Being fit is meaningless

What the fuck is going to the gym going change? Instead of being fat and sad, I'll be sad with a ripped body.
I'll still feel like shit, but my body won't look as gross. What's the point of doing anything when my mental state in the end is the same because my happiness isn't tied to the meaningless thing of "being fit"?

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>stress relief
>improved athletic performance

Regular exercise, proper diet, and enough sleep make you feel good. Chances are you only feel like shit because you're abusing your body

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Wow user it's only the 3rd day of the new year and you've already come up with 3 (!) excuses for why you're going to give up.
Good job sport, I'm proud of you!

>no woman will ever be atracted to me and the hell itself will freeze before I get to have a significant other
wow, color me educated

Why are there always faggots posting these low test depressing bitchboi threads? Just kill yourselves already and stop trying to drag others with you

Women don’t like wet blankets. We don’t like you, either?

What the fuck are you even trying to say? Seriously

>Instead of being fat and sad, I'll be sad with a ripped body

That is objectively better though.
It's something worth trying for.

What he’s saying is the only possible way he can thinks for exercise is to attract girls? Also that he’s a loser

i used to be a depressed fag aswell.

spent 3 months just training super hard, eating properly, sleeping well. never felt happier in my life before, would wake up at 5AM with a smile on my face as i got ready to go for my morning jog.

then i started drinking again, now im back to waking up at 4PM hungover.

Think of reasons for

You'll like yourself more, and so will other people.
If jerking off in the mirror with curls with your bros doesn't do it for you, then find a stronkboi gym. Or if you like to repeat the same thing over and over to get really good at it, oly lifting is pretty rad.

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I was working in a legal corporate firm, surrounded by partners and lawyers during one of our Friday social events when news was spreading around that one of the lawyers was pregnant to a new guy. He turned up and was this 6'1 absolutely swole looking kid. He would have been a few years younger than her and was some sort of tradie dropkick but he looked attractive as fuck in his tight t shirt and shorts in a room filled with suited lawyers.

And you know what the ONLY thing people were talking about that event days later was how attractive this guy was. He wasn't even overly attractive facially, he was really average, but his body was 10/10 in being both big and swole but also just a bit ripped. Every guy was jelous and every girl was swooning.

I just want to be that guy for a day.

God can you stupid fucking losers just stick to r9k? I escaped that shithole mentality and turned my life around and I had to leave r9k because I couldn't listen to these fucking "waah waah my life sucks nothing will change so I won't even try" excuses for your fucking laziness, and then you start bringing this shit here.
If you're so convinced that you'll stay miserable forever then go be a fat tub of shit and watch anime and jerk off alone till you die, just don't fucking post here anymore.

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If thats how you feel your a shallow human being there is more to life then what makes you happy and sad this is how you got fat

If life seems so terrible and there's no hope in sight, then why don't you just kill yourself?

I'm being serious. If things are so terrible, why complain on Jow Forums? Are you too lazy to actually bother getting a gun and carrying through with it?

>Instead of being two negative things, I'll only be one negative things
>What is marginal improvement

Honestly same. Although i think life is kinda gay i dont cry about it online i just leave it at that. I left that mentality. As zyzz said “quit being a fucking sad cunt alright”
Literally this fucking off yourself OP or just stick to R9K

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based literal retarded poster

it's ok, just buy the newest video game for the low low price of $80, make some masculine pixles beat up other pixles and you too can distract your mind from your actionless life
it's ok, just watch the newest porno, it is even more taboo, has a better resolution, and hotter actors than the last and you too can distract your mind from your empty love life
it's ok, go onto your favorite social media site where everyone agrees with your beliefs and politics, share your snide comments about the other side and you too can distract your mind from your empty social life
it's ok, take warm relaxing baths for hours on end, drink the most jolting sodas, have your earbuds in as often as you can. blame society, that one lucky guy, your parents, genetics, that one race, that one institution, that one political belief for your shortcomings because you should naturally be happy with nothing to be proud of but they are preventing it from happening

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