Jow Forums here
How can I convince my board to exercise more?
Jow Forums here
Tell them to visit /fa/ too
The fitter you are, the more ammo you can carry and the longer you can stay innawoods.
Gotta think like a salesman. What do you Jow Forumsommandos want?
Beiibg Jow Forums is good for everyday life, I would find it funny if some Jow Forumsomando autist tried to grab a ammo can and have trouble with it while at the range and you would too! Plus in some other cases if you work a job where's it's physically demanding how would you be able to do it? It's more then having muscles and looking good but more for being able to solve a problem physically if needed in a scenario
You literally cannot. The only way you can encourage anyone to lift is to be fit yourself and spend time with them, and wait for them to take initiative
Also Jow Forums here; guilty of being overweight myself.
Remind folks that there has never been a fat oper8r. There is no situation in which you’re worse off for being strong and lean.
>can’t ruck for miles
>can’t fireman carry wounded
>bigger target
>consumes 3x as much resources
>first to be cannibalized
Jow Forums fatty genocide when?
Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.
Being a positive example for our fellow Jow Forumsommandos is the best start. We're fortunate that a lot of gun culture's celebrities are very Jow Forums-minded. We should be examples to our own.
Jow Forumsk/fit/ here
Gas the fatties