How can one food be so based?

How can one food be so based?

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There truly is a god. And he is good

Eggs cause cancer

god is a woman

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A lack of eggs causes cancer too

No because he is not functionally retarded

God I can smell them

Don't even joke about that I need my eggies

are you calling woman retarded?
i agree with you

fuck I'm out of milk

Woman detected

One dollar a dozen here

Shit son, where do you live? I'm in the middle of China and they're still $2 a dozen.

>tfw coming across this post while in bed trying to fall asleep
fuck u

Indiana. Kroger pricing.

Wow? This is a bot mining data. It asked a price of eggs and it asked where you lived. Either you're reta- - - - - or you're also a bot trying to bait humans like us into giving consumer data to whom exactly? Ashamed of you, someone probably is. Our Lord And Savior if no one else.

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Fish eggs are more basered

>tfw live in a farm
I've never had a day in my life where I didn't have eggs

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Can one supplement a diet with boiled eggs as a snack. someone "redpill" me

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>on the phone trying to sleep

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Too many eggs stop me from pooping

That feel when I go feed my chickens and open their coop in an hour, collecting their 6 daily eggs