Ht and Wt
Length of time lifting
No fib
Ht and Wt
Length of time lifting
No fib
6ft 170lbs
Lifting like 8 months diet has been complete shit though for most of it
5'8 and 168lbs
Bench 245lbs
Squat 215lbs
Deadlift 315lbs
OHP 140lbs
Started in September of 2017 so around 5 months of lifting. Hate squatting hence the reason it's so low. Cutting to 145lbs by March, then clean bulking for my goal of 315 bench.
Am 6'2" 225lbs
Bench 330
Squat 550
Deadlift 620
Been lifting since late December 2014
188cm and 89kg
160kg squat
120kg bench
180kg deadlift
70kg OHP
Lifting for about 2 years
5’10, 155
B: 95kg
S: I don’t squat
DL: I don’t diddly
OHP: 60kg
BB row: 70kg
High pull: 67kg
Lifting for 14 months
5’1” and 225lbs
Bench: 315
Squat: 585
Deadlift: 675
OHP 225
8 years lifting brehs
190 cm , 92 kg
80 kg squat
80 kg bench
60 kg deadlift
lifting for 10 years but only 2 months a year
i play world of warcraft for 10 months without lifting at all and come back for 2 month after i lose motivation and become an nightelf warrior again
182.75cm 76.7kg
100kg x2
125kg x1
150kg x1 (I don't DL. This was in august.)
60kg x2
32 months
People still play that shit?
I haven’t played since WOTLK, fuuuuuck I miss raiding Ulduar with my DK
only pvp arena and rest of the time classic vanilla private server
5 10 190
Quit lifting since higg school since i was on the football team and burned out just picked it up 5 months ago so 5 years has passed been doing 6 days a week nsuns 5/3/1
5'9 and 210lbs
im fat and worked out for half a year almost
im not really proud of my progress but its okay i guess
are you happy with your stats and progress ?
5'11 212lb
500 squat, 352 bench, 628 dead
1.78m, 96kg
227.5 squat 160 bench 285 dead
Haven't done ohp in about a year, best I remember is 90kgx3, whatever that is in lb.
2.5 years in the gym.
Oof, nice numbers.
Oddly low bench, strongman? 5 foot 1 and 225 means you must be built like a brick shithouse.
6' 190 lb
Bench 250
Squat 385
Deadlifts 385
OHP 145
Lifting for just under 2 years.
Nice, especially for that height.
6’2h 205w
250 bench
250 squat ironically
335 diddy
155 ohp
Since last November but almost stopping completly between April-November this year. Still looking like a Greek god tho
Bench 145lbs
Squat 100lbs (home gym, no squat rack, too poor for gym membership)
DL 190lbs (all my weights)
OHP 88lbs
Been lifting for 2 years, but had a shit vegetarian diet for the first year. Roast me
5'9 150
Bench 155lbs
Squat 220lbs
Deadlift 225lbs maybe a lil more
OHP 95lbs
Started this last august so almost 6 months am 17
6'1 155
~4 months seriously
6'3 160lbs
Bench 150 (This has been skyrocketing as my skelly arms gain mass.)
Squat 240
Deadlift 240
OHP 110
6'3 200lbs
>bench 270
>squat 300
>DL 440
>OHP 200
1 year of fuckin around, 1 year of serious lifting
Lifting for about 4-ish months
6’ 205 lbs
6 years alibeit not consistently and early years (teens) not well. Only 6 months consecutive at this point after 6 lifting very little
6'3" 225lbs
Bench: 235 x5
Squat: 285 x5
Deadlift: 365 x5
OHP: 145 x5
Lifting since July 2018, so about 6 months. Working towards 3pl8 squat for 5 and 4pl8 dl for 5.
6'2 210 from 180
Bench 300
Squat 380
OHP 195
Don't diddly, been lifting half a year
5'9/5'10 I am genuinely not sure
178 lbs
175 lbs
255 lbs
285 lbs
120 lbs
I started fucking around doing meme shit going maybe once or twice a week or even skipping for a month at a time since February, been lifting seriously since September
72.5kg bench
110kg squat
140kg deadlift
55kg OHP
82.5 Row
Lifting for 3.5 months I know it's shit but I'm progressing. Was doing SL and have considered doing /fit's/ GSLP. Any advice??
>September 2017
>Five months
Brush up on maths buddeh (the non-plate kind)
Alright fuckers, here's some actual current day stats that I actually did in the last week. No (((estimated))) 1RM bullshit. I'm not nearly as strong as I was half a year ago but that's because I fell off the wagon. Been lifting inconsistently and eating insufficiently for about 2 years. Let this be a lesson to anyone who doesn't stay disciplined with both lifting and diet.
172cm, 60kg.
Pause Bench: 47.5kg x 4
Squat: 72.5kg x 7
Deadlift: 82.5kg x 5
OHP: 40kg x 2
The good news for me is that I'm back on the wagon and going hard. My strength is coming back fast and my form is rock solid. Good luck to all in 2019.
this is for 5 reps btw in case it wasn't clear haven't tested 1rm
182cm 85kg
5x7 90kg squat
5x7 90kg bench
5x7 132.5kg deadlift
5x10 35kg OHP
a little over a year with a 2 month pause in between
Btw I want to get to 2bw squat and bench and 2.5bw deadlift during this year, is it a reasonable goal or too much?
5’8 210 lbs
Push Press:315
Never took a break since i started Jan 1 2012 so 7yrs now
>6'0" 180lbs
>115 (lmao)
>2 months
My stats are kinda sad but I'm working on it
5'9" @165lbs
9.5 months lifting. I started March 14th
That's good for 3.5 months
Oh yeah, all 3x5 by the way, no idea what my 1RMs are
6ft 83kg
105kg Bench
130kg Squat
165kg Deadlift
60kg OHP
Around 1-1.5 years lifting
5'10" 190lbs
Bench 180lbs
Squat 185lbs
Deadlift 210lbs
OHP 120lbs
Length of time lifting 1 month
5'11'', 81kg
For 6 reps:
Bench: 85kg
Squat: 115kg
Deadlift: 155kg
OHP: 60kg
Lifting for 25 months
6 feet 100 kg
120kg bench
140kg squat
160kg deadlift
80kg OHP
12 years
Not much for the time I've put in I know. I used to be able to do quite a bit more but over the years I've focused on different sports so my lifts have gone up and down over the years. Recently I've been doing a lot of cardio and boxing so naturally I don't have time to work, box, have a GF, improve myself, etc...
190cm, 77kg
Bench: 80kg
Squat: 130kg
Deadlift: 155kg
OHP: 57.5kg (done with 1.25kg plates)
Time: 7 months
95 kg
For reps:
80kg bench
85kg squats
140kg deadlift (ape man, I'm built to grab shit and hold onto it)
55kg ohp
3 strict pullups
6 strict chinups
Infinite one arm deadhangs despite my 95 kg fat ass
Lifting for 7 months
On a permanent cut. Can't wait my first bulk
Nice bro, mirin. What kind of routines have you been doing? Post body?
182cm 84kg
85kg x 5 bench
115kg x 5 squat
135kg x 5 deadlift
45kg x 5 OHP
4 years of fucking around, 9 months of serious training
5’10” 198 lbs
Garbage lift for DYEL’s
Favorite strength routine? Which one do you recommend?
You have neglected your OHP
200 lbs
235 bench
275 squat (3 rep max)
405 deadlift (3 rep max)
Idk ohp
Technically 6 years but mostly do cardio based training for my sport, took basically 2 years off.
6'2 235
Bench: idk but I can do 2 pl8 on incline
Squat: 380
Deadlift: 450
OHP: 165 for 2
Just under 2 years, training hasn't been super consistent the whole time though.
5'9'' 165lbs
Been lifting since 2015. Been working out (Wrestling) since 2014. I'm 18. Cardio's important to: 1 mile is sub 6. Best is 5:24 and average is 5:50. 5 mile is 33:33. 2 mile is 11:45
5'10 180 lbs
Bench 225 lbs
OHP 140 lbs
Squat 225 lbs
Deadlift 305 lbs
All for 5 reps
First began lifting several years ago intermittently before quitting altogether, then starting from scratch in May 2018 on a brosplit with no lower body and switching to proper strength training in August 2018.
6'3 170lb
70lbs Bench
135lbs Squat
160lbs Deadlift
almost 1 month
6’ 225 lbs
5 months of lifting and stalling hard on SL, want to switch to Texas method but does it have enough volume to not look dyel?
194cm, 93kg
250kg squat
160kg bench
270kg deadlift
100kg OHP
Lifting all my life as an accessory to athletics (sprinting mostly)
I only lift heavy during the summer break though
routine? we are the sae height and you are my target bodyweight, also age please
188cm 82kg
6 months
I hate the bech press that's why it's so low
6'1 200lbs
315 bench
330 squat
475 dl
195 ohp
bout 3 years
Routine changes with periodisation during the course of a year, but mostly PPL with lower reps during the off season and higher reps lower weight when preparing for the matches. During the season I don't do any strength training, but that's 3 months a year during which you work your ass off anyway and don't get weaker.
I respond well to higher volume, but you have to find out for yourself what volume you work best at. I only aim for progress on one main compound at a time.
195lbs (on a deficit cut, lost 4lbs in a week on 1600 cal and intense workouts)
Bench is 205 3x5
Sqaut is 150 3x10+ (no sqaut rack, no close gym, only what i can ohp)
Sqaut 275lbs 4x5 (all the wights i have)
Ohp 150 3x5 (naturally strong shoulders and back!)
8 months so far seriously, i amost died (technically did for 20 seconds) 2 year ago from alcohol withdrawls going cold turkey like a retard
Went from 150 after the incident (lost 20lbs in 1 week) then got up too 210lbs in 1 year pretty much no muscle. Started hoing and ham for the past 3 months working my ass off to get up here. The progression is really starting to slow down at this point. Cant run because of a fucked up heart but hitting weights showed drastic improvment so im getting somewhat back to normal
I am a fat fuck due to my injury so my leg stats are obv inflated.
6'0 290
Squat: DNQ (knee always bums out) last time I did it a couple months ago was 355
Diddlylifts(my fav): 515
OHP: 155
163cm and 61kg
All 5 sets of 5. Lifting 1 year 2 months. I didn't fib, plz no bully.
Thanks for the reply brother, good luck in your sport.
Are you serious? The only reason why you're not lifting higher is that you're not pushing yourself.
5’11” 215
About 6 years, lifted all thru high school because of football
Calm down.
183cm ~153lb
Bench 155
Squat 290
Dealift 335
Never did OHP
This was about 1 year of sports specific training before I stopped lifting, just getting back on the horse now, trying to reach my old numbers
Are you afraid of increasing the weight or something? You need to push yourself. Yes it's hard but you can do it and you will improve if you push hard.
218 5'10
2018 was my 1st serious year lifting
Want to hit 225 OHP and 315 for bench, but I fucking hate doing bench, so I may settle with doing 125 dumbbell press.
OHP: 48kg
Bench: 62kg
Squat: 68kg
Diddy: 105kg
3 months in, greyskull LP
6'3" and 195lb
6 Months actual lifting with semi serious routine. Never focused on nutrition really other than cutting from 240 to 195.
5'7 @ 155
BP: 295
SQT: 295 (Get excruciating pain in my upper back when I bench, my squat is fucked)
OHP: 185
DL: 385
Been lifting for about 7 years I believe.
5'10 and 225
4 years, progress has been mostly stalled by rugby during college, but now that that's over I'm hoping to cut and make up for lost time
Fuck, I meant pain in upper back when I squat.
I know, I'm projecting my guilt. I feel like I let myself down.
Give my condolences to your taller friend and his bicep insertions.
6'4" 289lbs
About 6 years now but serious lifting for about 1.5
5'11" (bigboi) 195
165 x 7
225 x 5
255 x 3
125 x 3
Lifting about a year, wasted a lot of time in the cycle of bulk/cut and didn't make much progress. look slightly tighter now and more muscular but ashamed of my start.
5'10 180lbs
couple years I guess, few periods of just fucking around with no program
178 cm, started at 65 kg skinnyfat in feb 17.
Half a year of half assed machine exercise, half a year of nothing at all.
Since feb 18 I’ve been lifting somewhat seriously 3/week but had to take at least 4 or 5 months off in total because life and shoulder injury.
55 kg x 5 bench (didn’t do progress since an eternity)
87,5 kg x 5 squat
100 kg x 5 and 110 some singles diddly
37,5 to 40 kg OHP
Currently at 71 kg
6'3, 220
5pl8 squat
510lbs deadlift
330 bench
185 ohp
seriously lifting since summer 2017 but I ran track before that and we lifted some
>5'6"/5'7" 155lbs
>335lbs bench
>385lbs squat
>455lbs deadlift
>195lbs ohp (barely ever do it so it's low in comparison to others)
>3 years
1 month lifting properly 1 month fucking around
>60kg 5'8
>47.5 2 x 5/ 45kg 3 x 5 OHP
>70kg 3 x 5 bench
>62.5kg 3 x 8, 70kg 3 x 5, 24kg dumbbells 3 x 10 bench
>55kg 3 x 8 bent over row
>8 pull ups
>60kg 3 x 5 atg squat (62.5kg 3 x 5 on monday hopefully :^))