Is there anyway I can make this not taste like pure shit?

Is there anyway I can make this not taste like pure shit?

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Why are you tasting it? Mix with water and drink

>using soviet brain drugs
Hi big lenny

water in mouth first.
pour into mouth.
swallow right when stuff hits the water so it doesn't get chance to hit tongue and you wont taste it - at least not as much

Have you used it? It literally tastes like shit even with water.

>dismissing a drug because it was invented by x

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This shit is heaven compared to kratom before I learned to cap them myself I used to almost or actually throw up eating this shit.

Pheni taste great compared to most drugs. But it will get you addicted, like me and now I'm fucked for at least a month while I slow taper

yes I use FAA though not HCL. tastes like almost nothing. I wouldn't add to my meals for taste but it's not horrible.

describe how you consider yourself addicted. how many grams per day are you taking?

Between 3-5 grams daily for about year now.

I've been down this road before with pheni. Had no idea about the wds associated with it quit cold Turkey after abusing a 100g tub.

I literally almost ended up in a loony bin. It was insane. Halusinations, primal fear, panic attacks, insomnia. It was fucking insane I thought I was gonna die.

It effects gaba, it is a brain altering drug and if not respected it will fuck your shit up

1 g is not affecting me at all. Taking it on an empty stomach in the morning twice a week, feeling nothing.

Only way to do it is melt it in a shot glass with water and shotgun it.

No shit, retard. One or two times a week at best.

is it sour like creatine hcl?

why does this not work on me

Dude put it in pill capsules. Might even damage your tooth enamel if you don't 'cause its so acidic.

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>3+ grams a day
damn thats retarded, even the high tolerance pheni addicts online say to keep it under 3g a day

What is this?

A lot of people go daily for years and years. You don't blast off like once in a while pheni users but. It still improves daily life, anxiety shit like that..

To each their own

It's a russian anti-anxiety drug that you can buy legally over-the-counter in the USA.

to each their own? you're a fucking retard. enjoy your psychosis

It literally tastes like lemons. How does it taste like shit

Na 3g -5gs is baby doses compared to a lot of people.
Trust I've spent hours and hours reading about this drug on all the forums. Drug form, blue light scowered them all when I was I. Wds actually.

It's funny actually, you really become an expert on said drug when it fucks you, but you have addict personality so you want to find a remedy and a way to keep the party going forever.

I did the same when I got caught up on painkillers, ghb, kratom..

I really want to get into research chems they seem like a lot of fun..

Is that the only thing it does?

If I were to try it for my first time how many grams should I take ( I weigh 155lbs)

You just got to slow taper. A lot of people have done it for years, slow tapered with a little help when they jump and be fine.

I did go into psychosis once when I cold Turkey once it's insanity.

But life is insanity. It's a cruel balancing act.

But I'm also bipolar and have had suicidal thoughts since elementary school. I'm 30 now. Like some of my first memories were suicidal.. but I want to live and live a full long life.

Idk man, I'd rather take pheni deal with occasional mania than become. A zombie on an SSRI. People on those actually kill themselves..
What can you do, this is the show


1 gram at night before you go to bed when you wake up take another 1g on an empty stomach and don't eat for 4 hours. Have a cup of two of coffee.

i agree i can't take SSRIs because of my job. I have bad anxiety too. I would rather get the full effects of it once a week than get addicted and suffer w/ds and not get the full effect anymore

Well some of the effects don't go away and as long as you don't chase that crazy high you can stay at a low dose for years.

People fuck themselves when they chase that first high. Same story as a lot of drugs.

But pheni is fair. It will help in long term if you just accept you won't get that insane euphoria anymore.. But it's still better than be an anxious, overthinking nerotic mess.

And it's weird sometimes it will sort of blast off. One random day at the same dose and it will click.. pheni is weird shit

FUCK U Jow Forums !!!!!!!!



that's a universally recommended dose for first time

Try again on an empty stomach. My first time nothing as well

i did. i even tried it with caffeine. WTF is this

Generally makes people feel clever, energetic, and lowers inhibition. I find it heightens my sense of smell and I feel like I can see clearer.

Try again next time take one g before bed and one in the morning

And makes music sound better too.

It has terrible interactions and already gave me gyno

Shoud i use before exam?? Ive taken it before but not while studing

I mean 2-3 hours before exam


Why would anyone fuck around with that shit

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lmao you fat fucking retard

>be me
>try it a few times, it's ok
>buy $30 worth online
>turns out that's a tub with 100 doses
>do it every now and then
>one day do it the next day, and then kind of feel bad the 3rd day so I take a little more
>a month later I am doing 2g a day just to not go into withdrawl
>run out
>literally start to cry after 48 hours
>by 72 hours I had called into work and had my friend from college on a mercy mission from 3 hours north with a bottle of xanax so I would not die
>see elves and lights and hear music playing as auditory hallucination
>almost lose job
>forget about ordering another tub while panicing
>it's here now

what do, i learned my lesson and can use it responsibly now right?

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how do people have such little self control

>roll of toilet paper
>split a square in half making it one ply
>measure out amount and pop it directly in the center
>lick fingers
>twist four corners together
>pop it onto the back of your tongue
>Big drink of water and it goes down real easy

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you don't know this specific drug, it does not get you that high, you just start to feel bad as it wears off so you take a little bit so you don't feel bad, and then days go by and you are fucked

it's not like i was shooting heroin, you would never think there would be withdrawals that bad

urine therapy is cheaper and more effective

Stop drinking this shit. Stop mixing it with water unless it's a 2 liter. It will turn your teeth into nigger swiss cheese.

He’s retarded. You always go for a low dose first to check for allergies.

why would it lol

Hcl recks enamel, kinda like drinking lots of lemon juice. Now that I think about it my teeth have gotten more sensitive recently. Gonna do what toilet paper user suggested above.

>all these retards moaning about the phenibut bogeyman
lmao. phenny is based

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So how should I take it?

Or just buy FAA you cheap idiots

If you cant chug it down just use this

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roll it in a piece of paper, swallow
buy capsules on ebay. cap it and swallow

FAA is better in theory, but barely does it for me compared to HCL.
sure FAA should be 2x stronger but I'm not feeling it, and so do most of my friends.
HCL vs FAA is kinda like Creatine Mono vs Micronized Creatine or some of those other overpriced useless alternatives that might be better for some people

i took about 4g a day for a month then quit cold turkey. i had insane tremors for several days, couldn't eat for a while, and couldn't sleep for over a week. i dropped like 10-20lbs on all my lifts. i didn't really have any cravings for it. i just wanted my sleep back. it was the worst week and a half of my life.
now i only do it once a week on saturdays.
good luck when you do finally decide to quit.

>take 900 mg
>feel like a god
>have nasty heartburn and couldn't eat for three days after
>still can't replicate that godlike feeling but the symptoms are just as bad

ordered some yesterday, should arrive tomorrow. will try it then. does 500mg on an empty stomach sound about right?

yes but i take 2g as a recreational dose

OP just mix it with OJ or a little preworkout

HCL tastes awful. Best way I found is to pour out my dose but it all in my mouth and chug a huge glass of water without breathing. By the time you've chugged it all the taste is p much all gone.

You put it in a capsule you idiot

Lol you dumbass I’ve taken phen for 4 years on and off. I don’t mean to condescend, im genuinely curious how you get hooked. I have never had the urge to take phen or felt withdrawal from it. It makes me feel amazing the day i take it and the afterglow bleeds into making the following few days pretty good too. I cant imagine what it must feel like to take phen on consecutive days, and i never wanna try.

You gotta into polydrug abuse. Rotate your gaba tweaks. Benzos one day, excessive alcohol the next, phen the next, ghb the next, etc.

I used to take phen a lot but I couldn't get over the weird feeling of taking it. Like it wasn't actually me.

I had a girlfriend that I met on it, and every time I would see her I would be on it. Of course I would cycle off when she wasn't around. But it kinda felt like she was in love with a different person, a more chill happy carefree version of myself. My IQ would probably drop 20% during that time but I was much more outgoing and friendly.

I haven't touched it in probably 9-12 months, but the biggest takeaway for me was that it gave me more confidence in my daily life. Pretty much just made me realize that I *can* go out and talk to anyone since all the social anxiety was just up in my head the whole time and I needed a little shove

Where do you buy this shit

where do I buy this stuff?

honestly it doesn't even work if you just hate talking to people
not talking about anxiety nor shyness. if you hate everyone no amount of pheni will help you
t. aspie
