Jow Forums approved books

Jow Forums approved books.

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Knowing that perfection exists, is unattainable, but still worth pursuing is the driving paradox of being both Jow Forums and /saved/

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Thread fugged from the get
"Anthem" is her only work worth reading and it's vmbasically high school tier dystopian fiction.
When will the meme that Atlas is anything more than self validating drivel die?
Edgy narcissism and cope disguised as alpha.
>Rand is the antithesis of Jow Forums

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this is the opposite of what Jow Forums is about.

fuck me, the only reason this book keeps being posted on Jow Forums is becouse of its title and cover

People who haven't read Ayn Rand.

People who have.

Pic related is great entertainment reading. Remember bros not all your reading has to be dry "important or significant" works.

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fuck outta here with your kike limpdick bullshit

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Wilhelm Reich "Listen, Little Man". Long rant and exhortation to push bounds all in one.

Imagine Believing in god in 2018+1 lmao

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Imagine thinking this much about the subject. Questioning God will not make you happy and will not make people like you.

>Complete loser gets very angry and wants to make everyone pay while having to control his rage

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What’s the point in believing in something without questioning it? I’m very happy without believing in god (and if he did exist he’d be a monster that is never worship but that’s another argument)

>Ayn Rand bullshit

Catholicism is part of my culture and my family's history, I have no need to think about it any further than that.

if it helps you cope with life go for it. The problem with religion is that it is never content with keeping to itself and tries to influence non-believers lifes even in 2019.

>Jow Forums
Every lolbertarian ever is a 45 yo who browses reddit and knows the age of consent laws of every country in the world

It's as silly to me that you don't believe in God. That being said, the books are still good reads. God bless user, Jesus loves you more than you know and wants you to work on your physical perfection in the gym as much as your spiritual perfection outside of it

That's not exactly true user. Reading the work of the church fathers opens up your mind to a lot of theological and philosophical ideas you might not have considered before

why dont you believe in zeus?

>The problem with religion is that it is never content with keeping to itself and tries to influence non-believers lifes even in 2019.
Name any movement or group (sports fans, political parties, advocacy groups) that aren't trying to do this.

>There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

Hey now come on, they're also a bunch of 20 yos who look like they're 45.

While I appreciate everyone's views, the idea that anyone can insulate themselves from God is kind of obsurd. Christ is like a light in the center of a room where all of humanity is standing. Some people close their eyes, some turn away from it and some will even try to cover the light. No matter what, the light shines on us all. For those who appreciate Christ and his light talking about how great he is is no different than talking about how hot the sun is that day

Why would I read the watered down version of Nietzche when the real thing exists

That's probably true, but I take my orders on matters of faith from the Holy See. I don't ask the butcher what the cow ate for dinner either.

Who gives a fuck what a bunch of strangers approve whatever you want

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The whole reason for the existence of political parties is to influence our lives and they are trying to find a compromise from peoples opinion all through the nation including religious sentiments.
Not a valid comparison. Religion can be practised at home without the need to creep into others lives yet it still does.

As for the rest I don't know any sport group that led to a nation wide law being passed that prevents people from doing something like gay marriage or dancing on certain days

How do you not see that all your bullshit metaphor has no bearing on reality, you fucking psycho?

Zeus is neither a creator god nor omnipotent. He had a father and even a grandfather. He was callable of bodily destruction and feared it. God, in the trinity, is not only a creator, but a link to salvation. He manifested himself into a body able to physically die and then died for us. Could Aristotle ever dream of Zeus doing these things?

Read any authors who are demonised by mainstream media and marxist education, they are redpills. Nietzsche and Rand are the most prominent. Orwell is startign to fall into that category these days weirdly enough.

>a book literally written for autists by a meth head

That sounds about right, actually. Yeah.

reading is gay

Realty is a lot more Christian than most people are comfortable with. I hope you change your mind one day and read some of the works on the list. God bless you

Because she cribbed from Kant, not Nietzsche. Not that Nietzsche had an original thought in his head, either.

Meh. You get what you deserve if you believe in continental philosophy.

I see everyone who seriously believes in any kind of god the same as a kid believing in Santa. I just can't take them serious any more and suspect instantly that they are illogical in other aspects of life as well.

and your point is?

You all fucking blow I was legit looking for actual books related to fit. Not a man baby circle jerk on the merits of christ and the ethnicity if a author of a might be decent book.

He says in text on a message board.

>prevents people from doing something like gay marriage

Your liberal bias is showing, gay marriage is an abomination.

It's not an invalid comparison, they're all groups with a organizing principle who try to achieve ends favorable to their members. You just feel that the religious premise is somehow less valid.

Only if your primary determinant of “reality” is confirmation bias.

Hail Satan.

Aitn't that the truth. Can't stand the continentals. Still, I like Fritz, he's a decent fellow. He's probably redeemed by a degree of Anglophilia

If I would ask you why it is an abomination you would refer me to the bible which is circular reasoning.
Society should be structured by objective reasoning and not just because a book which contents can not be proven says something.

Keep it to yourself then it is fine. Anything else and it is tyranny not religion.

>not posting the true form

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wanted to post this lol

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A kid goes down his stairs and finds gifts under a tree on Christmas. If he's atheist he might believe that the gifts are there for him out of chance and he should enjoy them. An agnostic knows that something might have put them there but he can't see anyone in the room so who's to say. A theist knows that someone put them there and try's to find the nature of who might have done it. It's less like believing in Santa more like a kid believing in his parents.

low quality b8

I don't believe in Zeus

I am writing these responses for other people reading this btw. It is obvious you are just baiting.

You might actually be retarded if you think that straw man is going to fly.

>Society should be structured by objective reasoning
Objective reasoning does not, has never, and will never exist. You are the sum of your genetics and life experiences, you will always be biased by those factors.

>If I would ask you why it is an abomination you would refer me to the bible which is circular reasoning.
I wouldn't refer to the Bible. Gay marriage is a distortion of one of the bedrock institutions of human society: long term pair bonding between mother and father for the successful rearing of children.

the reason you dont believe in zeus is fundamentally the same as why i dont believe in japanese "everything is a god" or any religion with 1 supergod
at least other religions are interesting. christians and muslims have the most boring religion imaginable

as long as you use that reasoning that is fine. Still retarded but arguable.
Religion can not be proven or disproven that is why It should be left out of this debate.



OP requested fit books, and got retard debating instead. Cease this faggotry and your life may be spared.

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>Objective reasoning does not, has never, and will never exist.


>Bible. Gay marriage is a distortion of one of the bedrock institutions of human society: long term pair bonding between mother and father for the successful rearing of children.


Boredom is not an argument.

God I hate people like you.

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That's not a straw man Is

Great argument, friend.
Make sure to see the next Star Wars movie, too!


KYS yourself.

wow. okay let me repost my comment.

the reason you dont believe in zeus is fundamentally the same as why i dont believe in japanese "everything is a god" or any religion with 1 supergod

It's literally about fighting gains goblins.

Actually I don't believe in Zeus because I believe in Christ and they are mutually exclusive. I believe in Christ because I believe in objective morality in which Christ is the basis of good

Great post. AS is god-tier inspiration and motivational material. One of the books that most drives me to make myself better.

Have you read it? Hard work, constant improvement, and taking delight in achievement for its own sake are on like every page. And every single hero, particularly Galt, is the picture of a self-made man. Some start with more, but all of them are where they are because of a lifetime of effort and discipline.
How so?

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I'm not arguing anything my dude, it's important to me because I feel connected to my family. I don't care about anyone else's faith or lack thereof.

>have you read it
Of course they haven't.

Post some books then.
In the meantime i entertain myself with meaningless arguments on a mongolian basketweaving forum about religion with basement dwelling incels. Thank you very much.

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>Have you read it?
No I haven't because everyone who has that I've met has been smug about it. It's long, dense, and not particularly educational or entertaining.

>and not particularly educational or entertaining.
How would you know that if you haven't read it?

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I read an excerpt and the prose just bothered the fuck out of me. Overly intellectual to the point of not actually saying anything.

Although I admire the beliefs and principles of religion to better myself morally and also help others. Im not praying to no mystical faggot walrus that says ill go to hell if I don't kneel for him.

Received the whole collection of the original Sherlock Holmes stories today.

It was written for literal autists who couldn’t understand The Fountaihead, which is widely considered a very good book.

Like the Bible it’s worth a read, though.

The Strand stories or something else?

This actually makes you a npc faggot.

The whole bunch, all 56 short stories and the four novels. Pretty happy desu mane

objectivism the way ayn writes it is just being selfish

no wonder that dumb bitch died on welfare

That's your right. I'd find limiting myself to the material world self limiting. I'm chasing perfection

but the christian god is incapable of objective morality because he is all-knowing and all-powerful
therefore he cannot be a moral being.

besides your argument is still fundamentally the same as to why i dont believe in the christian god nor any other. my parents never forced me to worship anything.
why should i pick your god now in this period of my life, why not allah, why not thor or the spirits in china. hell for all its fedora tipping background. why not the spaghetti monster. there is no difference at all between these for me except for their history and amount of current believers.

>American Psycho

Also, there's some excellent christfag baiting in here. I almost got angry.

I'm an NPC because I don't chose to autistically investigate things at the expense of my familial relationships and happiness?

>catholic list
>no bible
Call Mr Martin

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Do you have any of those "I'm a libertarian and this is my gf..." pictures that were posted some years ago? I never saved them and haven't seen them since.
It was mostly some old guy/neckbeard with some teen beside them.

7habits of highly effective people infographics edition on kindle

The morality of those religions are all very different

Oh so you haven't read it. Good to know.



you said "objective morality"
and besides you pointing something out i have not used as an argument you ignore everything that i did use as an argument. anyway i am out of here. have fun thinking your fairy tales are more true then the thousands of other options that exist..

I feel like jail literature is Jow Forums because you finish reading it wanting to lift so you can be sure thaty you'll never, under any circumstances, encounter the same fate as some of the most tragic figures in it.

Pic related is a good one. Lots of race wars and dreams of starting a revolution in the US as well.

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Cormac McCarthy is my favorite author

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Christ's morality is objectively good. You said that all religions are the same to you, I said they all have different moral ethics. Since Christ is the source of all good, Christianity is correct. Good talking to you, bless you user

>Christ's morality is objectively good

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She was definitely influenced by Nietzsche, whom she later criticized and tried to scrub from her writings.

Basic Economics: Thomas Sowell
Making those personal finance gains