My gym is full of hot fucking milfs doing their new years resolution, how do I attract a gym milf?
New people I'm your gym
is it gay if i would rather lick her soles than eat her pussy
eating pussy is gayer than fucking another man's mouth
No that's super straight actually because penises go into vaginas but it's likely she's never had a penis on her feet, so if your eating pussy you might as well suck every dick she's fucked
Go up to one of them and tell them you wanna smash
There is nothing gayer than eating pussy
>trusting the ((((romans))))
yes foot fetish is degenerate
Atlhough I do agree that licking a pussy if fucking gay,I wouldn't want to fuck a femboy either.
i'm not new but please, be my gym
I'm gonna lost some weight and become a pussy murder machine by the next New Years.
My gym is actually full of shy 20-something-year-olds desperately trying to get that beach body. They're adorable, but I'm too fat to hit on them.
Fucking BITCH at my work ruined my whole day.
>she is small Asian cardio bunny
>talk about gym
>she tells me she has to do a bike now because she has plantar fasciitis
>ask her if she is soaking them etc, say she could probably hide a foot bath thing under her desk
>she's like "haha no, I hate feet. I hate other people's feet. I hate my feet. I hate having my feet touched. I can't even get a pedicure"
>keep my composure
>dying inside
>I fap thinking specifically about seducing her through foot massage like once a week bare minimum
>fantasize about sucking her toes
>have sniffed her heels she left in the office
>she is married and I have a girlfriend but we flirt really hard, so I feel like the foot massage was a good in
>also her feet are so cute and sexy
>She came by my office later to talk and I barely wanted to banter with her.
>told her sorry I don't feel well must be the weather
>might not even want her anymore
>Fucking FUCK
Based psychopath foot poster
That's asians for you. Getting wet is culturally taboo is some countries, the fuck do you want?
real milf hours are like 9-11pm
>tfw I'm just another fat fuck nyr fag
I never thought that would be me. I worked out most of my life (high school into college) and then just stopped or 2 years and got fat. The shame I feel is inexpressible.
>the word future comes from fucking women in their pussy because if everyone is just faggots we have no future
>he doesn't follow the teachings of based Caligula
> Last girl telling me she hates feet, all feet, her feet, having them touched etc. enjoyed it so much, she declined afterwards to ever said those words.
Just grab her by the footsie user.
>that footpussy
You probably just have to be buff and complement her on her form. Act surprised and ask her if she's done this for a while.
Milfs are desperate for a younger buff dude, so i couldn't imagine it being too hard.
no it means you are a man of good taste.
She sounds like she secretly likes feet, like Haha I hate feet wouldn't that be weird if you gave me a footrub haha
Stop being fat user.
We're all gonna make it...if the work is put in
It's quite simple, OP. But you need to be subtle with mature women. They detect incels very easy.
I love to lick, suck, taste, EAT pussies, man. I hope this is bait as nothing like burying you mouth in a warm, drenched vulva (and tongue fucking the ass afterwards).
We all feel it, user. if we didn't all felt shame upon ourselves we wouldnt be trying to improve ourselves. Acknowledge the problem then solve it. Welcome to Jow Forums
romans fucking little boys in the ass constantly. of course they think eating pussy is gay.
Pasta or no; unironically kys.
nothing like getting a crumb off her toe from her kitchen, or a nice crusty fungus lick
Future comes from futurus, "going to be, yet to be." Words like fuck and footle are derived from futuere.
Milfs are overrated.
Most are overweight. It's almost like fucking a fat chick. They're almost never free to meet up. Saggy tits. Varicose veins. Would you like to know more?
Missed your chance to say soles instead of holes
The Romans got a lot of things right, sexuality wasn't one of them
Now fuck off homo creator
>website filled with kissless hugless virgins
>website filled with men who are disgusted by eating pussy
makes sense
>gives out advice
>is some spastic 15 year old with a pornhub premium subscription
Eat dick
Based haha poster
>have sniffed her heels she left in the office
sorry to hear about it tho, fucking mentally ill footfag
you got low test. join noporn.
Used to love eating pussy, not anymore. Only eat ass as warmup for anal.
fucking shit this is so true. my exgf always went on about how much she hates feet and how feet are disgusting and then she jerked me off with her feet.
Footjobs are the worst tho. No rhythm. Never understood why that's a thing.
Jesus the mental gymnastics in this post is gold medal winning
fucking footfags
the worst thing about women 35+ is thhat the skin starts to becoe more like men's skin. thicker and more leathery. you dont see that on pics or from a meter away but when you fuck them it is really off putting
So then she's not a milf
Better to give then recieve....aint pussy to be bubba.
This us black culture....rape a man in jail n never eat puss
>according to pic related eating pussy makes you gay
>also according to pic related having gay sex is not gay
Opinion discarded
I'm bi tho.
I would agree with everything if "man" implied a passable trap
Looks like shit to me.