The wife and I just found out we're gonna be parents. Best feeling in the world bros. We are both Jow Forumsizens...

The wife and I just found out we're gonna be parents. Best feeling in the world bros. We are both Jow Forumsizens, so we wanted to share this with you guys. This board has helped us better ourselves over the last years and we're sure as hell gonna keep pushing to be the best we can. Thank you for all your help, Jow Forums. Thank you.
I'm on the moon right now bros, I couldnt be happier.

Good feels thread?

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Congrats bro
We’re all gonna make it

I can fit three whole fingers in my bum

Nice, the "you don't need kids" is a boomer meme.
Kids are awesome and they will fill your life with enjoyable moments even though they can be annoying at times.

Congratulations, lad


>found out we're gonna be parents
You're a fa............congrats user.

grats bros

ny wife's trying to shit out twins in a couple years

Fucking nice broski I hope all works out fine for you all. Wishing you the very best!

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What’s your plan B if that thing comes out brown? You should probably take a gun with you to the hospital

More like Jewish feminist brainwashing


Congrats guys

How did she find you? What made you fall in love with her? Femanon here and want kids but autism

Congrats user

Get a paternity test

Thank you. We met randomly in a cafeteria in our old school, we come from the same city and were both on holiday break from university (went to different unis) She is just different from other women (I know everyone says this about their SOs) and I cant describe accurately how she makes me feel. I just always felt “at home“ with her, if that makes any sense. Sorry for rambling like a fool.
I hope you find what you are looking for, anonette.
We're all gonna make it.

You are married and are having a kid, that in itself proves somewhat that she is different. Keep working at your relationship, it's like lifting weights, the ride never ends and you must never falter.

Congratulations, wish to feel the same someday.

Best wishes for your new family

>you’re a fa......
You meant to say father right user?


Best feeling in the world is when class consciousness is achieved and the revolution starts.

Proud of you, user
We're all gonna make it

Dubs confirm your wife is a cheat and its Mohammad's child

Sorry to disappoint Jamal, we’re not English like you
Keep your fetish to yourself, filthy dumb Anglo scum

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Mohammed would actually never have sex outside of marriage so fuck off

>tfw the only selfish thing I want in this life is a good wife and plenty of kids
Nothing else comes close. I'm both jealous and happy for you, OP.

Thanks everyone, I hope we can make that little one proud some day.

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Congrats user, I'm genuinely happy for you

But also, this desu

No he's been very loyal since he married his wife at her 12th birthday after-party.

Congrats mate. Expecting my first baby with my girlfriend at the end of February. Wishing you two the best of luck. We're all gonna make it.

Op you should frame this thread. Congrats though, teach your child a second language though.


Stop trying to rewrite history, Mohammed would’ve never married someone that old, she was nine

Say good bye to your gains.

congrats user

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Congrats brah.

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>Muslim men
>not being massive fuckboys


What's gonna be the little ones name user?

consume fetus for the ultimate gains.

dubs demand it

dubs confirm


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Name him Chad



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Dubs confirmed. We have us a new Chad.

Chad for a girl, Scooby for a boy

You know what
Good for you, user

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naame your Kid Scooby


Pump out the second one as soon as possible and give them strong traditional names, dont give your kids some wierd trendy name.

Thanks bro, all the best for you and the missus, cheers!

Thanks again everyone. Working out felt great today, doing it for the little one now.

Well done mate. Don't forget to make your kid mew + organic food so they will mog the others

>Chad for a girl
This muscle confusion meme is getting way out of hand.

Hope to see more white children from you two in the future!

How can you plan to have twins?

Post body

You mean grass fed?

Happy for you user :)

Did you already share the news with your wife's boyfriend? Does he know he's the father?
