I am maybe the most autistic person i know

>i am maybe the most autistic person i know
>100% chad aesthetics
>mind reading habit
>passable as a crossdresser
>only had one real gf who was obese
>spend all time on the computer

i just confuse people. Any other autistic chads here? I feel like Trump is one.

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Trump is just a regular Chad, you're just a delusional shut in acoustic.

>passable as a crossdresser
>100% chad aesthetics
Like the other poster said, you're just retarded.

My face is just extremely unique and is androgynous but also chad. I'll post a pic when I get back to my computer if this threads still up.

>cute girls always talk to me
>"user, HOW are YOU single?"
>tons of male and female friends
>they find out im a virgin
>"You? Nah, no way stop lying"

What the fuck am i doing

You're just being yourself, kek.

Here. I'm fucking 28 in this pic. I think I'd have been hypnotized into being gay if I weren't 6'2 and deep voiced.

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I have no clue what this means but it makes me feel bad.

Your acting the way people who arent chad tier act, but chads have a higher calling people are expecting from you

Lol this is what t. chads look like when you see them posting. I always knew it.

What the fuck are you doing on Jow Forums. Get that ring to mordor you manlet cunt

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I’ve been an autistic chad ages 19-21 but have sense let myself go. 6’2”, was 200lbs 12% bodyfat but looked huge in comparison to everyone around me. Literally just did whatever I wanted but in retrospect It would be super cringey if I did it while as fat as I am now or if anyone else did. Would get high or drunk and start texting female friends how I wanted to fuck them and shit like that, and they’d always end up being down. Once got a no at first from one because she thought I only liked black girls but changed her mind when I clarified I just like nice asses

Oh and to top it off I still had no chad moments, couldn’t hug this 6/10 art chick because she was a oneitis and only fist pounded her

Are you about to cry ?

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Oh, yeah thats pretty much dead on. People have all of these expectations because im not too ugly and I work out but i just want to read books and exercise.

Feels weird, like im not living to my potential.

No, you're just a solid 8/10 trap. Nnow let's see boipussy n timestamp

>100% chad aesthetics
>passable as a crossdresser
chad aesthetics =/= trap aesthetics

One of my friends called me handsome and big, then proceeded to ask me why I don't have a girlfriend and why I waste my life away at my computer.lmao

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well i appreciate that but im 6'2 and my voice is baritone at least so im not really a trap. Also when I don't fap for a month I can grow a beard lol

No I'm in a good mood because I've been following my goals for weeks now :3

yep thats exactly what i meant

I dont know it seems like in my case it is

not stepping up to the plate and asking them out

seriously when's the last time you asked?

I think ive only asked out like 3 or 4 girls in my life. After getting cheated on and falsely accused of sexual assault (different girls), its hard to want to reach out, especially with my history of having terrible taste in women.

then congrats your not a chad
you'er a fucking beta who hides behind his bod

i agree with this user.

to the other user, face ur fears. i faced my fear and just look at me now. When i was 18 i was a virgin. I had nevet so much as kissed a female. I had never had a gf. By the time I was 21 I'd slept with over 100 women.

that is overkill but u c my poin user dont u dont u user

Im not disagreeing, its just annoying to have people expect things from you. I recognize that i could get girls, but I feel no strong urge anymore. I prefer to work on myself for the time being.

ya whe ur tall, handsome and white peole expect u to be 100% all the time

You look like a flamboyant marshall mathers

Here is a side pic. I don't know if im chad or stacy anymore

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>this jawline

I'm only going to call you average because of your height

like i care about ur opinion anyway ugly user


>this face
>this hair
>this 'beard'
>this skin
>thinks he's chad

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says u

donald trump's chin is as small as mine and hes the final chad, besides my chin i have chad features. yes my skin is bad in that pic tho but usually i am ocd abou it being perfect




Trump is rich and can pay to fix natural mistakes, I doubt you are.

and yet he still has the same chin he always had! Anyway I would never get surgery I love how I look, but even if I didn't i wouldnt. stay jelly user

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nice 7head lmao

He will win in 2020 and you will like it, libcuck

>>>mind reading habit
