Grief Gains

>for years, my old dog hasn’t been doing well
>he’s a fatty and eats anything he can
>walk him, watch how much he eats
>my cat kills rodents and feeds them to him
>he’s not long for this world, won’t last the winter
>at least we have Christmas to look forward to
>Get a Fitbit
>great, I’ll have an easier time tracking stuff
>start wearing it as a watch
>dogbro makes it past Christmas :’)
>Dec. 26
>where’s dogbro
>dogbro is lying down, out of his mind
>his time has come
>make him comfortable as best I can
>my whole family knew for a year he was gonna have to be euthanized soon but it still hurts
>Dec. 27
>take my old friend to the vet one last time
>feel him breathe his last breath
>I can’t do this
>this is the worst pain of my life
>he was so good, guys
>the best dog
>I sob like a lil bitch
>I am a broken man
>return home in silence
>remember I’m wearing my Fitbit
>check app
>”great job on your workout earlier, user! We automatically registered it”
>mfw my Fitbit registered my elevated heart rate from crying as cardio

I don’t even know what to feel

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gg dogbro see u later

Pic related

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RIP doggo. See you in heaven

Dude, ify.
Actually sitting in the vet office waiting to put down my last mastif..

Why you make this thread right now

i'm sorry OP, pretty much all dogs are truly awesome friends, RIP doggo he's in a better place now.

Great, now you can get a cat and join the masterrace.

why dude, my little pup is 6yo and I can't even imagine what it must be like to have to put down a dog you've had for like 10+ years. Sad feels all around bro :(

Man, that sucks. It sucks worse than anything else.

You’re gonna make it, user. This is what’s best for him.

He helped me with getting started when I was a fat lil boy by needing walks ;-;

I have a cat you cuck, read the op

You spend as much time with that pup as possible. Take him for walks, play with him, do everything you can. I have so much regret for not spending more time with him.

This is my second, last one was 69 days ago... you cant make this shit up. From 250 lbs of dog walking around my house to nothing.... ugh, but ill be fine, this has been a long time coming.

You and me and the other guy, we’re gonna make it.

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I shed a tear for you and your dogbro, may he be in peace.
No sad for him leaving; be happy for all the good moments you went through together

Your dog eats rats? Is this normal for fat dogs/ dieting sgs? I've never had a dog thats done that... Anyone?

my dog has hunted and eaten mouses. normal and no worries

Not rats, but mice, shrews, that sort of thing. This is at my childhood home, out in rural America.

Sorry for your loss, user.

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Make sure you eat , your appetite will probably be low as you're feeling down and probably arent a fat cunt

If you grab your dog by the legs and deadlift him a few times is it still considered a deadlift or is it just a lift because the dead part is already implied?

God bless you lads

Thanks man. It’s helping deal with the Christmas bloat I guess kek

nobody asked you to be like this

250lbs?? What breed

Its what he would have wanted , he probably died happy with you by his side so there's always that


One was rott x bullmastif this one was rescue, maybe pit x mastif maybe

I'm so sorry man ,I know that feel... This workout is for your doggo! May the Lord bring him into a better place!

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Giving your wealth and affection to a literal subhuman...


Thanks user

God bless, user.

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I am so sorry for your loss brother, be happy knowing you gave him the best life possible. He loved you and you were the best companion he could've hoped for.

And its done. Thanks for this thread, was a pretty awesome thing to come across tonight.

Stay strong, brother. It will be better. Thanks amigo.

>see you later

Dogbro still help for the gainz !

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I took him for so many walks; he repaid the favor by giving me one last workout.

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my dog isn’t even 2 years old yet and he has some sort of seizure disorder, the veternarian said the options are to put him on seizure meds which will cut his lifespan down to just a few years, or let him live with the occasional seizure that will eventually kill him. he is a very timid dog, he runs and hides if you have just a slight bit of anger in your voice, and the seizures scare him horribly, if he has one he won’t come out of hiding for the rest of the day. im sorry this isn’t Jow Forums related but i just needed to share my grief.

This is why I will never get a dog or any other pet. Watching an innocent animal die youre attracted to is probably more heart breaking than eg. your human friend dying.