Jow Forums
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Fitness #490
Do you think I'm fat?
Can you train pain tolerance?
"dad, how do I become a good man?"
Face/frame/height is all that matters
Penis Size
Trying to eat more eggs
How does it feels like Jow Forums?
If you are not a white nationalist yet, then what are you doing
Does Jow Forums dance?
How much do I have to lift before I can buttfuck this girl?
If the richest guy on the planet who has a 10" dick and can bench 400lbs can't keep a woman interested what hope do you...
I was chubby before Christmas now I’m a ham planet. This is gunna be a long year I need motivation...
Going to the gym is making me MORE depressed
Wake up
Redpill me on floor sleeping, fit
How tall are you, and what is your grip width on your flat bench press?
What went wrong?
Asking the Jow Forums bros
*blocks your path*
Gym thots
I'm addicted to porn
Being gay at a gym
Why is the cholesterol debate similar to the climate change debate where everyone believes either one extreme or the...
Why Im making it and you aren't
Why is a sloppy appearance so glorified these days?
What does Jow Forums think of weighted pushups?
Post your favorite lift and your favorite video game. You will be judged by your peers on both
Whoa... So this is the power of Jow Forums
The more and more the kilos drop, the more and more I become virgin chad
Anyone else Jow Forums but still a sperg?
The best timeline involves being with a girl that’s big enough and productive enough to supply you with GOMAD...
Tfw binged on another tub of nutella again
Final Step of making it is leaving this website
How do you get your daily fiber?
>tfw gf thread
Does your gym have enough weight plates to go around?
Cardio == Ultimate Natty
Narrow shoulders
Strength training is a meme
I've been told that I'm too skinny, is this true? Pic of me currently is 5'11" and 137 lbs
NBC: APA links 'masculinity ideology' to homophobia, misogyny
Is BMI of 22.0 good enough to conclude you're not fat?
Someone meme this
/fast/ - #360 - Grand Theft Autophagy Edition
How many of you have taken the /hiking/ pill
What's your nickname in your group of friends
With perfect diet, routine, genetics, and willpower...
What do I say?
Take the Bugezpill
Was he natty?
From intimidating badass to warrior heart-throb
What doe Jow Forums use to track workouts?
Thank you for taking care of your body, user. My friends comment about how lucky I am sometimes. I love you
I want a body like the guy on that pic
Is there anyone under 25 more aesthetic than David Laid?
Be me femanon, EXTREMELY skinny, no ass no tits, been told I have a rectangle shape
Do you allow juicy, delicious burgers in your diet?
Anyone else fall for the leg day meme
Im better than you
Doing carnivore january
30yr old boomer wanting to get Jow Forums
Why are endurance athletes so insecure?
Jow Forums cringe
How important is it to cut down to 10-12% body fat before bulking...
This guy sits next to your wife
/fph/: MOGGED edition
Dumbest exercise
Mfw an actual homosexual enters the gym
Uncle user, can you teach me how to workout to make my boobies bigger?
Do you floss your teeth every day, Jow Forums? Dental hygiene is extremely important to your overall health and fitness
Are SSRI's Dangerous?
Vegans s*ycucks utterly and eternally blown the fuck out
/fraud/ - steroids general
Was 16-year-old David Laid's physique attainable natty?
Gotta be honest Jow Forums, I'm only working out because the idea of being muscular turns me on
/fat/ - That Jow Forums Guy's In There Somewhere, Now Find Him Edition
Did he change anyone else's life on Jow Forums...
Why do i never see you faggots talk about Jason genova?
Are you prepared for the coming collapse, Jow Forums?
Take the ketopill
Ok so this stupid bitch officially uses fake weights right?
How do I become more dominant with women without turning into a wife beater?
Why even lift if our bodies will decay and disappear from this world anyway?
Anyone here become attractive after high school?
What's your reason for starting to exercise?
Cope thread
I want to start doing cardio, but its so fucking cold outside! should i just man up and jog anyway...
This is me. I lift 1/2/3.5/4 for reps. I have steady sex just about every week. What's your excuse?
Name a better bulking food
I’m 6’1
What's the true natty limit?
Why do people make fun of NOFAPers? I can't go to work without being a laughing stock now
Would you win a fight against your younger self?
/cbt/ Big Boys Edition
92% of men born after 1990 are addicted to porn
Do you have any other hobbies other than lifting and gaming?
Mog or be mogged- no 1 rule of life
Well Jow Forums? Is this a reasonable list of demands?
Shoulder impingement
Is surgery the only way out if you are a turbo jawlet/chinlet?
*mogs 90% of Jow Forums*
>boogie will never lose the wei-
Yes goy, keep consuming all that tasty animal protein!
They're coming for you
This chick made fun of my dick
I posted this photo of me on Jow Forums exactly 1 month ago
Are you considert "short in height" where you live Jow Forums?
I’m starting to think these actually do cause heart disease
I fail to believe you can get this shredded from a vegan diet
Six months of lifting
Motivation Thread? Motivation Thread
Phenibut General
Did you make it?
/mire/ thread
How much can Jow Forums barbell row?
6 girls I barely know have IG DM'd me in the past 5 days out of the complete fucking blue
Post routines, r8 routines, shitpost routines
Fat people can't be healthy
Anyone following this Jonskywalker and Kino body thing?
Does Jow Forums drink beer on occasions? What kind? How bad is it for gains?
Find a harder coping kissless virgin on fitness youtube I'll wait
Healthy snack thread
So how do I get a hard body?
Is there any point in doing NoFap if one is a homosexual? Asking for a friend
Go to gym with bro
Waht is 101 of Male grooming? What do Jow Forums use for his body?
I’m putting together a team
How much salt do I really need?
Did you make the 2019 manlet cutoff (6'2)?
Most important part is
Woke up to my erect penis ejaculating in the middle of night
Progress Thread
Does this thot have prime female physique?
/Alpha moments/
Hey Jow Forums, so basically this is more a question about general hygiene and maybe a bit about fitness...
Alright boys...
Mfw i've been eating the exact same things every day for 4 months now
How do you guys deal with breakup?
Forcing yourself
Give me guidance
Have to drive in the city tomorrow
Plg plumper blogging journal
The golden ratio
I see short, ugly manlets with pretty women, Jow Forums. Why did you lie to me, Jow Forums?
How does it feels like bros?
Which fucking part of a burger is junk food?
It is better to start slow and build up cumulative gains in lifestyle than to start hard and end up backsliding...
Height shaming should be considered an assault
Face Pull Thread
What are my options?
What are lifts that make you more assertive and alpha?
What to do to get a body like this?
Clarence is vegan
Losing respect for women through lifting
What are good looksmaxxing tips for Jow Forums ethnic males to get attractive girls of all races?
Is keto worth it? Or should I just stick to a calorie defecit...
I didnt see a high test thread. Plz help me masturbate
Jow Forums eternally btfo
I'm losing hope bros. convince me pic related is incorrect
Why does it seem like white women in Britain have bigger boobs than white women in the USA
Zoomers mogged me
Tell me about your uni gym experiences
I'm convinced 90% of board is borderline autists and retards socially. Beyond the occasional good lifting advice...
What's the point of being fit if you're not extroverted? People irl don't enjoy the company of quiet autists
What % body fat is this?
"that guy" thread
Where do you sleep? Bed vs. sofa vs. yoga mat vs. futon vs. floor
Whats up with popcorn...
Trap help
Get it done
At what point did you start getting attention from girls?
/supplement/ thread - Cum Stack Edition
What mode is this
Goodnight Jow Forums
Post dinners
I wish I were 7 ft tall
How Jow Forums is your wallet?
Jeff Cavaliere
Life is pointless and all improvement is futile
Redpilled me on calisthenics
The only way to build a large chest is with weighted dips, my good sir
I'm tired of blaming my lack of aesthetics on my inferior genes...
Deleting all social media
Adriana Lima is literally a rectangle with mosquito bite tits
Any way to induce sleep and improve quality of sleep?
Filename thread
Do you only work out to get a gf?
Would you feel comfortable enough of your gains to eat naked?
Do i have a good body right now?
McDonald's Bulking
Fuck mk 677
What do you do when self improvement begins to feel futile?
Do you think you can overpower a veteran viking shieldmaiden?
Guys what the fuck happened
Is being beta simply a mindset?
Day 3 of nowater and my muscles are hurting, anyone here make it to the 2 week mark and did it make gains easier?
Has a male psychiatric nurse been crowned as the most Jow Forums career?
This brapppphog reps 500lbs
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread - ask your stupid questions here
What's the point in working out?
Hang muscle clean
Is it really that bad if I drink every night?
Pushup wrist pain
Height you wish you were
/fph/: me on the left edition
/fat/ - Anime Edition
How can I achieve this mode?
Mire thread
Took chicken out for dinner
/nofap/ general
Are heavy squats 3x a week enough to build big and strong legs?
Hey bros I just got some rice cakes what's some stuff I can do with them
Daily reminder that rippletits is litterally retarded, zyzz was a juicer, and pic related is a fag
How's the cut going, Jow Forums?
Pushup thread
ITT: YouTubers that inspire you
I like my girls how I like my jeans. Skinny and ripped
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
How do I get shoulders like this?
Do you have Hunter Eyes
How true is this??
Daily reminder that ‘edging’ increases test and that nofap peaks at day seven...
What would you actually do?
Skinnyfat guy here
Lymph nodes been swollen for months
Imagine the chatterin o these hens. Peals o laughin in ya heed aken to Big Ben on a Tuesdee...
See newcomer doing exercise bad
How do i get rid of a fat ass??
Jow Forums i need your help
Military gains
What's your most non-Jow Forums hobby?
1h+ of sleep=15% more T
Embrace NoShampoo
The ultimate dubs?
Hop on tinder, swipe right and left in hopes of losing my vcard as a 22 y/o khv
Is it possible to buy a barbell and some plates and then workout at home without a rack?
We're putting together a team
I’m getting tired of their cringy ass normie “comedy”. By “their” I mean juji, that dyke that hangs with juji...
Why do women only take classes?
B-b-but women are weaker than men!
Jow Forums no bully thread! All are welcome, manlets, dyels, lanklets, even girls, yaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Is te Jow Forums?
How can i get rid of danfruff...
Who do you lift for?
Vegan bulking/recipes
SSJBOBB of Instagram skyrockets from a 365lb squat to 625lbs, in less than a year, and at 194lbs
You can't gain muscle on a vegan die-
Should I do yoga on my rest day on Wednesday? Might help me with flexibility and might meet some nice chick too...
Day 2 of NOFAP
At gym
If you lift weights you’re literally mentally ill
Sleep on side
What's my preworkout?
Non-memey core exercises? none of this basedboy 30 crunches bullshit
How do I get delts like this?
Just be more confident and hold frame brah
Appetite Stimulants? How to eat more?
MK 677
Do you work out with your gf, Jow Forums?
Give me gym game
Is he the natty saviour?
Would you work out at a Japanese gym?
Inspirational pictures, progress pictures, infographics, etc
Is it really possible to make these gains in 2.5 years natty? He claims he did
Jow Forums approved books
Lean vs. Bulky
This saves all manlets, its 2019 and being a manlet is no excuse
Who has a better body? My sister(left) or my gf(right)?
Based and fatpilled
Help me brahs I want to keep lifting 5x a week but I'm feeling more and more lethargic everyday even though I chug...
What is the optimum height for life/aesthetics?
Nofap noporn day 9
Why so many balding people on Jow Forums?
/CBT/ thread
Would it be bad form on my part to juice for a couple of months (or maybe half a year max) to get a better starting...
Jow Forums Breakfasts
Mfw on noporn
No keto threads? Lets change that. Let everyone know how successful your current ketogenic diet is going...
Are women in the gym that wear meme shark huge sluts?
/fraud/ - steroids and coping general
First time I'm watching scooby videos
Well Jow Forums
Reminder that height and face are the only things that matter
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Is it possible to ask out female cashier if you are 6'2 somewhat fit and have average facial aesthetics
ITT wheyfus und roidfus
Did I say you could stop sucking, bitch?
Where do I sign up for yoga classes?
How do we fix women?
How tall your you Jow Forums? I am only 5'10'' and feel depressed af
Why do powerlifting squat so pathetically? Stop being a pussy and put the bar higher up on your back
JUST thread
Pull that shit up jamie
Am I supposed to find this attractive? Jow Forums keeps saying I am, but my dick isn't even twitching...
How do I achieve Carl Panzram mode(strong enough to rape multiple men+ break out of multiple prisons)?
Gym/fitness secrets
Jow Forums ideals
Train hard
This is the body you need to date Keira Knightley
Daily reminder that you should be MEWING right now
This is average girl poster on Jow Forums, say something nice about her
Anything getting in the way of your fitness goals?
Whomvst do you lift for?
Will this kill me?
Be manlet
Daily reminder that getting cut and tanned is all that matters
Is it over for wide hipped men
What's the lankiest you've ever been
Tick tock meatcucks
Is this true?
How's your buttocks?
Is there a more based feeling than a sick juicy chest pump?
What's wrong with my upper inner chest? i have no mass that grows there
What mode is this?
Tfw accepted the fact I'll have to track calories for the rest of my life in order to not be a fat cunt
WE have to master the RESTING SQUAT, our body needs it
This is what women are attracted to
Calories in calories out
What did your body look like if you only do dips?
Go to gym
Trevor Lawrence
/I Don't Spot/ General
I want to plump up my girlfriend...
Who here gym bully?
Looking in the catalogue and it's clear some of you are seriously high in estrogen. Come in here to fix your hormones...
construction worker don't get a day off every 2 days
KinoBody v Jon Skywalker
Start getting bored of normal squats
Jow Forums what is the heaviest you've ever overhead pressed at which bw?
Three day fast to get lean ?
How do I get this lean?
Fph thread I'm a chiropractor January's the fucking worst because hamplanets who work out once a fucking week want me...
How to sex gud
*ruins your nofap*
I was doing squats yesterday and a thought I just had to fart as I was pushing up on my last rep but I fucking shat my...
Aight fellas tell me what I should do until summer if I wanna get Jow Forums. Also how do u think I’m doin so far...
I know that sex has a lot of health benefits and effects of the body. But what about gay sex?
So after 30 years of sitting on my ass doing nothing, I decided to justify my existence by starting StrongLifts 5x5...
Jow Forums trap questions
/fast/ - #358 - No edition edition
What physique will I be able to get using
Walk into college gym
How the hell have I never heard Jow Forums talking about SARMS? If I'm understanding this correctly...
Redpill me on this guy's channel
I really want to train when injured. Is it THAT bad? I really badly want to train
Most Jow Forums career?
Is this worth it
Is a 175 pound ohp something to be proud of?
Patrician Training Programs ITT
Day 8 into nofap, how goes it?
How do you start going to gyms? I walked through my college’s rec center and it was the most intimidating thing ever...
7 years ago today, RIP Zyzz
Is it possible to lose 90 lbs in 9 months?
Overhead Press
Jow Forums attire
Hey Jow Forums I am doing a report on guys who lift but still are virgins...
Come to Jow Forums 3 years ago
It's chicken and broccoli night again
Just had my first gym session with a personal trainer and he said my form was really good but he worked me so hard I...
Jow Forums humor
Who is a manlet you 'mire despite them being a manlet? Pic sorta related
How does fitness work, if you're trans?
Who on Jow Forums can deadlift more than 373 pounds...
Trips and you cut your dick off roll
Where does your drive come from
For me, it's the overhead press
What have you done to get laid that you'd never tell anyone about in real life?
Daily Caloric Expenditure Calculator
/fph/: ourgorl edition
Sexual health
This year is going to be exactly like the last, isnt it?
Forgot my fucking squat plug at home I’m at the gym now help me how do I improvise???
Who do you lift for?
Yoga thread
Mire thread
There was a thread started by a Rothschild who claimed You can live up to 900 years if you drink only distilled water...
Fell for the nofap meme
/Lifting music/ feels edition
You have two options
What mode is this, Jow Forums? How to achieve?
Tattoos are for attention-seeking retards
He doesn’t keep one of these near his bed for sleep gains
Got any insecurities Jow Forums?
Took 3g DNP
How much can you currently deadlift?
Is there any natural way to make boobs bigger?
Seriously, what's more important
Is honey anabolic?
Last rep face
Reminder that your muscles aint gonna save you against. .44
This video has made me terrified that I might be addicted to protein! I might go cold turkey...
Is Phraks Greyskull LP a meme routine?
Just ate a kilogramme of cottage cheese, AMA
The carnivore diet
Order66 on kinobody... GO
The next Lara Croft i guess
Jow Forums music
Why does Jow Forums pretend women only like tall guys? I'm 5'9" short and I still do well
Oh no no no no no no Jow Forums btfo
Why are girls such womlets?
Is bench press a meme exercise for grapplers?
Redpill me on shower mold
If there's 1 thing you could tell incels, what would it be, Jow Forums?
Will my dick grow if i take T? (testosterone enanthate injection)
What are the biggest meme exercises?
Why did you start working out
Guys. doing squads on the smith machine is really THAT bad ?
How much caffeine per day before it becomes bad for me?
Post brutal moggings
/fraud/ - steroids general
This is the body you need to date Taylor Swift
What's a good movie to watch for psychological gains?
GF can't lose weight
How do I report a premium snapchat thot to the IRS?
3x5 squats
Just be confident bro
Start mewing right know
Today's the day
Are all ab machines a meme? Are there any useful ones?
/cbt/ - current body thread
Tfw 180 manlet
I thought Jow Forums said boogie would die soon??? Doesn't look like that's gonna happen is it
How do I reach saitama mode
What do you think is a great example of a 7/10 male?
Nofap placebo meme
What to do on rest days?
If exercise improves your mental health, why is everyone on Jow Forums so fucked in the head?
Anyone else unironically lifting for girls? Girls in my country aren't attracted to skinny soiboys
Can bench more than I squat
I’m a tall boy (6’3) and sick of being lanky, currently weigh 150lbs...
Autistic Things You Do In The Gym
Mental Fitness
Are leg extensions bad for you ? she seems in pain
Brehs... tell me about this lift
I look like this with no shirt, but look dyel with shirt on. Why?
I can't wear shorts or change at the gym because I have self harm scars
Is he natty?
Nofap day 8
The neet life is a lie
I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long...
Honest thoughts on vegans and veganism?
Small reminder that diets don't work
Are wrist curls a meme?
Best multi?
How do i get abs
Hes back unfortunately, its piss
Rate Fizeek desu
How to learn power clean?
What jersey do you rock at the gym?
Literally one chance at life
Who would win in a fight between these two? A classic size vs. strength conundrum
This alpha male stomps on your barbell while you are deadlifting and then gets in your face and tells you you're out...
Is soy bad?
Why haven't you switched to the carnivore diet yet user?
/plg/ +500 ipf points a week isn't trying hard enough
What's the perfect post workout smoothie?
Is 5’8 the most based height for a girl?
Do you use a fitness app?
These are the only things I eat everyday
A friendly reminder that you will unironically NEVER make it if you consume bread or milk
Boomer Hate Thread
Gymthot identification
What lifts help you forget getting completely fucking mogged?
22 and beard won't connect still
Is this considered big
Be me, a year ago, content with midsection, but not so much with lower body
What shoes does Jow Forums where to the gym?
43% protein you say
Dad Bod Meetup
Chemical castration from antidepressants. (PSSD)
Let's take a break from talking about lifting for a minute. Quick intermission if you will
2 more years of college football as a National Champion...this dude will set the standard for pussy domination
Is anyone else’s deadlift wayyyy better than their squat...
Did I make you proud fit? First meal ever cooked. Fattie trying to lose weight on a 1600 Cal diet. Any cooking tips?
Resolutions thread
4:00 AM
You're only eating white rice, right?
Who notices/compliments your gains or appearance the most?
Oh God what do I do I've never gotten this far before
Art Hoes
Where in the U.S is lifting culture big?
Redpill me on nofap
What's a good shirt brand to look juicy? Are 'muscle fits' a meme?
Daily reminder to take the neck pill
How do I get a body like hers Jow Forums?
Rip my confidence again
Yo need cheap as fuck meals for 2 months to survive
ITT: Reccomended Shoes
Tfw walking to my favorite Japanese place after gym
claims to "train"
Circle beards are the most alpha/dominant type of facial hair. This cannot be disproven
The average guy who lifts has to learn THIS in 2019 just to get a date
Why are women such whores?
Black people said Jow Forums is full of shit
Cut or bulk?
/fat/ - That Surreal Feel Edition
Are these safe to use for a pale fuck like myself?
Try to go to local Rec center I used to go to in high school to start regimen
What are natural ways of increasing t besides eating cum or sodomy or other troll answers?
Is it possible to keep your gains after marrying, /b/?
Anyone else actually have a gf or god forbid a wife? Are they the gain goblins people say they are?
Pic related just landed a MCU role. >You're hired to be his personal trainer
What’re some subtle ways i can convince my fat gf to start working out? Or at least take care of her appearance!
Any fellow late bloomers here? How do i spot red flags?
What is this form called?
Does anybody here struggle with crazy amounts of gas? What do you do?
Sure you look good, but do you feel good?
TFW will never fucking ever have a GF
Oregon Jow Forums
The city of plus sized models
Fit activities and hobbies
Do you find it possible to be friends with the manlets in your gym, or are they too jealous?
Be me
Jow Forums gym buddy thread? Jow Forums gym buddy thread
Me, a 3/10, with workout buddy, 8/10
Height is a meme
Girls see my muscles and automatically think I'm stupid. What can I do to combat this...
What are they doing?
James MCAvoy transformation
Goal body keeps getting bigger and swoler, forever eluding my grasp
Appetite suppression
Imagine pursuing health and fitness with such fervor only to die because some 4/10 put a curse on you LOL
Get Jow Forums
Body fat estimate?
Sugar is bad for y-
Met my caloric limit (1600 kcal) for today
ITT: Jow Forums approved haircuts
Welcome to the meat show
Do you actually have a problem with resolutioners in your gym...
How did zyzz really die?
How do we combat the obesity epidemic?
Superbad to Superchad
Post lyrics of songs that make you emotional while working out
I’m a guy and have a body that some day is “womanly” or “feminine”
Jow Forums cookbook
How do I become a 5'7 chad Jow Forums
Are you even having fun anymore?
Dumb Shit You've Heard Normies Say
Not making much progress at the gym
Is tard strength real?
Cringe thread
Sugar tax
Fit greyskull
What are some pissening physiques?
User...Chad beat me again. Can I stay here until he's cooled down?
I'm a Minor Attracted Adult (MAP), AMA
Ideals thread
Is it okay to eat half a dozen eggs everyday?
Tallness is the only thing
Weightlifting shoes. I can get powerperfect 2 for 100€ and Adipowers 110€ which ones should I get?
Been doing Keto for 10 weeks
/fph/ /fps/ /fht/
Losing it with a prostitute...
Farmers walk is the most underrated exercise, period...
Get Jow Forums to attract women
Daily reminder that Instagram is a lie
Has anyone here done a Shawn Baker style carnivore diet? It looks really fun and has a lot of anecdotes
What is the first thing you would say to a girl in the gym to pick her up ?
ITT: workouts YOU only do at the gym
Just got kicked out of my friends workout group...
Indians at gym
Gym bully thread
Tfw all gyms are more than 100 metres away from where i live
/NOFAP/ Do it for her edition
Vegan hate
What mode is this?
What's worse Jow Forums? cutting or bulking?
Quick reminder
How to get rid of acne?
Saw a new mom I know, 24 years old, post this on instagram (yes her tits are fake btw)
Is this good progress?
Red pill me on long hair
Did anyone else get memed on?
About to relapse lads...Not just on nofap and noporn, but on nodrugs
/fraud/ - steroids general
A barbell fell on my head
Goes to your gym
I ate doritos today
Anyone else got a PR today?
Why is it acceptable for males above the age of 14 to have arms this small
Is deadlift the best exercise a man can do?
Achievable naty?
Is chicken breast, rice, oats, broccoli and like an apple or some shit all i need for a balanced diet?
Do you anons think i look any good for a beginner?
The time I bought lifting shoes
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Got a gf finally (thanks Jow Forums)
I swear to god... leftists are literal gains goblins. Like...
Good AND non cringy abs exercises:
ITT: Things people believe in lifting that aren't true
5’0 female
Morning Routine SIG
Decided to get /fit
There it is
Where do i go after SS?
Make a weak bait thread
So I went to the gym for the first time. It wasn't so bad. I went at 6am so it would be quiet...
My bulk is going bad I'm 85 kg at 5'11 everyone is saying what a fat fuck I am should I cut...
*clinking clinking*
Not eating an onion a day and doing nofap
Post yfw after finishing new PR
People you used to think were big but don't any more
If thread
Why do women bother working out when they literally don't have to?
Real talk
Why is 5ft 8 the funniest height
I think he could take Bugenhagen in a fight easily
Has your faith in Christ helped in your physical pursuits?
Anyone know what joe rogans fitness routine is?
I have ADHD. Will stimulants take all my gains?
Routine Thread
How do i stop hair thinning
Why the fuck do I get turned on by chubby girls Jow Forums. Ever since I surpassed 2 weeks on nofap (day 30 currently)...
What do i do if the only avalible gym in my area is in a black ghetto?
This is why I lift
"user I gained weight again."
Manlet thread. Post your experiences being a manlet. 5'6 and below. Pic unrelated
"you don't have to be big to be strong!"
Goal body, animated edition
Hiya Jow Forums! I'm some random tranny femboy disaster...
Do i look like i lift?
Worst Fetish
What type of girls do you attract, Jow Forums?
How can I not fall in love with every pretty girl I see?
Can Jow Forums redpill me on planks
Are beans a good subsittute for meat? Specially chicken breast...
Jow Forums incels BTFO
These niggas only have 140 g of protein
So guys I decided to start a keto based diet. The only problem:
How to achieve this mode?
Really makes you think
If I take steroids will I strike fear into the hearts of numales?
/fast/ - #356 - DENIAL EDITION
Steroid General
What are you eating?
You supinate your elbows when you curl, right user?
How do I get more motivated to work out and any good starters that I could do at home?
Tfw could have lost my virginity yesterday but i declined the sex because i didnt want her to laugh at my six inch...
Any other dudes out there like me who are so sick of Tinder...
Best pre-workout?
Oh there you are, user! We were just talking about you. Stacy was just telling us about how much you workout...
Unpopular option thread
CBT - it sick it piss it current body thread
How to get IQ gains
Push up thread
What is the best way to make humility gains? I'm the worst kind of person...
He doesn’t wear a big flashy watch to the gym to time his rest and impress cardio bunnies
Tfw addicted to phenibut
Gym Playlist
Alright so I just started, is this a good beginner schedule?
The absolute state of powerlifting
How do you faggots increase your push up count, I'm stuck at around 30 reps and can't seem to increase it?
What is your motto?
Just finished the sixth day of my new monk mode routine for 2019
Things men do that instantly let you know they're betas
Are eggs healthy? I've heard they have a lot of cholesterol so that kind of bothers me, but I fucking love them...
/fat/ - >tfw No More NYRfags Edition
veganism is healthy guys
How do you reject your natural calling to fuck women and just focus on being Jow Forums and gaining knowledge?
Who is the most aesthetic male under 25 and why is it David Laid?
What motivates you to keep Jow Forums?
Jow Forums, you were right
/fph/ /fht/ /fps/
Starting saying LIGHTWEIGHT out loud
What do you even do here? do you brush it off or do you fight back...
HIIT Cardio for Bad Knees
Why do we focus on Bench Press so much when Weighted Dips are the superior lift that have far greater atheletic...
Tfw your question was featured on Alphadestiny's QnA
All women need to do for a perfect body is not eat like a fucking pig
Going back to the gym tomorrow after a 2 year hiatus. My stats will be absolutely dreadful but I’m ready to learn again
Non depressing carb free meal ideas?
>tfw no model gf
What happened to the exultation and admiration of the strong male form among the civilizations...
Jerking off 2-3 times a day and watching ASMR videos is no longer staving off the loneliness
Transformation thread
Realistically is this peak natty limit?
So what´s wrong with mens leggings?
Soi is bad for y
Welcome to the meat show
QTDDTOT - Welcome to Hell
I can lactate
Which exercises should I do to improve my posture?
Jow Forums approved recipes thread?
Rate my 6 months transformation
Mfw someone trips over the cord and unplugs my squat rack mid set
Have you redpill3d yourself on marijuana and how it destroys your gains?
So I finally benched 2 plates, what’s the big deal...
How is this unattainable? My gf’s body looks like this (withthinner legs) and she doesn’t even work out
What are some Jow Forums approved podcasts?
Jow Forums approved youtubers
I can strict curl 35lb dumbbells and I have little 14.5 inch arms...
Strength mog most people at your gym at 60kg OHP (I swear I literally never saw anyone do more than 50 kg OHP...
Ugly people shouldn't get fit
So Jow Forums, what's the consensus here on cured/preserved meats? Celery Powder? Nitrites/Nitrates? Cured vs "Uncured"?
Memes aside do humans function better with high fat, high protein food like keto/carnivore, a mixed diet or vegetarian...
Daily reminder that your gf/wife will ALWAYS cheat on you, if you aren't the best looking guy around her circle
Alpha Brain
Mens sana in corpore sano
Jow Forums and /fph/ btfo
Hi, some might remember (probably not though) my 300 inspired fitness comic which I posted here many months ago
I lift for her
Thinlet help
So what do you think about my legs?
The average guy who lifts has to learn all of THIS just to get a date in 2019
Alright I unsubscribed from Eric. He is being a dick and he changes his mind about routine and fitness every month...
Best song to listen to mid-workout Jow Forums?
List all the reasons he shouldn't be the official Jow Forums goal
Is this how normal people spend their birthday?
Post your PPL routine
I fucked up during my teenage years and got these as a result
There you are. Disheartened, discouraged, hatin' yourself...
Test boosters
*blocks your vegan ass*
Did I just made it Jow Forums???
Anyone else feel like they could take down fighters in the manlet divisions...
Who is the strongest anime poster on Jow Forums?
Jow Forums thailand trip
How fat is she?
Is it important to stretch?
Jow Forums cringe
Who here /autistic/
You are high test, right?
Nofap genral - I just want to be pure edition
Mark Rippetoe is an obese halfwit
Pushup Thread Daily
I'm kind of nervous about going to the gym. See a large woman, bout 249 in a small 5'3 frame
Not being tall, good looking, blonde and blue eyed Aryan
Why do you lift?
So, this is the power of blond hair blue eyes master race?
Who else are doing /cocoon mode/ here?
Fictional Goal Body Thread
MIRE THREAD (2019 Edition)
Do women actually like having a fat ass?
/fraud/ - steroids general
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship