
Ask someone who just ran 4.20 miles anything

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what does cum taste like?

How does it feel to accomplish a basic task?


>ask ur mum

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good, it was my rest day, so i don't feel so lazy

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How long did it take you?


1 whole hour, running non-stop

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Oh so you must be 300lbs right

>14 min/mile
Enjoy your walk?

310, actually, so stop bullying.

how did you get so big?

the world we live in where one genuine question is now "bullying"
quit being a bitch, lose the weight and show everybody instead

I put food in my mouth and then I swallowed it

It was nice, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I can run a mile an average of 10 mins. Just wasn't looking to go hard today.

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At least you’re out there working user. Keep chipping that time down

Based honest poster. Keep eating clean and doing that and you are heart will thank you

Wait, is this nigger dead?

No, I think he has a podcast

That's a funny way to spell "cock"

Good on you though user, keep it up.