Went to the gym alone for the first time today

Went to the gym alone for the first time today

How much you curl?

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80lbs for 12 reps. Been lifting 2 months at deficit because I'm fat.

80lb dumbbells?

I can curl 40lbs

2-3 reps of 40kg barbell curl. No swinging, starting from elbows straight locked. But I train only bodyweight/gymnastics and I weigh 59kg.

>inb4 manlet
yes I am 174 cm. I think a good goal weight is 65-70kg. What do you think about anons?

about that*

Curling is for fags.

Just train back, shoulders, chest and legs.


5'9" is average height, stop listening to Jow Forums

yeah probably. It's not bothering me much. Though, I noticed I've incorporated a lot of height jokes in my daily life. Given that my best friend and his gf are 6'3 and 6'1.

>Went to the gym alone for the first time
I'm always alone at the gym.
How do I fix this, anons?

Attached: Sad_pepe_tfw.jpg (500x373, 32K)

ask somebody about an exercise he is doing, even if you know about the exercise. Let him explain you shit. Befriend guy.

Bruh I hadn't curled in well over a year and found out the other day I'm up to 1pl8 bar curl and 45lb hammers. Feels good.

80lb 12-10-10-8

sorry im a fuking lanklet and cant curl for shit.

Incline curl 20kg dumbbells for 10/9/7

I'm never on this shit hole but as a lanky fuck I can tell you that, without fail, I always end up with the most female attention. All but 2 of my friends are 5'6-5'9 range and even their girlfriends talk to me more than them when we're out. That being said, the only fights I've ever lost we're against 5'7ish guys, and some of the hottest girls I've seen were with shorter guys. I might get more women on average, but quality > quantity.

is vegan's biceps shopped...?

I should clarify
>1pl8 bar curl for 5 reps
>45lb hammers for 8
>did nothing but OHP, pushups, squats and diddlys for a year
>still have stupid curls

Tfw liftlet. I can only do a 35lb dumbell for 5 reps

I can star curling with db's as high as 40s but at the end of my workout I can barely curl a 12.5. I usually start curling 25's since there is no point in going heavy.

No, Rich Piana was just a master of out angling someone