How do I get as strong as someone like her?

Attached: 19001570.webm (640x640, 552K)

>fake tits
>fake ass
>fake weights

is there anything about this cunt that isn't fake?

If you're a man lift for 2-3 years
If you're a woman take male hormones and lift for 5+ years

She's the female embodiment of /cope/

>fake weights
they're not fake

Attached: 14275697.webm (640x640, 1.88M)

These unironically are fake plates.

>500lb squat
>body weight is less than 200lb im certain
>doesnt even sweat or makes a face indicating difficulty

Attached: 1440965955530.jpg (251x275, 15K)

Why does this make me angry and horny at the same time

Just get brad castleberry weights like she did.

Such beauty

look at her legs, they wouldn't look like that if she used fake weights

Attached: 15118521.webm (640x640, 2.94M)

they really aren't that big, nothing to suggest an effortless 500lb squat

>that virgin helping her squat

they look fat as hell with no definition.

>implying that little boy can even deadlift the weight let alone save that person from a failed attempt

Something is suspect here..

>he doesn't know the difference between hypertrophy and strength training
>he white knights for fake weight ewhores

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Attached: 15720726.webm (640x640, 1.13M)

>that low with such weight
>back that straight
>hardly tensing, no body / core / arm shakes

Does anyone think they aren't fake weights?

Are these boobies real? :P

as real as those plates

i've been memed, is it the rep range and isolations that make one different from the other? I thought strength eventually gets you big


It's the rep range.
Why the fuck would isolation make your muscles bigger lmao

oh oh, she locked out her legs. very dangerous

lol this has to be the most obvious whore clothing to wear in a gym. How could it be any worse at this point.

Those front bras that basically just glue to their titties with no blackstrap. Thots wear that to the gym, I seent it

Yes they are

Okay yeah yeah the plates are fake, but what's her name?

Greater accumulation of volume to stimulate growth.

>why would isolation make your muscles bigger
user.. were you diagnosed with some kind of mental retardation?

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>machine weights are at 8
the old people at my gym use 10+ lmao

yeah of course a dyel like yourself would think that higher weights wouldn't make your muscles bigger at all

that was the fakest shit I've ever seen. I used to squat 455 (which is what she's squatting) at a manlet 5'8 159lbs BW and like 8% BF. It was a fucking struggle. Think about that for a second. Either she's secretly a chimpanzee and has chimp strength, or this is complete bullshit. She doesn't even flinch. There is a zero percent chance this is real.

Wouldn't be surprised if she kept a gas-canister tank in her to fake braps

they would but since you're a dyel gymcel you don't know how much you can actually skew your training towards muscle growth or strength

What's the cost to rape her? $200 for sex plus $300 for the rape?

The plates aren't fake, they just aren't 20 kg

They are fake 20kg plates

her insecurities

>zero strain
>zero sign of struggle under the weight
>stick thin spotter that no sane person would trust under real weight
>zero bend or shaking in the bar


What's this whore's name?

She's pure

leg extensions are a fairly easy exercise, and she doesn;t even use all the plates

It would be fake if she claimed she was using 20 kg plates, but she didn't

I miss Rio

Attached: impressive.gif (350x255, 1.78M)

gentlemen what is her name


Those are aluminium plates AKA created to be deceptive

To the wench press with this thot

Fake weights

Biggest indicator that it's fake as fuck for me is that the dude "spotting" her doesn't bend his knees at all

You're really showing how weak you are here.

Yes, it has nothing to do with the fact she moves down slowly and has almost no visible signs of stress in legs, arms, back, core, or face.

You can always tell when they lift fake weights because they do the "thot stare", that disgusting face that is under no physical effort and is actively seeking out if anyone is looking in their peripheral vision.

damn that must have been nearly 50lbs

Do people actually get attracted to disgusting fake tits?

I can't say I'm not enjoying but if someone came dressed like that to my gym I'd unironically cancle my subscription on the spot and go find a new one

Go home Joe Rogan

Not me but I'll take a fake ass without complaints.
Different strokes for different genitals user.

Graciane Barbosa

Since getting thick,solid,tight I've legit started going from pixie girls to bimbos. I don't know why other than wanting to hate fuck them.

I have to bust my ass in the gym to look good while you get injections to get better proportions. Nah