I’m planning on starting a 5/3/1 routine. 4 days a week. Not sure exactly how to structure it though...

I’m planning on starting a 5/3/1 routine. 4 days a week. Not sure exactly how to structure it though. Right now I’m thinking:
Squat & Deadlift + Pull ups and a row variant
flat bench & OHP + bis, tris, and shoulder accessories
Basically repeat Tuesday
Incline bench & OHP + bis, tris, shoulders
What do you think Jow Forums
Any suggestions? Core work would be done regularly too. I have the rep structure worked out and everything already, I just don’t know how to split it up.

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I like this 4 day:
*low rep: bench, squat, ohp
*low rep: pullup, deadlift, row
*high rep: bench, squat, ohp
*high rep: pullup, deadlift, row
~3 sets per compound, ~2 sets per isolation.
arms and shoulders every day. laterals on push, posterior on pull.

Is 5/3/1 good for intermediates or just for beginners?

Literally just do what the book says and you’ll be fine.

5/3/1 is something you can run until your dead. there are multiple variations that are geared toward beginner, intermediate, and beyond.
Read this - reddit.com/r/Fitness/wiki/531-beginners
Then read the book if you like it or find a pdf online - jimwendler.com/products/5-3-1-for-powerlifting-ebook-version

Okay thanks, there's just so much stuff out there. Candito's 6 week strength program looks good too.

I ran it for a cycle, it was fun but only good for deads and squats mostly. Your bench wont go up.

Which one are you referring to?


OK thanks bro!

If you still have beginner gain in stock and can progress workout to workout, 531 wouldn't be ideal for you.

Looks good. MAYBE some lower body accessories one ONE squat/deadlift day like front squats, RDLs, hip thrusts and calf raises.

I found it significantly lacking in quality high load work. Only a single top set of 5/3/1 of what is normally my "working weight." But I've run modified GZCL-style programs for a couple years now. Currently working through a customization of his "Rippler" program because I'm looking for something with a bit more undulation than standard block periodization.

Candito's program is good for squats and deadlifts but it lacks upper body work. Currently have my GF running a version of Candito's beginner program on 3 days a week and she swaps the last day for a second power day that switches upper/lower each week. Works really well for her and because of the balance between upper and lower she's making significant progress.

Not beginner anymore, been lifting about two years properly. 130 kg bench, 160 kg squat and 180 kg deadlift at 80 kg bodyweight. Would like to increase all three lifts ideally with a 4-6 week strength cycle.

your bench is incredibly high compared to your other lifts.

Oh, then yes. I was planning to do something like that next year, based on the version that cuts the 1st deload week.

Good call. I can further diversify my accessory lifts.
The plan I’m looking at has this as the reps/sets. This one is for squats. Does this seem right?
>inb4 dyel

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Yeah, for some reason I managed to improve my bench with the volume routine I have, while I've been stalling on squats. My deadlift is weak but I've only been training it for like 3 months.

Cool, thanks bro.

bump for interest

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You do not do squat and deadlift together, nor bench and ohp.. either you do squat and bench or dead and ohp. You do not do one day of accessory.

If you want 3 days you'll hit
Bench squat
Dead ohp
Squat bench

Have you even read the fucking books?

4 days
Ohp dead
Squat bench
Dead ohp
Bench squat

Why not pair bench and ohp? Both are pressing, upper body movements
And squat and deadlift are, well, "the others". Let's consolidate the miserable days as much as possible.

Because it's not optimal. Your deadlifts aren't the best after you get tiered doing squats, your OHP will also lack if you get tiered from bench press. I'm not running 531 but I'm doing GZCLP where it's paired like this-
Squat 5x3+
Bench press 3x10

OHP 5x3+
Deadlift 3x10

Bench press 5x3+
Squat 3x10

Deadlift 5x3+
OHP 3x10
And some isolation accessory. It's a lot better than doing squats+deadlifts and BP+OHP.


I wanna switch from 5/3/1 for beginners 3 day to 5/3/1 BBB 4 day. But it looks like the 4 day does each compound once a week while on 3 day i bench and squat twice a week - If i switch, will my bench and squat suffer?

Why would you ture yourself out, before doing another compound? Its stupid, mix upper and lower body compounds if you must.

fuck off dyels

>testing 1RM on Squat and deadlift the same day

>testing low IQ and muscular atrophy in the same thread

>being Australian

It may seem like you're doing them once per week but if you do your accessory lifts right, you'll be doing them twice or more.

>I'm planning on starting a 5/3/1 routine
>First day Squat & Deadlift & Pull ups & Rows

Read the book nigger

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I ran GZCLP as originally planned, then switched to bench + ohp and squat+deadlift and at least had 2 "good days".
This is discussed in one of the FAQs over there, so as changing the T1 schema to 3x5+ > 5x3+ and so on.
It doesn't matter (that much) the T2 lift as:
- it's just for volume
- it has considerable less intensity
- eventually you should replace it for a variation (i.e front squat and sumo) to tackle weak spots

One some 531 variations, for example nSuns, is aligned as i mentioned.

If you perform 2 compounds 5x5 at 95-100% of your 5RM, yes, i'd agree is bad, that's why GZCLP has you doing your T1 lift with less reps and somewhat high intensity, and the T2 with moderate reps and lower intensity.

So like incline and shit? Gotcha

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I also tired Candito's 6 week where you have some insane volume on squat+3x6 (or 8) on deadlift after that. I felt like I couldn't give 100% on deadlift after squatting. While here, you're completely rested.

Well, on GZCLP T1 and T2 lifts are regulated independently. If the T2 feels to heavy, lower the weight or switch to the next progression. The priority is the T1.