>shame and make fun of fat people
>mom is obese
>she's the sweetest person ever
>feel guilty about bodyshaming so many other people
Shame and make fun of fat people
Well your mom is going to die early unless she loses the weight so you should try to convince her to lose it. Fat shaming is just a tool to get strangers to do something about their own situation.
She's nearing her 60's and is complaining about her knees all the time.
She's depressed, doesn't want to leave the house anymore. What do bros, how can I still get her outside, because she just complains that her knees hurt which is right ,but her knees hurt because she's so fucking fat
Get her to slim down
I recommend keto, unironically, because it works really quickly and it doesn't require to track calories as much as the calories in/calories out approach, thus making it easier to follow for old fellows
Some people notice mental gains as well while on keto btw
I'm pretty similar situation regarding my own father tbqh
My mom is in the same situation. I convinced her to start weightlifting to help lose the weight and gain back some muscle, but I'm not sure what routine is best for someone her age (mid 50s). Any anons got any advice?
swimming, water aerobics, or biking? But more importantly focus on her eating habits.
A lot of swimming pools have women only nights and it won't put a lot of stress on her joints, maybe even do water aerobics if she doesn't want to do serious laps of the pool
>I'd prefer my mum live in agony until her early and embarassing death, rather than feel uncomfortable telling her she's killing herself
DDP yoga
I realised my mum doesn't care. Anytime I try talk to her about her weight she just snaps and autistically screeches
Shes also turning 60 soon. She has a golden waist thing she wore at her wedding 35 years ago, the thing can only fit on her neck now, her waist is like 3x bigger than it was when she was 25
Same here broseph, my mom just doesn't want to hear it. She's going to inherit some money soon and she wants to give it to me and my sister, I knocked that shit down and told her to finally go on a trip once since she has never crossed the border of my country (belgium so its even more pathetic)
She just says her time is up
also if its legal in your state CDB? My dad was lowkey miserable from an old football injury, got on CDB and is noticeably happier. Maybe she just needs to hang out with other people her age.
lol sounds familiar
Whats funny is that she not exactly wrong. Its not like 60-100 is really enjoyable, even if you're healthy at that age you're still basically living at doctors, hospitals, and dealing with a range of old people problems
I dunno about that, my dad is 65 and is pretty fit, walks miles every day, doesn't have any serious health problems except that he got hepatitis C from a tattoo. My mother on the other hand is a lot like everyone else in this thread, overweight and her knees are going, takes her like a solid minute to get up from the chair.
user some fat people are just greedy so body shaming them works, but some fat people have this behavioral disorder called BED.
if you know anything about the brain you know about the layer analogy. it goes something like this: at the root of your brain, you have the stem+cerebellum, which schedule your basic life functions; middle layer the amygdala, driving basic instincts and most animal wills, e.g instinct to flee, instinct to kill, instinct to eat; highest layer, the neo-cortex, controls reason, personality, and more uniquely intelligent desires, like wanting to get your life together.
i'm not sure how binge eating disorder actually works, but as a fatty in recovery, who lost 120lbs and couldn't have done it without choosing to stop fat shaming myself, i can tell you how it felt to be just a glutton, and how it felt to slip into binge eating disorder instead. i'll use the layer analogy to describe it, though i'm not sure how accurate it actually is.
when i was nothing but a fat greedy entitled pig, it felt like the amygdala was fully in-control and the neo-cortex had no *interest* in defying it. i would scarf down plate after plate mostly because that's what my amygdala wanted, but also because i had decided for myself that there was nothing wrong with it. before i could even begin the inner struggle, i had to be fat-shamed. i had to have it pointed out and made clear to me that how much i was eating *was* a problem.
now that i'm fighting binge eating disorder, it's more like the amygdala is *usually* fully in control, and at times like that, the neo-cortex is *interested* in defying it, and miserably ashamed that it *lacks the power or influence* to do so. i eat because my amygdala wants me to eat, and then i'm miserable, because *i* didn't want to eat. and then, at other times, the neo-cortex conquers the amygdala temporarily, and i stop. fat shaming did more harm than good at this stage, further weakening my already undertrained willpower.
Is there such thing as dying of old age?
My grandmother recently died at 96.
She was fine and normal for her entire life, then suddenly she became immobile and unresponsive, went into hospital, doctors said her body is shutting down and they don't know why or whats causing it, they tried a bunch of different drugs and had no results, she died 1.5 weeks later, she basically couldn't do anything besides move her hands and say random things and just kept asking the doctors to give her something to make her die.
I was actually thinking about starting her on SS but she wouldn't be strong enough for the barbell so I'd have to use dumbells at first. I'm also not sure if she could even squat properly, I would have to start her off on box squats with 5 lbs in each hand.
looks like a meme to me
There is difference between being a 50 year old women with 4 kids and being fat, vs a 25 year old thot with no kids, no nothing, being fat
Luck of the draw if you get something like alzheimers etc. but yes, a lot of old people do fuck all after retirement and that's what kills them. People with dogs for example live longer on average than non-dog owners because they have a reason to stay active and go walking at least every day.
There's always a million excuses not to get in shape, nobodies expecting them to have an hour glass figure but in the UK at least it seems like a very common thing to see a 60+ year old man in good shape married to a woman who clearly stopped looking after themselves the day after marriage.
My mother always said the same thing about having 3 kids and raising a family etc, but all she ever drinks is pepsi and stuffs her face with junk food and whenever she made dinner it was tons of carbs with some meat like bangers and mash, pasta bake, fish and chips etc. which got me pretty fat as a teenager too until I took it into my own hands.
Yeah, the difference being one of them is still young and the other should've learned self control by now