FPH Thread

Why do people that were formerly obese start hating fat people after becoming thin?

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new computer, didn't save my fph folder. pls dump people

Because formerly obese people either realize they were being delusional or stopped making excuses for themselves. It's a redirected kind of self-hate I suppose, it's not really hating yourself but hating the kind of person you *were* and other people that are like you were.

Because if an obese person became thin, they realized all of their stupid excuses they made for themselves on a near daily discipline, they overcame their lack of discipline and motivation, learned the value of hard work and dedication and that nothing good in life comes easy or without sacrifice, meanwhile fat people are none of these things and constantly throw a pity party for themselves.

Based and redpilled

Just like ex smokers or addicts. Self awareness breeds contempt

I hate how I was lied to, I believed all that natural set point and starvation mode bullshit.
It was only becuase I thought I might as well try calorie counting and it fucking worked
That led me down the rabbit hole that 99% of what they say is complete shit.
Sticking to 1500 calories is ezpz, I'm eating really good stuff too, Even things I used to avoid becuase they were bad for you (I'm having a 348 cal cinnamon roll for desert for example)
I'm 110lbs down with a decent amount left to go.

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The very fact they put the effort in and became thin shows they hated fat people when they were one

I love my fat bros now, but I hate fat women. Men don't get body positivity movements. They're left by the wayside and have no choice but to improve.

Because to be a reformed fatty, you have to hate your fat.
Once you lose that you hate other people for their fat.

ex 260 lbs fag checking in. Lost 80 lbs in about a year. I hate landwhales because Ive been there, on both sides, so i know how much better it feels to be in shape. Really makes me understand how deluded you have to be to be a “fat activist”

You're gonna make it bro, keep it up

As someone who went from 300 to 200lbs. It's a combination of all these.


Have some veganonsese too

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>Fatties larping as human beings

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>exercise is an eating disorder
I'm waiting for the day all gyms are forced to close for promoting anorexia.
Except pf, of course

Someone tell me how to feel about this

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>I have no social media and I must blog
>also phonefagging
>forgive me, /fph/

I was about that weight and lost about that much. Losing the last little bit now after the holidays. Besides obvious benefits of being thinner there is a lot of small stuff that I noticed that people don’t often bring up:
1 - not jiggling like a bowl full of jelly when your car goes over a bump
2 - no inner thigh rubbing. Even after 10 mile hikes in hot wet weather
3 - sex is better and no longer crushing my girlfriend
4 - reaching for stuff in hard to reach places is much easier, kneeling for low shit too
5 - moving stuff. I used to always move apartments by myself throughout college, including a queen bed, dresser, couch and such. That became a lot harder when also moving around 100 pounds of excess gut.
There is so much else too. Really only one thing that is worse that I need to work on. My alcohol tolerance is lower and I still drink like I haven’t lost the weight.

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based squall poster

>vegan shit
Obviously you should be filled with hate

When did the queen get a gundam?

look at the size of this lad

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Jesus fucking christ.

This has got to be fake. He looks like a duck.

This thing is the butcher of sodas, just look at his soda tab trophy necklace

blows my fucking mind someone can even eat that much food day in and day out to maintain that amount of fat.

>tfw work as a part time paramedic
>I'd rather deal with crack heads than a 300lb hamplanet
God I hate fat people.

This guy is buying himself a 1 way ticket to cuckville. Should have just divorced her and moved on with his life.

>Why do people that were formerly obese start hating fat people after becoming thin?
Because they become normal people.
And normal people hate fat people. It's a normal thing.

What a stupid fucking pussy
Just wow

What a cuck.
Low T male feminists really are disgusting creatures.

I don't think he's a male feminist, he's probably some 40 year old hispanic boomer in a 12 year marriage with 7 kids.

Sides to Houston, we have achieved Earth orbit


>fat culture
I need to get off the internet. If I don't, one day I'll just snap and start killing people

Oh my fucking god
>Daddy, what does your silly writing mean?
>...well son....
She should have left him for doing this anyway

Ex fatty here. A lot of my disgust comes from never wanting to be there again. I can actually feel how I felt back then when I look at fat people. That feeling is uncomfortable but it keeps me honest.

How does it come to this?

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Big big yikes. Gonna take a lot of ink and money to cover that once the relationship inevitably falls apart.

Based wrong poster

Based people poster

>I'll cook more
>I'll also eat out more

based people poster

You really have to have an immense level of self hatred to become this fucking disgusting

I have no trouble believing she intends to eat more in total

The lettering isn't even all that good, look at those Gs in "getting" on the first line.

If you're going to wreck your body, wreck it well.

Exactly. Self-hatred sustains me.

Man, for a second I thought that lower tattoo said JUST and I almost pissed myself. Somebody edit it now.

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What an absolute unit

It's like a toddler came up with the list


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based based people poster posters

Is this supposed to be pro-bulimic?

is this a real pic? wow.


Why does this tone remind me of how kindergarten teachers talk to their toddlers

umm that's because you act like a toddler, sweaty

dont ever call me sweaty ever again you stupid fucking faggot, i would literally rip you in half like a twig i wouldnt even have to think about it you pathetic dyel faggot. get a life

>tfw you're related to an entire local group of hamgalaxies.
the smell is horrifying.

1/10 for making me reply

thats right sissy boy

Post greentexts of life in the supercluster

The most commonality I see is that they don't bother cleaning anything.
>go into my cousins home(that we rent to her)
>pile of dirty laundry in the living room
>shitbull is locked in her room probably pissing on the only carpet left in the home
>dishes haven't been washed in a month
>toilet that was new when she arrived less than a year ago is now black inside from shit.
My fat aunts home is worse because she's a hoarder. None of thesee fucks ever clean their toilets, there is always a ring of brown in the bowl.

I barely clean my toilet every few months and I don't get shit rings. Do they just shit out toxic sludge?

Fucking kek, well done, bro.

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Not him, but it's probably a combination of factors.
>shit multiple times a day
>shits range from viscous to full on diarrhea
>never clean toilet
tl;dr yes

Do any of your other planetary relatives have hoarding tendencies? What about you human relatives? And moar OC
Also, checked

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I don't get it

Cringe-posting some girl you know without anything funny attached

Your weeb ass tried to fuck and she shut you down didn't she?

stupid cuck

I hate fat people now because I know how stupid and lazy you have to be to get to that stage. I'm also starting to hate my mostly fat family with every pound I drop for lying straight to my face and telling me I'm not fat at 430 lbs.

The crack heads won't do your back permanent damage if you have to lift them, goddamn. You should euthanize the fatties where they lay and let the coronnor deal with them.

Evict it, remodel, and get someone human to move in.

Don't ever rent to fatties, don't ever hire them.

this isnt exactly the type of shit i would eat if i didnt give a fuck and basicly was trying to eat myself to death. like come on two loafs of fucking bread?? dry ass french fries?? dry ass cake?? where them steaks at? where the pizzas and burgers at? i eat 3 times the amount of protein this bitch does in like 2500 cal.

Jesus Christ. Just get the divorce and cut your losses, and don't fuck up the next relationship.

if i was tryin to die i'd legit get taco bell everyday

i like two shredded chicken burritos for post once a week but if i didn't care i'd get the most fatass shit with double sour cream

That's because most adults have become toddlers to the state. All leftist syntax treats people like they are toddlers who don't know any better.

it's a brit (Under the genetics thing for biscuits it says "Digestive Biscuits" which you aren't going to find stateside.
We tend to over-season things compared to europe, so its likely what you'd want to eat there during a binge would be different from what you could get here

You are still fat tho

Same brother

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Its pretty easy if you fuck around with heavy calorie foods. There was a health show that had some guy make what he though was a healthy breakfast. He put jam and heavy cream and all kinds of shit into the special K and it ended up being well over 1,000 for a single bowl of cereal. The number one medium with a coke at McDicks is around 1,000 calories, again for a single meal. This isn't counting snacks and other beverages. I saw a bitch eat a cup of walnuts mixed with some banana chips and that shit was close to 900 calories, for a snack. When I tried to explain that my turkey sandwich had fewer calories she honestly didn't understand.

They don't understand calories, macros or portion sizes and that fucks them up. Then when they stay the same weight, or get bigger eating all those healthy fats, they complain and give up.

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