Do you have a bidet shower and a squatty potty Jow Forums?

Do you have a bidet shower and a squatty potty Jow Forums?

>takes 5 seconds to clean instead of wiping multiple times with toilet paper for half the result
>squeaky clean cooch
>no dinkleberries

>less chance of hemorrhoids
>shitting is much faster due to unkinked colon
>shitting in the same position as all your great ancestors did >100 years ago

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I got a squatty potty for Christmas user :^)

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I don't understand how you can use a bidet and feel clean afterwards

Tfw it all comes out in one push
I don't understand how you can use toilet paper and feel clean afterwards. You're just wiping it. The bidet shower is high pressure and does a much better job of cleaning. I use one of those hand towels which you can put your hand in like a glove. If the bidet didn't get the job done, it would smell like shit, which it doesn't. It just smells like my ballsack, I've used the towel up to 50 times now.
Mine's attached to the sink so I can use warm water

this also you can use fucking soap and clean your ass thoroughly instead of rubing shit in your butt cheeks

I just squat on the seat desu
No bidet but I'm not gonna wipe that's gay


Never really done that before. I knew someone who would always have a shower after taking a shit. That only really makes sense if you only take 1-2 shits a day. Wet wipes are the best alternative. I always have a packet in my backpack for when I'm at Uni. They have cheap toilet paper which might as well be sand paper.
I would always get pins and needles in my feet from squatting to max depth on the seat for too long.
>No bidet but I'm not gonna wipe that's gay
Do you spread your cheeks so far that it just passes through without touching them or do you eat so much fibre that every turd is a ghost?

I don't really know or care, not grabbing my cheeks as that's also gay

>toilet paper

>not getting up, turning on the water, bending 130 degrees and letting the showerhead cleanse your butthole

Never gonna make

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> I've used the towel up to 50 times now

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If you know how to shit then you need a wipe or two.

I bought the bidet that attaches to the toilet off amazon. I use way less tp. Squeaky clean hairy butthole

If you got poop on your hand, would you just wipe it off with paper?

what the fuck lmao

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do you also avoid washing your ass because you might touch it and become homosexual?

>I don't really know or care
that's disgusting
>Don't have to get up to turn on the water
>You bend 130 degrees when you wipe your arse with toilet paper
you can always use what nips in vid related use but that's going to be cold
It's just to dry my arse user. It's not like I'm wiping my face with it. It just smells of ball sweat.
That's the best alternative if the toilet is not close to the sink. It's just going to be a bit cold but probably going to wake you up in the morning.

Hella gay. Wet wipe + paper master race.

Wet wipes are okay but can clog your pipes.

>spraying water up your asshole
>still have to wipe your ass to dry it
gay af familia

>not getting in the tub
>turn on shower head in a good angle
>squat like you bout to twerk dat ass
>let water run down ur ass crack
>shit particles fall off
>ass is clean
>grab some shampoo or any liquid soap
>apply it on ass crack/asshole with my left hand as water runs down on it
>finger my asshole in a cleaning way
>let water run down my ass for 3 more mins
>play withass hair and checking if there is any poop
>get out of the shower
>wash hands with soap for 5 mins

I'm wipe my ass in the toilet with toilet paper and then wash my ass in the shower.
I never ever take shits when I'm unable to do this. (Basically only when I'm not home)
I honestly have no fucking clue how people can tolerate having an unwashed ass. It's been blowing my mind my entire life. I need to move to nipland or somewhere with reasonable people and toilets

Are these the mental gymnastics of people without bidets? If you clean your ass with some paper it's clean, but if you clean it with water and soap it's dirty?

Do you throw your paper in the shitter?
Civilized men have a trash can in the bathroom

pick one tranny

Post-shit shower master race reporting in

There is simply no better way to thoroughly clean your asshole after a big turd

Wiping alone simply isn’t adequate, and anyone who thinks it is is not wiping hard or deep enough to expose all the residual shit that lingers 1-2 cm inside your sphincter

Based and redpilled

Yikes and oofpilled

I think he meant to say gooch, the slang word for perineum

I miss my bidet after moving to America, but, with my current eating schedule, i poop after waking up, so take a shower after that, and sometimes, also poop after dinner, right before the pre sleep shower.

>I just squat on the seat

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