffering and end of your dreams. I don't have any magical cure, only you can help yourself by changing a way you look at other people. Maybe try to imagine all their vices and frailties.
Eli Martinez
don't imagine your happy life with them but rather imagine all not pleasant part of cohabitation with other human is what i am trying to say
Samuel Myers
This thread is no good indication of where my academic interests lie, nor do I intend to write books to entertain the general public.
>Falling in love with every girl you see is classic lack of self confidence This is new to me, I have actually isolated myself completely so no one is special to me. I actually thought I was a bit narcisistic for believing that people thought about me as much as I think they do.
But this is very interesting, can you maybe say some more about how I can get rid of these thoughts without getting overconfident? And how does this relate to my primal urges?
But this is exactly what I think, I don't believe for a moment that women are people and I believe they will potentially bring much pain into my life, I just don't know how to reconcile that with the fact that I still want one. Its like I know they are cunts, but I just want to hold one and protect it from any harm. This is basically fucking bestiality on my part.
don't be a coward, kid. How did the generations before you do? Why are men such whiny assholes these days? It's like they can't take even a bit of discomfort. What would have happened to mankind if men were meant to be this fragile? Just go hikikomoro and leave breeding to the people who can take it.
Jason Hill
Yeah dude i don't know what grades you're getting in your classes but what I do know is everything you said ITT. You're lonely and deprived of any human contact which is essential to you the same way sunlight or water might be essential. Try to make some friends,join a sports club, or see a therapist because you're not healthy right now
Landon Garcia
I'm doing a lot better now that I have this mindset though. All my energy goes toward lifting and my career. I did more this year than all those years where I was a sad tfw no gf faggot
Jackson Johnson
I'm actually pondering if abstinence is the best way to live. I'm waaay too lazy in the days that follow after sex.
Jason Watson
>I was a sad tfw no gf faggot there was nothing stopping you from doing those things other than yourself, and buying into Jow Forums's propaganda too lol boy what are you doing? I never bring girls to my parents and nobody gives me shit about it
I never bring girls to my parents and they always ask me if I meet any girls from my ethnic group and I say no because none of them are in my uni. If I had a girl she probably wouldn't be from my ethnicity so I wouldn't bring her home
Julian Walker
I will murder you both. Holes bring nothing but pain to my life, I need to fucking focus. pic eternally related.
I don't know, they are just so fragile and small (I'm not even that fucking big ffs i couldn't protect shit). I got majorly triggered when I saw the video of the danish girl being beheaded, Literally walking around my room muttering threats to nobody.
Neither Newton, Cavendish or Aquinas needed people to survive. Why should I need holes? Having mental issues is not a big problem if they don't interfere with my work, which they don't do if I CAN ONLY BE FOR MYSELF FOR A LITTLE WHILE
I'm not talking about holes you dumb simpleton. I'm talking about human contact and interaction which you clearly lack
Dylan Martin
ask ur mum if her friends have any daughters you could meet
Nathan Edwards
go back to r9k
Logan Kelly
>Neither Newton, Cavendish or Aquinas needed people to survive. Why should I need holes? Having mental issues is not a big problem if they don't interfere with my work, which they don't do if I CAN ONLY BE FOR MYSELF FOR A LITTLE WHILE those people were really passionate about their work and i reckon that it gave them all the thrill they needed. Thats why they were solitary. Try to be like them m8.
Asher Gomez
Blind yourself.
Luis Murphy
>I don't know, they are just so fragile and small you probably ve read schopenhauer's essay on women. They might be small, but the cunnig is their weapon m8, they do not need protection. Those danish girls were retards, nothing valuable was lost.
William Sullivan
If I don't feel anything for women then a good chunk of what drives me, what gets me out of the bed in the morning will be gone. Love brings out the finer things in my soul and lust lights a fire in my heart and body.
I don't know what to think or do with myself if I'm not thinking about...
Maybe I should give up women for a while and concentrate on myself completely. No interacting with women unless it's completely platonic, no porn, no nudity or overtly sexual situations with women. Nothing.
Jack Sanders
ah, you're the wolfguy from yesterday.
Dylan Collins
If you succeed, be sure to tell every other male that ever lived how cause no one else figure it out
Nathaniel Myers
I don't want it, its cancer and it makes me ruminate my days away.
They must have had a secret, there must be away for me to be like them, otherwise why even live? I can't be yet another stem major rotting in a lab, or some fucking Husserl scholar who cant get a fucking job at burger king.
Yes famously the best way to fast track your academic carrier is to take away your most effective way of gaining information. Valuable comment my dear friend. No amount of cunning stopped her from going "Au, mor" (ow, mommy) when she was getting her neck slit. She was utterly without defense, I hate women, but dear god that broke my heart. We need to take out the Muslims one of these days.
>>They must have had a secret, there must be away for me to be like them, otherwise why even live? I can't be yet another stem major rotting in a lab, or some fucking Husserl scholar who cant get a fucking job at burger king. Have you ever felt pure ecstasy from for instance reading a passage or solving math problem? I believe that is what guided them to excellence, some kind of inborn predisposition, some unique perspective. But is also possible that they were very determined, almost impossibly determined to achieve greatness.
>>No amount of cunning stopped her from going "Au, mor" (ow, mommy) Is it really what she said? Someone told me that some danish person trolled Jow Forumsacsk into believing that and she just simpy went *ou ou gulgulguglugl*. If it is not the case thats sad but you can't expect to save all the retards. I remind you that she willingly walked into this situation.
Oliver Wright
Tell her that she is life support for a cunt, and the only reason she is alive is because a) Men haven't figured out how to asexually reproduce and b)sex bots are not good enough yet.
But we will figure it out, just like we figured out everything else.
If we would all be gay then the most attractive men would be the new holes. Making everyone strictly a sexual is the only way to true progress.
posts like this makes me wish i was a mod so that i could bann gay agenda posters
Gabriel Rogers
you tell me
i've been fucking my ex the last 2 weeks dating her or something? ( going to the movies, getting dinner together, watching movies cuddling and making out)
yet she told some hurtful shit and i STILL want her in some way
Michael Martinez
you guys need to go check out just how many mathematicians went batshit insane
Juan Sanchez
Marry me
Gabriel Allen
>Tell her that she is life support for a cunt, and the only reason she is alive is because a) Men haven't figured out how to asexually reproduce and b)sex bots are not good enough yet. >But we will figure it out, just like we figured out everything else. I'm so sorry you were hurt like this, but if you keep on your path of destruction there won't be redemption for when you most desire it
if it is the price of getting closer to the truth and understanding of the world, then i am willing to pay it
Carter Moore
are you ok ?
Lincoln Ramirez
The savages try to cut her neck instead of her throats at first try, we get a clear sounding au before getting a flat "mor" (her r almost sounds like a short a because she was a filthy dane)
You offered no counter arguments to what i said. I'm not saying there are none, just that your posts are devoid of value. Women only exist for the sake of men. And when we figure out how to keep the essential parts of them and throw out the rest, we absolutely will.
This man knows whats up. I'm no racist, honestly, but pic related is pretty good.
Masturbate. After masturbation, I lose all interest in woman. Build your will. Most girls never stare at the guy, no matter if they're interested or not. You do the same, look directly in front of you, your phone and equipment you're using. I'm horny all the damn time and I used to stare a lot and turn my head but with training I manage to hold it under control.
Kevin Howard
>I literally know dozens of stem people who have never read anything beside their school books In reality nobody has time to read irrelevant books when you have shit ton books to read that are relevant for your field.
Robert White
it is kind of sad that stem people are modern equivalent of conveyor worker. I mean they do not have much insight besides their field and their not willing to broaden their horizons usually.
Brody Watson
I don't believe that is entirely true. They have more than enough spare time to do what ever the fuck they want, most of them play video games as if though they were children. they could probably read a classic per week if they stopped gaming. But then again you can't expect stem lords to try and make themselves better people. You know, like I am right now whilst also entertaining myself, despite having a big workload.
this^3^3^3^3 Absolutely. I still find time to work and entertain myself, achieve some personal growth despite big workloads. The biggest hurdle right now is my stupid sex drive.
They are very time consuming majors, user. I began reading recreationally again after graduating. Maybe only read a few recreational books during my undergrad.
Luis Clark
i know they are as i am studying electronic myself. not really enjoying it, but you have to somewhat make ends meet though when parents will give you a boot.
Carson Russell
brainlet detected you deserve your suffering
Connor Butler
you don't have to be some intellectual superior to do stem major it just takes work and determination really
William Brown
Stem is a meme, I was doing very well in my stem classes. And am currently doing very well in the classes i take just for the hell of it. If you think stem is the hardest thing out there, you've only proven yourself as a small horisonted stem lord. Opinion highly disregarded.
How the FUCK does every woman act slutty in this day and age?
It is like they dont even want love, being close with one or all that romantic shit. Its lile they just wanna get plowed by a fuckton of guys
And the worst thing is that they have it so easy with their sexual lifes while we habe to endure such stress. I cannot cope any longer with the feeling that all my female friends have sucked 50+ cocks for literally no effort.
I like how you are all shitting on women when men are clearly much worse, literally look at any crime statistic anywhere. Men are the ones who are gonna get left behind. So long scrotes.
How is it any different for guys? Every dude wants to bang every other chick they see on the street. The only difference between the 2 genders is that its easier for them to get laid
Justin Lopez
This Also based
Jace Nguyen
roasties out
Nolan Bennett
>crime The law is just a meaningless idea invented by some nerd to stop one monkey stealing another worse monkey's banana
Zachary James
so by that logic the niggers coming northward from africa and asia aren't doing anything wrong right? They are just monkeys stealing and raping other more white monkeys?
Same here OP. Here's what I've been trying and has proven some results: >complete social isolation from women >keeping mind busy always with games, books, etc. >go to bed only when extremely tired to avoid staying up and thinking about shit >hanging out with male friends only and doing man shit My reason for giving up on women is because I'm a: facelet, manlet, dicklet. Literally no desirable traits and I lost the genetic lottery. Sure I am fit, but at what costs? I could always talk to women, was never socially awkward either so that's not even in the question.
James Ortiz
Op her, still following the thread and answering the good posts like yours, and ignoring the nazi bait.
I'm sorry about your genetic losses, I have a few of those, but I'm more than salvagable physically. I just don't want to like women, man. Why do I have to be needing other people, I want to be fucking independent.
I see what you are saying with the distraction shit but man you are throwing away your life that way. Like imagine how much your risk of alzheimers and other neurodegenerative diseases are increasing by having shitty sleep patterns. Its not like you have too much good health to spare already. And I gotta be honest with you, most games I saw when I used to play a couple of years ago were full of sex material. Escaping sexuality without ruining yourself is so fucking hard, I wish we were born Asexual.
can some chad give insight on eye contact at the gym?
can you eyefuck a woman between sets and she likes it?
Ayden Nguyen
It's embedded in your DNA. There's no escaping it.
Jason Campbell
If you glance at her, she glances back and smiles, yes.
If you glance at her, and she either avoids eye contact or briefly notices you and looks away, no.
Please get checked for autism my friend. If you need to ask this level of question then you need the support that come with an official diagnosis. Don't suffer alone.
Stop wanting to be a degenerate. Sooner or later that shit will bite them in the ass, either from other people or when they realise how fucking soul-crushing it is.