Does getting fit makes your facial features more CHAD-like?

Does getting fit makes your facial features more CHAD-like?

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It did to me. Maybe it was just puberty but my twin brother didn’t lift like me and I have a stronger jaw and chin and look masculine when I used to look soft and weak.

Doing hormones will.

This guy is obviously on tren and a variety of other hormones as well

whats the point if your body inside suffers from all the fucking roids. only dumb people do roids outside of medical reasons.

Psychopathy. Whatever you do, be sober-minded and ever vigilant when dealing With substance abusers, including alcoholics and druggies

aged 20 years in 5

Nah dude losing weight and having low body fat showing a more defined jawline wont give you better features.
Fucking retard
Its all genetics if you want to be a chad

Reducing body fat will help, but in this case it was the steroids.

I've been on and off tren for a couple of years now and I've had a full beard the whole time. I'm curious to see what my face will look like if I shave.

>low body fat
>strong neck
>better skin and more healthy looking overall

Yes it does. It's the ultimate redpill. You are born in a range of maybe 3 or 4 points in 10 point attractiveness scale.
If you aren't horrendously ugly most guys can be a 7+/10 with enough looxmaxing.

(left looks better)

Or maybe it was just puberty along with lifting?

Yeah, every syringe is a dose of puberty.

>Remembering Misc

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well taking roids will definitely improve your facial aesthetics, grow your jaw your cheekbones etc due to the increased test, at least when youre relatively young. then ofc, the lower bodyfat% you have the more defined features you will have.

>tfw no multiple headed gf

Getting leaner helps define the jaw line. When i am in my off season, my cheeks puff out more.

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God It'd be awesome to always have your dick double sucked by double-headed gf

Pic related is me, been lifting for a few years.
My face looks the same as it did several years ago (I'm 23)
Bad facial genetics are what they are. Believe it or not, it's possible that your face barely changes at all from 25% bodyfat all the way down to 10% (never gone below that)

If you look like me, you're not gonna magically grow a jaw and chin. No one in my family has ever been handsome, and I'm no different.

>Inb4 shave that neckbeard off
I'm growing a beard to cover up my pisspoor excuse for a chin/jaw, it's just gonna take a while

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Body for reference, and to those who say "try not being fat, be lean, etc."
I've BEEN lean; I'm happier making strength gains and progressing by gaining weight

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i think you're pretty cute no homo

Damn dude, that sucks. You definitely have the classic mouthbreather thing going on, unfortunately.

As for the beard, yours unfortunately doesn't really help to fix/hide your weak chin, since it's thickest at the sides and almost nonexistent at the front/chin. I'd recommend trying rogaine or something to try thickening that part up. Can't speak to how well that actually works, but I suppose it's worth a shot.
Also cleaning up the neck part would do you wonders as well.

this, guy in pic would've gotten more girls if he just stayed skinny, had a haircut and dressed properly instead

HGH will change your face. It's the only thing that will do it after puberty.
It will enlarge your jaw, and make you big. Use HGH.

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At what age does this become irrelevant?

I'm still hanging on to looking 26

get leaner
train your jaw

that's it senpai

Yes,hgh and test cycles will be your best bet for enhancing looks.Low dose long duration.Also run hcg during cycle.

Yeah it's a bummer, and usually when I attempt a beard I do trim the neck, I've just been pretty lazy recently. It is what it is

As a bonus
>I've been mewing since before it was even heard of on /fit
But only because I needed to strengthen my jaw muscles because I have TMJ, if I yawn too wide my jaw locks open

Thanks broski, it's probably the haircut to be frank

i have a friend that has been on hgh ever since he was a kid, he's 19 years old now and 6ft 3, but he still has a baby face

Mew you stupid shitskin.

Read the fucking posts you whore. And I'm white you stupid fuck

How the fuck did this happen? Somebody explain

>Read the fucking posts you whore. And I'm white you stupid fuck
You look semitic. As in Arab or something. Do you understand how rare really black hair is in white people?

What says, and shave the neck such that the edge of the beard is along the jawline and accentuates it

ironically your jaw and lips make you look cute

>juicing in your teens

someone takes pictures of you because they love you
nobody loves you so you have to take pictures of yourself

i have a brother that is older and doesnt lift either and he has weaker facial structures than me too.

