Be honest, this is you, right?

Be honest, this is you, right?

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nah I like girls

me on the right

Haven't touched a woman in 19 years lads. Last time was when I hugged my aunt at my parents' funeral.

this is /r9kit/

I got prescribed Chantix in 09 and one day after starting it I just absolutely lost it. I was having lucid dreams after my second day on it. For no reason I started beating my gf while she was sitting on the couch watching tv. I grabbed her by the throat with my left hand and threw her on the ground and thats when I started punching her as hard as I could. I later found out that I broke her nose, fractured her jaw, knocked out a tooth and cracked another one, gave her a black eye, and several bruises all over her body. After about 1 1/2 minutes of beating her I stood up and came to my senses. I had blood on my knuckles from her nose and realized what I had done. She was on the ground sobbing and when I reached down to try to comfort her she recoiled and begged me to stop. I tried to explain to her that I had no idea why I did that but I just couldn't find the words to say. She looked me in the eyes with an expression I will never forget, pure fear. My heart was beating out of my chest and I started to panic. All I could do is say sorry over and over while trying to help her up but she jerked away from me every time i tried. She started screaming and crying hysterically I could barely make out what she was saying. She grabbed her cell phone and limped to her room where she locked the door and called 911. At that point I was still trying to process what happened and I just sat on the couch and zoned out until the police and an ambulance arrived 20 minutes later. The police officers who responded were really aggressive to me. They threw me on the ground and handcuffed me in a position that hurt both of my arms even though I was trying to cooperate with them. When they started asking questions I just stared at them and told them the truth, I had no idea why I snapped and beat her. I had never so much as yelled at her before that night. I got sentenced 6 years in prison but I only served 3. Didnt even think it was related to the chantix until after I got out.

I wish. I'd love to deck her face when she comes onto me and then fucker her in the grass as her nose bleeds.

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You're gonna make it bro. Keep wailing on those thots

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i now ignore women and go for men instead. when i get drunk now i start to hit on cute or beautiful or muscular boys/men. so far it doesn't happen when I'm sober but my heterosexuality is at its' weakest and shakier than ever.

the worst part is when i look at a strong guy i recognize the amount of effort it took to achieve the body, which makes 100x more respectable and hot than body of a dumb thot.

help me lads

if this is true I know this feeling and it seriously fucks with me

one time I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and there's this really cute guy in it, and she kept talking about how hot he was and like was so mesmerized by him to tease me and I was playing along and telling her to shut up and stuff but at one point when we were sitting next to each other I hit her with my leg like kinda hard and didn't realize until she looked up at me with this terrible terrible look that's like burned into my mind. It made me feel sick and I tried doing the same thing. She got over it not too long after but it was just a miserable experience

I love my fiancee, but honest to god, if she dumps me I'm done with women

Simply epic


based and chadpilled

Why did your parents have a double funeral?

Fuck women.

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nah, if I get a gf I will manipulate her and then emotionally torture her for amusement

je, but i dont hurt them phisically, just emotional

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Cringe and redpilled

Meds, not even once

basé et rouge-pillé

Yeah. So? If they didn’t like it, they wouldn’t keep coming back for more.

I-isn't that a trans pornstar

Kek, but i never talk to girls so it doesn't apply to me unfortunately

That's what I do. It's has been great so far

Though I never got a girl

Is foxford /ourguy/?

Notice how he gets over TWICE AS TALL

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Absolutely based and psychopath-pilled 9000 IQ relationship goals right there

Proof that using lifting as cope for social ineptitude is a bad idea

They died in the same car crash.


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Thats just perspective

I don't run

Post the rest faggot
Billy should be balls deep in those roasties

>A year ago
>Be fat, depressed, and drinking too much
>Meet qt petite blond grill who somehow likes me
>We start seeing each other quite a bit
>Suddenly says she doesn't want to have a relationship because she moves a six hour car ride away soon
>she moves
>I start working out, lose ~20lbs, gain muscle and stop being a depressed piece of shit
>me and grill keep in contact because friends
>suddenly she tells me, drunk, that she always really liked me and that she regrets turning me down

Why even care when qt grills come to you even when you're at your worst?

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I find it hard to care anymore. I don't even enjoy mires that much these days. My goal was to become beautiful and I did it. Now it blackpilled me into content

Lifting for aesthetics will always make you lose motivation. Lifting to compete in powerlifting has kept me extremely motivated

one thing, telling her to shut up isn't "playing along" retard. it means doing actually funny shit like agreeing with her and saying "yea I'd definitely smash" and asking if she'd be jealous if you did that. but instead you went the incel route and got angwy at her for finding another person attractive.

Billy is based and redpilled

Based gains fox

>what is tone

I'd break up too if I'd have been with someone for like half a year and then moved 6 hours away maybe.
Or maybe not, I've never been in a relationship.

I had a girlfriend try to push my buttons by talking about Ryan Reynolds body when he was shirtless in a movie, I just pointed out his skinny little chicken legs and ruined him forever in her mind. She couldn't unsee it.

saying im a fag in a manly tone doesn't retract the statement, fag

yeah whatever

stand your ground more next time jesus fuck. stop denying it

Based and marspilled

nah im gonna fuck them but really brutally so they cry while having sex while i have fun with them

very confused boner

>Hook up with a girl
>Could tell from the moment she saw me that she likes me a lot
>For the first time in her life she asked a guy out (me)
>For the first time in her life she kissed a guy first (me)
>I'm indifferent to the whole thing but she's falling in love with me hard
>Keep making fun of the things I can see she doesn't like about her self, but I do it in a "playful" way
>Keep commenting on other women
>Keep asking about her friends and if I can hit on them
>Keep provoking fights for no reason and being a dick

A part of me feels bad for doing this because she's a really great girl but the other part of me is a sadistic piece of shit that loves pushing people's buttons just for fun

So when is he gonna fuck the fox?

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who here /hasn't even attempted in 3 years/

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I was about to ask the same thing,
Good on ya, user.

this made me fail nofap god fucking damnit


closet cuck

based wormwood

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entp ?

>help me
with what? you're doing fine


nigger lover

This is exactly how you keep a woman. If you did the opposite and were all lovey dovey and needy, she would leave your ass quick.


Unironically true. Girls like when you're an asshole for some reason, but user just sounds like a toxic and a terrible person to be around.

You sound like a woman.

based, how do i into chantix?

post body


Enjoy never having a happy relationship because you're too masturbatory to fix negative traits lmao.

Based AND redpilled my autistic friend. Imagine trying to humblebrag about le EpIk GiRl kiSSeD fiRstT!?

kissing girls is gay, might as well be kissing a boy at that point

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ironically, all this shit is why she likes you more and more. My last relationship went to shit after agreeing to not be open anymore.

>t. cuck

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Absolutely Chad.

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Gibe sauce on brapMOC

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>actually using Hannah Gatsby
Fuark that's pretty obscure.

You seen the breast expansion one
>extra jiggly bionicle

>Stonetoss on the wanted poster
Guess they know each other

>adolf hitler memorial

Becoming this desu

Dumb roastie got off easy

Im becoming a really angry person, anons. Maybe im better off enlisting.

Same, if your fiance dumps me I prolly done too.

Based roidposter

Nah they like it when you fuck em violently. If I had a penny for every time I asked a girl if I could spank and throatfuck her and she said yes, I'd be Donald fucking Trump


yes except i am also punching myself and crying more

This is why you need to get off Jow Forums your women hate has gone TOO deep at this point.

Delusional. He is a complete manlet before his gains.

Even if you cant see the obvious head to body length proportions because youre subconsciously coping, at least look how the size of the fox seems to change after the transformation.

Except it doesnt change. The guy gets taller. Manlets will keep coping

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Already fucked up the start of 2019, lmao.
Good luck