Long, high-intensity workouts

Is there any benefit to doing what I call a "struggle workout", doing a high intensity workout, until it's done, like Murph? (1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, 1 mile run)

These workouts kinda fuck me up, but I always feel like I achieved something after them.

Attached: murph3.jpg (808x443, 125K)

It’s good to test progress on something relevant every few weeks if you’re not training just to train.

Test vertical jump if you play basketball, mile/100m time if you run, time to exhaustion if you box, etc.

Mental gains

Yeah, the benefit is that you've done 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, 1 mile run

I'm kinda 50/50 training to train, and also for combat-type sports etc. I like that idea of testing though, that'll probably give me a better idea of progress and what I need to work on.

I definitely feel like the mental gains are a big part.

I just meant doing a barbaric workout like that, taking like 2 hours or however long it takes to complete.

How long is this workout supposed to be? Is there a time-limit?

I think this question is poorly specified. Frequency, volume, and intensity are what matter and what should be intelligently programmed in order to manage fatigue. How long your workout takes to complete from change to shower matters for compliance (which is important!) but otherwise not at all.

In general, fatigue per rep (or hundred meters of running or whatever) is not linear in intensity--3s x 10r at 70%1rm is a lot harder than 6s x 5r at 70% 1rm, for example, particularly if we keep total time constant--and it takes a lot of volume to drive progress, so program accordingly.

Should read ‘Dying for Israel xF’

It's just like a normal workout. Also this shouldn't take you two hours.
If you break it down it's not that much work. It just sounds like a lot because the reps are high, but it's all bodyweight stuff so it's quick unless your pull-ups suck
>1 mile warmup
>10 sets of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 squats
>1 mile cooldown
You can easily do this in under an hour.
Unless you add the weight vest like you're supposed to

Treat them like fitness tests, rather than workouts in themselves. It's like doing the Pacer, where you're really better off training on tempo and interval runs rather than just doing the Pacer repeatedly.

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endurance training probably
no real gains though

GVT or Arnold's blueprint training on bodybuilding.com

Murph is king

>have high standard for myself courtesy of Jow Forums autism
>can't maintain relationships with women who don't share my mindset
>take tinder/bumble matches to public park and make them do a Murph circuit to completion
>shows willpower, fitness, dedication, self respect
So this is how it's worked thus far
>1st one started crying as I went full metal jacket Drill Sergeant on her
>literally walked away at 25 pull-up mark
>2nd one put in hard work and effort but she collapsed and I had to call an ambulance.
>3rd one was a success
>took her fucking ages and she was doing single reps by the end of it but I was more encouraging
>put her over my shoulders like a fireman and threw her off a bridge into a river to cool down too
>we're meeting up again soon

Murph your way to peak THOT destroyer mode.

Attached: b5e.jpg (540x523, 46K)

>put her over my shoulders like a fireman and threw her off a bridge into a river to cool down too
>we're meeting up again soon
Chad as fuck user, you’re making it

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500 burpees is my version of this.

Attached: andre.gif (255x191, 1.9M)

Run 5 miles in the morning, go to the gym in the evening. Done. 1 mile is fucking nothing, 50 year olds run this distance in 11 minutes on average.

seething arab

Based ‘Dying for Israel xF’ poster

MURPHs are gay, how about doing a more efficient cardio/HI workout related to your desired goal.
>muh high reps
>muh random exercises
Ok cool, could have done half as much and still achieve even better progress to goal

>yes goy the Arabs of the problem, now go die in wars in the Middle East to keep them distracted from the group of people kicked out of every country on Earth!

Rabbi plz go

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It'll toughen you up mentally.

Give a program then

You're trying to finish it in the fastest time possible

Fake story, women can't do 25 pull-ups.

not him, but what are your goals?

Starting Strength

If you have decent spacing between your exercises it's not that hard. I worked my way up to 10x10 pull-ups after my run and it's pretty piss easy after a while. There's no point to the

>hurr durr I'm going to slap together a bunch of random exercises and give it a name. Look how tough I am!

type exercise regimes. The murph is like a cross fit wod- it's pretty pointless if it's not integrated into a broader routine. Normies lap this shit up because one off things are exciting but if you've been working out for any length of time, you know that any single workout means shit all for your total development. It's all about consistency over time and that slow build.

Also, the murph isn't that challenging. Two miles is nothing. 300 bw squats are pointless and easy. 200 pushups and 100 pull ups are only challenging if you're restricting rest time to less than a minute and if you are doing that, really what's the point. It's pretty silly desu

Volume and force

MPS suggests only lifting enough for every 24hrs.

Attached: MPS - Easy enough for every 24hrs..jpg (772x273, 90K)

Good advice. Should note that I'm a weak little 5'9", 120# shrimp, and I suck at distance running. That's why Murph is so rough for me.

>The vest is 20% of my body weight

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