I see shit memes like this everywhere. Is this something people actually experience or is it just something being spread by manlets?
Cause my experience has not been like that at all.
I see shit memes like this everywhere. Is this something people actually experience or is it just something being spread by manlets?
Cause my experience has not been like that at all.
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it comes from the girls who say "too many muscles are gross and show you spend all your time in the gym" but will happily take it in the ass if you can overhead press your bodyweight for reps and have abs + a little bit of money
How many times has a girl complimented you on your gains vs a guy?
For me it's like 10 times more dudes commenting
the guys in the picture are gay, and the people who share the picture don't lift
just look at their faces, gayface is a real thing
if you roid isnt that obvious ? people on here always act like females are too dumb to see that. it's the equivalent of having fake tits it might on some occasions get you tinder matches if girls want to have some fun but for relationships and stuff you are out of the question as a narcissistic roider. Only girls you are gonna get for somewhat longterm are likely mentally ill themselves or true fitness chicks who also take anavar or have thought about it - and these females are rare.
But I know you guys will throw some shit at me like girls dont know what t hey want and other bs... but it really is just to cope...
No it’s true. Most lifters become homo. Hetero guys just do pull ups, swimming and sports.
It’s not healthy to lift artificial weights in an artificial circumstance and is only done for the sake of vanity
It's funny because the guy looks happier on the right
the thing is a lot of guys roid and for these guys it is true that their muscles and skin is gross to a ton of women because it is unnatural. No girl has ever complained about someone who is actually natty being too big.
Of course guys will comment on you more than girls. Women are beta as fuck. Muscles won't make girls come to you, they'll make it easier when you go after them. If you're expecting women to come to you, your cowardice only proves your own beta nature.
maybe in your gay little bodybuilding club. go to a weightlifting gym, powerlifting gym or even crossfit gym. bodybuilders are fags the rest do it for strength and performance.