Day 4 Nofap C’MON

Who here is freeing themselves from the Talmudic degeneracy of (((porn))) and using their retained sexual energy to leave humanity behind?

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5 days 9 hours brother. We're making it.

Few hours away from day 9 right here, lads.
>tfw open an old protein shake bottle for the first time in a while
How do I clean this thing to get the smell out?

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Went for ~3 weeks and only fapped out of boredom once. Been in noporn for more than a month that's easy as fuark

Day 5 guy here. I feel like I just got over the hump of wanting to fap this morning. Like I did get a massive hardon first thing but fapping didn't cross my mind. Interesting enough this morning is the first morning where I wasn't really thinking about the fap.

Beware of day 7, friend.

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>Gradient leggings with the 50% stop right at the top of the hamstring
This is scientifically engineered to make you want to masturbate. It is not natural.

Like clockwork some low test beta faggot has to come into these threads and spam half naked girls, really gets the noggin joggin that a) pathetic addicts are so desperate to continue fapping they will defend their shitty habit by shilling for one of the shittiest industries on the planet for free or B) kikes really don’t want the goyim harvesting their sexual energy for self improvement instead of spilling their seed to Jew porn

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