Blood flow occlusion shit actually works

Been using this method for my arms (marms) and it really works! Biceps and triceps are way juicier.
I also love that it makes you look like a heroin addict, because you are. A heroin addict for gains.
I haven't tried, but it should also work for any muscle group including the penis.

Attached: bfr.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Blood flow occlusion

frolic your faggot ass on back, retard.

Attached: 1527151669413.png (400x400, 92K)

>I also love that it makes you look like a heroin addict, because you are. A heroin addict for gains.

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Let me butt fuck you with my blood flow restricted cock.

Attached: me.jpg (848x674, 30K)

I wish i could increase the size of my balls. Is it possible?

You ever see those big ass veins on older women's legs?

They are cause by crossing their legs and cutting off blood flow.

So unless you want massive Ronnie Coleman veins at 50 I suggest you don't do this.

t. OP posting the boyfriend of the little skank he has a crush on so others can rip on that guy because OP knows he's a hideous retard

Strangely detailed. Have you done this before? Anyway, I will take this as consent.

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I can't tell if this one is a lame broscience fad or people actually trying to cause harm to others

How exactly would it cause harm? Even Jeff did a video on it.

Veins get progressively dilated because valves in the veins will weaken from daily extreme tension stretching them. Suddenly you have half your bodies blood supply stored in your juicy forearm veins lul


Wat. Who the fuck is going to be doing it every day?

There are billions of people on this planet, my guy. Fuck should I know.

Clearly you don't know shit. There's nothing dangerous about this, it's not like you are completely cutting off the blood supply.

I don't know, this seems like broscience itself. The literature doesn't suggest that anything like this could happen. The only side effects found in a population of 12,642 patients undergoing this training were actually related to blood clots and rhabdo, and then the risks were less than .1% for each.

Every woman loves a vascular man, Brian.

this is training mask levels of stupid

>use this one magic piece of gym equipment to cut off your blood supply

Im talking out of my ass. You already get a shit ton of tension in your veins from simple muscle contractions (one of the bodies main addon mechanisms to help the heart move blood). Clots would not happen unless you would be susceptible to clotting from other genetic factors. Dunno bout rhabdo

Thrombi formation will not happen unless you are retarded enough to wear the band throughout your workout*

i don't get it. those were marketed for healing after workouts, and you want to use it during? they have helped me with soreness

You have to be at least 18 to post on this site

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fuck that shit. you look like smackhead off skid row