Is it really that bad? Or does she have a curvy body?
How fat is she?
>How fat is she?
>Is it really that bad?
>Or does she have a curvy body?
she does not
she fat
Low test faggots
Go back to your goddamn 3D trap porn. This bitch is sexy as hell
Why do you think she's fat?
>How fat is she?
she could definitely stand to lose 5 or 10 pounds. or at least so some ab exercises or cardio. gotta fix that tummy and thighs
>is it really that bad
if you were drunk you would fuck her but then when you saw her in the bed in the morning you would regret it
>is she curvy
nope. shes one of those girls that, due to shitty genetics, just has tits that are way too fucking big for her body. even if she somehow fixed everything about her body, her tits would be too big. its kinda like everything runs in sizes though. her tits are too big, everything is a lil too fat
she looks like she has literally no ass. also, having a great butt and smaller tits is way better in a woman than giant tits and a pancake ass. so you're wrong there
pa pa americana
Mia Melano is curvy. Your pic is just fat.
Not fat.
No, not that bad.
Curvy? No, wouldn't call that curvy.
>you would regret it
You're a gay man.
Would slam, if you catch my drift lads
She's fat too.
Broad got blacked at 18...nope!
Bunch of homo faggets in this thread.
That yoke in the OP would get smashed.
Go browse buzz feed you low-test ballbags.
I would still smash, but you cant deny that shes fat cmon bruh
She's a bit overweight, not fat.
She's pretty chubby but I would still bang just to watch em bounce.
perfect for breeding, everyone who disagrees is a low test numale cuck
>when the first thing you do after entering the porn industry is getting banged by niggers
what made her think that this is a smart idea? so much wasted potential. i cant even get myself to whack off to her, its just depressing to see someone degrade and self sabotage.
>she's fat too
americans really are retarded.
Shes fine as hell bro. Look at those tits!
Very fat. Very bad. Not a curvy body.
Nice tits tho, would cum on them.
Fatass detected. Go suck on a tube of lard.
>5 or 10 pounds
Nigga that's 20lbs of fat easily.
I will put my dick in just about anything that moves and even I think you’re too fat
>tits too big
Get a load of this homo.
anybody in this thread calling her fat is just coping hard
You're coping, you desperate faggot. Fuck an actual girl instead of your hand and move on.
would marry you and give you beautiful smart children
She's fat, but the bloatmaxxx """women""" around where I live are so positively hideous, positively Adjudicator-tier, that I'd smash her and even kiss her without any thought of shame.
>tits too big
Low test homosexual detected
>no u
the post
she's got potential
slim her down a bit and get squatting and you'll have a top shelf lady
but a lot of you faggots will say no to that and be single virgins forever
She's a fat fucking cow. Do mutts really think this is normal?
>someone calls fat cow out for what she is
Fuck off you pig worshippers.
Imagine being so pathetic you lower your standards like some pushover soi instead of keeping your dignity and having some self control like a man.
>better eat my own shit if I'm hungry and there's nothing else around
The Post.
I'd rather starve.
She’s a fat pig and I’d suck and fuck those tits and face, respectively.
Fight me faggot.
Of course it is, retard. Want an award for that discovery?
You'd fuck a fat chick with a hanging belly.
You're desperate. And coping.
she's beautiful
look at those tits
holy shit!
she's probably so soft and warm... bet she smells nice too
prime wife material
Chubby but worth it for those tits
Bet she smells like sour milk, tuna and moldy cheese. Real life isn't a fucking cartoon.
Yes she is fat. However 50% of that fat went straight to her tits so it’s aight
Not that I would. I already have.
She’s fine.
Don’t let these hentai fapping virgins convince your otherwise.
The insecurity on this board runs rampant.
You are not defined by your relationship.
You are not defined by your S.O.’s bf level.
Stop being a bitch and realize a chick with big tiddies>>>>>a skinny woman every day of the week
She fine. She got water wings, cellulite and a spare tire belly.
But it could really be worse and with milkers that big she probably looks pretty good in clothing. Seems fine SlamPig to me.
Chubby, yes, but the prime amount of chub. Just enough to have those massive tits, give you something to hold onto, and be fertile.
9/10 would bang
stop it, user
I can only get so hard.
1) I like thick bitches, I’m on the edge of the big dick club and bigger girls fuck better for me.
2) She probably looks awesome in the right clothes.
3) She needs to loose weight while she’s young, if she continues on that path she will fall from chubby to lard ass land whale. I married a chubby 140 lb gal and now she’s 230 after 14 years. Health habits matter.
>water wings
lol fuck I hate that
1) delusional
2) cope
3) beta as fuck
Nah, marry thin and they will turn into that after you knock them up.
H-how big is your dick, user :P
don't like thin pretty girls
as an 8.5/10 guy i only go after 5/10 chubby girls
>retards spend hours in the gym
>only to waste away their potential with some ugly fat cow
Jesus fucking Christ, you can't make this shit up.
So you're a 5/10 yourself, then.
fill me up
>you can only fuck 1 girl
Stop being fat.
i'm so good looking even my therapist couldn't resist trying to fuck me
I didn't get it until I started work out and now i can't fucking unsee it,.
When I was a teenager Cards Against Humanity First came out and had one about "Michelle Obama Arms" and I had no fuckign clue what it was on about.
But a woman that properly exercises won't have that jiggly distracting arm fat. Its the best sign because there's women that are skinny fat and don't look it in clothes. But can't hide dat jiggle.
>marrying in the 2019th year of our Lord
>t. coping retard
I remember when I was younger and a bunch of girls were obsessed with jiggling their triceps to see if it moved, and I didn't understand it either. They all had normal arms at the time, but obviously they saw the future.
>being able to fuck many chicks
>choosing to fuck a fatty even once
That's even more retarded, holy shit.
t. fatass
post body
Her body is very fuckable are you kidding, a bit of extra chub in exchange of huge tits, now you post your bod
don't have a camera but i'm white 5'11 170lbs muscular with light brown hair and blue eyes
ok buddy
i'm a genetic masterpiece
the only area i suffer in is my beard. i can't grow a full beard, only a goatee.
>genetic masterpiece
>being this small
>very fuckable
Nigga, she got a hanging belly, tricep fat, cottage cheese all over her legs, and ass probably too.
You're desperate as fuck.
Post body faggot.
Jow Forums are all sex gods who only get the hottest girls
T. never touched a remotely thick girl or curvy girl or probably has never ever touched a woman. Boney women aren't fun sorry.
You posted a fit/slim girl not a curvy girl. She has one curve when she pushes out her ass.
>y-yeah? Y-you're still d-desperate. That's it.
lol you have nothing anymore
My thoughts as well.
>tiny arms
>tiny forearms
>tiny delts
>tiny legs
>obviously hunched over
>pic taken at an angle
Who are you trying to fool, dyel? You probably weigh 160lbs soaking wet.
>had all of her disgusting features pointed out
>"s-so what"
What even is your point, you fucking brainlet?
Or you can consider it sour grapes.
There's not really a reason to pass on decent pussy if you're able to get it easily. Anyways its basic supply and demand. The more demand a guy has the easier it is to snag better women. Basic competition.
i'm a virgin actually lol
it's actually fun being a handsome virgin
always have women trying to fuck me and i reject them all
i've even told them i'm a virgin and that only makes them want me more. like they want to marry me haha
>Boney women aren't fun sorry
Nobody is talking about skinny women, you fat fucking baboon.
You mean skinnyfat or blown out fat.
>muh test
>doesnt post body
>user gets told that what he would fuck is a digusting ugly bloated slag
>"are you kidding she's fuckable"
>user gets told that she's shrek's retarded cousin
>"you have nothing anymore"
Bro, you had nothing except wet dreams from the beginning.
Stop being a virgin.
How do you want me to prove im not desperate
>flexing hard
>arms still almost flat
>kiddie forearms
Just stop user, you look like a manlet still in high school.
Im 6'1
>still doesnt post body
>2018 AD
>thinking tinder is proof
What a seething brainlet.
You look like a starving manlet m8, not even kidding rn.
Eat more skelly.
What's the point of this physique if you look like a dyel in a shirt?
>not realizing thots' standards on tinder are crazy sky high
Newfag pls.
For all the times youre not wearing a shirt... you dense mo'fo
post body. lets see it lads
La'Tecia Thomas is better
A little. I'd smash, but I'm a 4/10 so take that in mind.
i'd bang that
i like a little chub even better if she has the tits
>he let the jews keep him from a life long friend and partner to make a family with
It's okay user, you'll grow up one day. Just try not to marry the first random whore that gets your pathetic wee wee hard.
>don't have a camera
>in 2019
C'mon now faggot.