
You are going to have a street fight in 3 months. What are the three exercises you will do and why?
>build endurance
>build agility
neck training
>resist punches
>more intimidating
>strong legs
>able to wrestle, resist punches more i believe

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I'd train acutally fighting someone since i've never fought anybody in my life before.

Full body calisthenics
Both high endurance and strenght based
Practicing your sport

What lift would you do tho

Does this mean outside of sparring and rolling?
If so, then I'd go
>Overhead Press
Shoulder strength and endurance is extremely important in striking
Leg strength and explosiveness
Traps, back, and stabilizers are very important when it comes to grappling and being able to avoid chokes and take hits.

boxing and wrestling

rolling? im asking because i want to improve my fighting, im already strong and high test but i do not know how to fight

rolling is gay buttsecks and destroying joints. just stick to sparring and wrestling

Depending on my local laws
Gun shooting
Knife stabbing
Cane beating


I'd practice: begging for mercy, sucking cock, eating ass.
Three months isn't enough time to get my fat ass ready for a street fight.

wrestling is pretty based from the looks of it, looks like the patricians choice. pretty limited in the UK though

basic gun handling curse
>build experience with handling a gun
>learn the basics about it

gun shooting curse
>learn precision and aim practice

join a local shooting range club
>shoot every day for 3 months and get good

Shadow boxing
Training groin hits from every position

Generally not needed in a streetfight
>neck training
A good hit will take anyone out
>strong legs

>high test but i do not know how to fight

>be challenged to a fight
>rather than train for a fight, grabs guns to kill, rather than bring a few friends to make sure the fight is one
>no officer it wasn’t premeditated murder at all
Ahhh niggers, never change

It's the wild west out there and one punch to the face has killed people. Why spend months training when just 1 lucky punch can knock out the best of fighters? Much better to have a proven tool to keep you safe.

Because you have a less than 1% chance of dying from a single punch, hell the chances of you dying in a fistfight are slim as shit, there have maybe 700 deaths due to kicks/fists in the us a year, but there have been hundreds of thousands of fistfights. However if you go to a prearranged location and shoot a possibly unarmed man, you will be going to jail on premeditated murder charges, and then you’ll be getting into dozens of fistfights or get your ass raped in prison.

sparbar and boxing or anything good enough to build reflexes
sparring MMA or just with anyone close who knows what they're doing
push ups and pull ups with knee twists for knockout strength

If you have three months, I'd practice jabs for distance management, a takedown to mount and GnP. Three months might be just enough for your sorry ass to drill in a single series.

I would probably stick to a military based routine if I only have three months.

Rolling is like sparring for grapplers. When grapplers roll it means they grapple until they reach a set point, which is usually either to a takedown or further to a submission.
You've never done any kind of serious martial arts training before

Think about this - you two are saying that if someone unarmed attempted to start a fight with you, you would actually kill them with a gun. Do you see how much of a stupid and immoral overreaction this is?

Clean and Jerk everyday. Going to toss that nigger into orbit.

I've seen about five guys from the army come into my mma gym over the past six months and their ability to fight is extremely lacking. Their fitness isn't bad and one guy was even in great shape, but the combatives they teach are just enough to put you over the average joe.

Lol obviously sparring would be no 1



in an actual fight shouldnt i focus on getting a blood choke and holding it? theres pretty much no other guranteed lethal move

I practice BJJ so I would do:
>roll onto back and present assailant my asshole x 100
>get stomped and headkicked x 100
>get slammed on concrete x 100

Attached: bjj.webm (720x404, 2.21M)

You make a good point but we only have three months before the duel. I want more time to properly train but a military fitness routine is something to get someone in decent shape in little time.

I find it curious that every hypothetical fight discussed on the internet is always on a sidewalk. I understand that many people live in the city but combat isn't exclusive to urban areas.

In a rural areas don't have roads/sidewalks connecting buildings? What do hicks do when they get in a fight in the bar parking lot, go run into the nearest woods lmfao?


>just get a choke bro
I mean yeah, a 100lb women could knock out a 225 lbs of muscle man IF she could get a proper chokehold on him. Problem is it’s really hard to get a proper choke on someone who doesn’t want that to happen

From where I live, we mostly have dirt roads and not much parking lots.

Yeah it is a bit weird, and it matters with judo, cause you could take a guy out with one light throw on concrete, you’d have to do a much harder throw on like soft dirt


Is everyone here a fucking child? Have you ever been in an actual fight where there's no one around? If you don't bring a knife or stab him with a chair leg you are a retard and deserve to get paralysed from a lucky punch.

High schoolers and katana fanatics please leave

cocaine snorts 3 x 1 a few mins before the fight. Nothing can stop you then.

found the snowflake

Every able bodied man should have a decent weapon with him at all times.

how do you propose? sweep with a crab claw and pummel the face or something? 3 months for a non fighter to go into a lethal match

>going alone to a fight
>bringing weapons is the obvious solution
Have fun with Jamal in prison, please try to argue that you bringing weapons and stabbing someone who may be unarmed to death doesn’t count as premeditated murder

>lethal match
>3 months training time
Why are you having barehanded death matches? Best suggestion would be either start some basic boxing combinations or drill one variant of a takedown and then gnp

I've trained in mixed martial arts for several years and have been in over 20 "street fights" because I live in Eastern Europe, and faggots like you will tell me that there's something wrong with my approach
I'm alive, that's what counts

Well I’m a mma middleweigt champ who lives in subsaharan Africa and kills people with my bare hands for a living, and I say you’re a faggot

This is a hilarious OP because he's actually serious when he says
>what lifts should i do to prepare a fight in 3 months
>should i squat to be a better wrestler?

I hope you actually do have to fight in 3 months and get your shit just completely wrecked. Oh wait, you're a larping bitch and/or will pussy out.

My biggest fear is getting embarrassed during a fight in a public area like a bar or something.

I can only hope that my first fight is the result of road rage and happens where no one can see and record

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If you’d don’t want to get embarrassed in a fight beat way is 1) don’t fight, 2) learn 2 fight

so sensitive


>You are going to have a street fight in 3 months

Phone the police and set up a sting operation.Why risk getting fucked up for life for some stupid 'muh honor' ritual. You had no honour the moment you decided chimping out in the streets was a valuable thing to pursue in life.

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Pell/Heavy Bag
Grappling sparring
Boxing drills

Running is for weight control, doesn't matter in a street fight. Running cardio will not help fighting cardio.
Source: Ask anyone who runs and does martial arts.
Neck training does absolutely nothing in fighting. It helps if you are aware that the punch is coming. But the one that you're not aware of will KO you neck muscle or not.
Source: "Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: Foundations for Rehabititaion" by Donald A. Neumann
Squats will literally do absolutely nothing for you.

>Running is for weight control, doesn't matter in a street fight. Running cardio will not help fighting cardio.
kill yourself

Whatever virgin. Remember that in 5 years you will need surgery on your neck discs

>t. Wrestler

Looked it up and it's basically a quintain, just for boxing? There's really nothing new under the sun, lol.

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Hahaha. This

You can also break your arm by doing Judo breakfalls on concrete. It happened before. Concrete has its pros and cons.

>did never do any serious sparring or rolling
Get a Marathon champ into boxing or wrestling and watch him break apart after one round, just like an untrained guy.

Everyone fucking knows that. How old are you? Where are you from?

>a guy who never punched and ran a lot would get beat up hurrrr

kill yourself
you will never be pro level like I am

>reading comprehension 404
Ah, American.

he said streetfight. if you treat it as non lethal youre a fool

I fucking love it. In the amateur level you always hear this. I knew so many guys who became nothing in combat sports because of this.
"Running sucks bro! In real fights you gotta go fast and slow so you gotta do HIIT for 10 minutes bro!" "It's actually the secret method on how I'm training bro!"

What actually happens is that these guys never get past sparring for 3 rounds straight, and get destroyed in the amateur level.

The champions ran 5 to 10 miles because it works. The current champions run 5 to 10 miles because it works. I spar 14 rounds before I get tired now and I've completely believed in endurance running and gotten rid of my old "HIIT and Sprints are better because I actually just hate running" mentality.

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>actually retarded
kill yourself

Of course it works. For getting your weight down. If you think running cardio translates to the ring, you should try sparring a bit harder sometimes.

Post your amateur record.

>kill yourself
And around 15 years old, okay.

no, kill yourself for being stupid

Running for 30 min is around 200-300 Calories brainlet, a diet is how you get your weight down.

>judo breakfalls
>catching yourself with your arm
That’s not how you do a breakfall, unless you mean that’s how people can react badly to being thrown

Which is why you bring a Quarterstaff instead.

t. George Silver

fighting, fighting and fighting. if you want to get better at fighting you have to fight.

Do crystal meth before the fight and wreck the guy, it gives you crazy strength and agility. It takes multiple police just to take a guy on meth down

at close quarters you'd be better with a good knife anyway

fighters skip rope for a reason. It's more intense and I imagine reflects a fight better than running.

If no weapons are allowed then I would just train to dodge and escape all attacks. I would eventually be able to gauge his eyes out. If he still gets up, because he can't see shit, just need to slap his ears. Kicking him in the groin is also an option.
inb4 that's being a coward. A fight is a fight, so anything goes.

Just a curious thing, can I self teach boxing?

fighters do both
Mike Tyson ran everyday
He skipped rope only some days

I'd stop all of my normal training so its a slightly fairer fight

A falling baby wouldn't knock a guy out. I read Dempseys book and that analogy turned me off.

Would you personally recommend those books though?

What does boxing mean to you?

If you mean being able to teach yourself the correct stance, the proper straight lines for your punches, proper balance, and keeping hands up to be able to have fun and exercise on a heavy bag? Yes.

Being able to box against others without sparring? No.

I am a lover, not a fighter
So I would probably just shoot him with a CC like a bitch lmao

Honestly the books are very limited in their knowledge. Both are for infighters and there should be better books I just preferred reading something written by champions rather than a spectator. I wish Ali wrote a boxing guide book instead of just his autobiography, and that Mayweather Jr would write a boxing book if he knew how to write and read.

I think besides the basics from the book, I get more out of watching 'The modern martial artist' on youtube.

Here you go, m8

No you asshat, post your amateur record CARD that every amateur boxer has so we know you're not LARPing as someone else.

this. britbong here and i carry a spoon
(jk its a screwdriver with a removable double-ended shaft i can leave inside someone and still keep the handle to support my fingers so they don't break when punching)

I am OP, I do not have a fight in 3 months LOL, i was asking what lifts you would do if you did... faggot. learn to read

projecting faggot shut the fuck up

I believe Dempsey's analogy is to show that even a baby with high momentum can hurt someone. Essentially, get a lot of momentum on your punches

user, he'd have to be asleep and have a pencil neck for that to happen.
He could out speed and outpower her long before she could even react.
She needs better situational awareness(something most women get when they are in an unfamiliar area or are in an unfamiliar area)and the ability to get the fuck out of dodge and a weapon like a tazer or pepper spray or knife if she's willing to kill.

Life isn't like a fuck GURL POWAH flick creepy loser chicks make and push.
If there's that big of a size difference then that kind of false confidence can get her serioiusly hurt or worse killed.

user, in my neck of the woods you'd have to drive a good ways to find actual asphalt like you city folk have.
Plenty of tarmac and roads though.
But that's not the point.
Getting slammed on uneven gravel, much of which is sharp as razors, earth that has been packed till it's as hard as stone by many many trucks driving over it and just good old american dirt will fuck you up seriously or kill you.
Hell, when I was a 7yrold youngun I was slammed face first into the wooden floor and damn near killed by my older brother in a one sided wrestling match.

how Ryan Hall vs BJ Penn should have gone...

anyplace i can find a little shadowboxing routine
i really want to go back to boxing but i have no money right now

That incident reminds me of when I slammed the back of my neck onto the wall mat during my high school wrestling training.

Even soft mats can hurt.

I think this might help

3 minutes on, 1 minute off
same application as heavy bag drills
>punch with good form, hands up
>head movement

Usually rocky movies are really shitty for actual boxing application but there's a scene where Rocky tells Creed to shadowbox against the mirror and slip everytime he sees a punch coming.

>What lift would you do tho
None, I'm already fit but I have no fighting knowledge, I would just train skills.
Before the fight starts I would take powerful stimulants such as PCP or Cocaine.

There's a reason it takes 5-10 cops to take down 1 guy on PCP.

Box jump
Handstand pushup

Don't do that i knew a guy that did meth for a fight and got his ass kicked. he got knocked down twice then knocked out

Should i do it with my eyes closed? Pretend someone is throwing punches at me?

I see videos of guys punching air but im sure there's more to it.

hold weights

Do not hold weights, it fucks up your shadow boxing.
You want to flex your hand and forearm right before it would make contact, you cant do that if you're clenching around a dumbbell the whole time.