im so tired general
real man squat in flats
Other urls found in this thread:
what is it about pale boomer thighs that makes me want to vomit
his skinny legged fuck who makes up with hehe your abs are weak i do more on some meme macines and box squats add band tension hehe pur math while his legs are fucking skinny
yakub is a pedo
lacks have no concept of numbers or self control or decency so why is that a surprise
Based strokeposter
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
bench. press. is. king.
Bench press is maybe a good accessory for a more complete lift, like the overhead press. Only undermediate lifters think it's worth concentrating on though, and no half decent program includes it.
Doesn't even make sense but ok
t. shit bench. actually, i'm sure you've got a shit OHP, too. go ahead and post that embarrassing body along with those shit lifts so you can confirm my point you emasculated bitch boy.
t. you too
i bench more than a little bitch like you deadlifts so you're not even close, little man. go ahead ans post body/lifts so you can prove my point.
but you don't even bench lmao, its always funny seeing incels like you getting angry
I want to die (original I want to die poster)
strong psychological projection is not an argument, squirt. post body/lifts or concede that you're just a weak, shit looking faggot.
so post it then bby
I'm not arguing i just love seeing you having a mental breakdown while crying in your room lmao
does anyone train in brooklyn NYC?
Yeah what’s up?
Not your spine that’s for sure.
>p-please respond
>i concede that i am a weak, shit looking faggot, sir
your mental white flag is noted and i accept your concession
I will kill you and eat your whole family
God this place sucks shit on Friday nights. Must be because it's mostly total losers here at this time.
Like you?
I was out last night so I'm taking tonight off. Usually not here for this shit.
>Full power points - 487
>Bench only points - 563
lmao git gud nerd
cutting sucks haha
i still get low carb headaches some days
i've lost some fat in my face and my arms are a little more vascular, but i see no change in my belly fat
was doing some lat pulldowns and felt a tweak near where the neck meets the trap. It's annoying but not particularly painful. Nerve impingement?
>power points - 487
wtf when did you get so weak?
tfw no nerd gf
I've been weak. That's 405/345/485 at 220
Reminder that gays reproduce by molesting children
>mfw i do more than all of that for REPS
what causes the weakest, most cringe inducing incel cuckolds to say to themselve "man, i should adopt a de facto username on an anonymous website"?
>he squats less than 2.5xbw
Good for you user, I'm proud of you
>what causes the weakest, most insecure incel cuckolds to say to themselve "man, i should stalk and harass someone who adopts a de facto username on an anonymous website"?
Evening, lads
how far we've come
wanted to ask you about that arms routine for twinks you posted some time ago. Can you post it again and how are the results?
t. fellow twink
...says no one ever.
Best upper body strength: OHP
Best lower body strength: Squats
best upper body: how hard you can punch
best lower body: densest door you can kick through
says the fatass old cunt who uses a benching shirt, wide ass fuck ROM and a huge gut so the bar only moves 1 inch
fuck you
>Could have been born as anyone, anytime, anywhere in existence
>Born in the greatest country in the history of the world as a straight white male who's not a gde
Anyone else know this feel?
another cope post from a pussy with a shit bench. post that body/lifts so you can prove my point, faggot.
nah, i don't use a sissy suit, nor am i a fat, self loathing, poorly aging, retarded manlet with a shit bench like you. post body/lifts and prove me right, ass wipe.
That incel is still having a breakdown and crying like a bitch LMFAO
> nor am i a fat, self loathing, poorly aging, retarded manlet with a shit bench
you post on Jow Forums so yes you are. you make the claim, you post proof fag
t. shit squat, deadlift, bench press, standing press, clean and jerk, snatch, push press, bicep curl, 40y dash time, vertical leap, broad jump, posture, Wonderlic score, mental health, body, IQ, card tricks, slapshot, fashion sense, hygiene, opinion of self, job (jk you don't have a job LSHAYVETISAAWUIAVCBLCIFAFTPTEAIOTFBTFOYUA [Laughed So Hard At Your Very Existence That I Suffered An Aneurysm, Wound Up In A Vegetative Coma, But Left Clear Instructions For A Friend To Post This Exact Acronym In Order To Further Blow The Fuck Out Your Unlifting Ass]), value to society, education, future, existence.
I don't think I'll be responding to your following copes, projections, and various other forms of damage control. It only seems to encourage you to keep LARPing on a Turkmenistanian Illicit Doodle forum instead of focusing on what you need to. Specifically, gaining height, taking a shower, seeking sunlight, having sex, hitting the weights, and acquiring a clue.
THIS is the embarrassing, obnoxious retard behind these obsessive sperg outs that nobody reads or gives a shit about lmao.
>405 squat
But when you're done warming up two sets after that, how much do you lift?
>485 lbs deadlift
lmao@weight I can do for a triple
>345 lbs bench press
You see shit like this and then you wonder why people outside of this general even try to troll us.
>only 485 for a "triple"
>can't even bench 345
>"warms up" with a sub par "405 lbs"
you're an even bigger shitter than him because he at least knows he's shit. kill yourself, retarded faggot.
aaaah, that explains it.
>lose all motivation to go to gym
>go every day almost obsessively
my low back seems to tap out its strength and 'intensity endurance' after 3*5 squats.
there's also the trouble of achieving tightness with DL.
that lift is just all sorts of mindfuck
wow that was scary
do back extensions
>3*5 squats
please tell me you've just started lifting.
on September 29
i can probably do back extensions, the deadlift variants will most likely be too much as they are now.
please tell me that was september 29th of 2018
well it certainly wasn't 2019!
>This is the body 50 years of powerlifting on steroids will get you
you are a fucking retard
you know your weak point and you are "probably" going to work on it.
dont think about it and just work on your weaknesses
so should i do dls even if it means doing lot less weight or just back extensions?
>i can probably do back extensions, the deadlift variants will most likely be too much as they are now.
Do whatever works for you man. You know if your lower back is the weak point then you can change exercises,volume, intensity and frequency to directly address the weak point and be better of in the long term. You say "deadlift variants will most likely be to much", from reading this i don't exactly understand what you mean. If you wanted to work on your lower back then you'd make room for hitting that area trough for example decreasing squat volume and adding in exercises that hit that area with the right amount volume, intensity and frequency so it caught up with the rest.
keep doing deadlifts but do sets of back extensions at the end of workout
even more important than you working your weakness is to have someone check your form, because it is undoubtedly garbage
ok, thanks.
>196.46 Wilks
Yeah boi
Here's the image, can't speak for results though.
not "traced"
no piggy noses
I don't watch anime its just easy to draw
ty n enjoy
you are one autistic retard, dino
This was my reaction as well, but also my reaction when I went to note that that was my reaction as well and noticed you are a trip faggot.
okay hank
im not a part of your discord nuplg club
kill yourself
nice drawing *wacom pen noises*
Want to start lifting from home, found out oly lifting doesnt need a rack.
What kind of physique could I build from olympic lifting? Also will this make me stronger or is it mostly about technique
Tfw hips are fucked so squats have been shit the last week or so.
I could only deadlift 180 instead of 200kg today so I just did farmer's walks instead.
Also tfw no gf
>shitpost on phone inbetween sets while random guy gruesomely forces a 6.5pl8 sumo dl to wonky and decidedly not comp legal lockout eight feet over
>while still lowering the bar he already shouts over that I shouldn't film his 1rm tests cause he doesn't care about internet fame
oh dontcha worry about that, not going to happen anytime soon
thats how my ass looks like
>tfw wanted to make social gains and stop wanting to kms so much so I worked in bar for autism gains
>no longer hate self but need new reason to lift as losing motivation coz of normie exposure and stupid working hours
How to lift for fun? Do I finally join a fed?
>What kind of physique could I build from olympic lifting?
dont even bother if thats your number one priority lmao
and likely it wont make you strong coz most dudes just end up struggling with technque for years hence why everyone except like 1 person in owg is weaker at cleans than plg despite plg not training it
Anything you would recommend to substitute slingshot bench?
Floor press, banded bench, bench with chains.
Wheeliebro where's my wheeliemilkers?
How many IPF points do I need to tripfag?
All of them
Stefi Cohen has 1030 with lmao 500kg total, so atleast 1300 and I dont want to hear your weight excuses. There are 22.5kg kids benching 7.5kg with 9000 ipf points so 1300 is gde cutoff
What's wrong with just counting the largest total within weight class
why do you need 'points'
Wymyn need to look better than man.
T. Ipf chairman and new found feminist
Its why big dogs is the best comp there is
>big cash prize
>no weight classes
>biggest total wins, no wilks, no glossbrenner, no 'points'