Anyone else feel like they could take down fighters in the manlet divisions...

Anyone else feel like they could take down fighters in the manlet divisions? I don't have any real fighting experience but I am 6'2'' 200 lbs with 1/2/3/4pl8 lifts... I am way bigger and stronger than these weak gnomes what could they possibly even do lol

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That's why weight classes are a thing brainlet

You’d probably get put in a heavier weight class and get your shit kicked by Jon Jones. This being said, it has a lot to do with the skill of the fighter.

Kek. You're weak as fuck for your size. You'd get destroyed by 99% of them, and that's the best case scenario. All of them would probably kick your ass.

Go to your local fight gym and try that theory out. Please let us know how it goes.

Gonna get wrestled till you puke. Also Khabib walks around at your weight so lmao

It doesn't matter how much fat you carry. Taller guy will automatically win in any situation. Genetics win fights not practice.

Have you ever even been in a fight? Have you ever been punched in the liver or chin? Why do you think you'd be able to block a punch from someone who punches people for a living?

Also you're weak as shit for your weight, bet you're one pudgy fucker.

Have you ever fought a woman?
Would you win against a woman in a fight?

i'd let ronda fuck me (up)

absolutely pathetic oh my God

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how does it feel to be retarded?

>this is what lanklets actually belive

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you are obviously too autistic for this conversation

Jesus fucking Christ, at least make up a decent weight and stats before making such a shitpost. 200 lbs is not that big, especially for your height. 1/2/3/4pl8 is mediocre.

As a guy with better stats than you (6ft 2, 210lb, 1.5/2.5/4/4.5, you are wrong.

I have taken my first three fighting classes this week - nogi BJJ, generic MMA and boxing. In all three I got absolutely anhiliated by tiny guys, in BJJ by girls too. Power and height matters once you have a base level of technique but if you have nothing then a child can run rings around you.

Considering Jow Forums thinks they can beat , bears , gorilas and mike tyson this is a downgrade

I’m a 145 lb blue belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu and would strangle fuck 250 lb explosive college football players.
It’s like being thrown into a pool, not knowing how to swim and having a girl drown you.

I once saw a small boomer manlet beat the shit out of a ripped younger dude in a boxing gymn

Why the fuck are McFaggots constantly making these threads? Your potato boi got beat. Just deal with it.

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I hope you don`t mean Khabib specifically.

>t. pussy
What's next?.. You gonna larp about fighting toddlers?
Why don't you be a real man and go against a gorilla? A true test of strength.
I can beat up a silverback gorilla, easily. Maybe three.

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Inb4 based TJ Killashank waxes that boi pussy

Hello little ''men''
How's it going down there?

>I don't have any real fighting experience
That's why you FEEL like you could take one down, retard.
Get fucking decked by a manlet in judo and your theory will go south real quick.

They would hit you once and you'd curl up and cry. People who have never fought always think they can fight for some reason

>would get his world turned upside down by a manlet
>"l-little men, h-haha"
Did a manlet fuck your girl that you're this salty?

Fuck off manlets.
Fighting is not like in some Jason Statham movie where 5'10 soiboy beats everyone because he has ''technique''
In real life brute force will always win. You won't have time to think about how to put down a taller guy while you'll already be knocked out unconscious by a powerful punch in your face.

is this a flying squirrel?

khabib walks around at 200 lbs when he's not fighting

>irl fighting is like I say
>I have no experience with irl fighting tho
Go to a serious fighting gym, get your ass kicked, and move on

>this mad that a manlet would take him down and make him cry like a bitch
Jesus dude.

not OP but im 6'2 190lb and i do 1/2/3/4 for reps and im not even remotely pudgy. dont think an extra 10 pounds is gonna put me there either

You are literally describing the argument for weight classes.

how retarded can you be, if you fight someone that has training and gets punched in the face as a job your pussy punching power will do absolutely nothing to him. I don't care if he's 5'6" he'll still beat the fuck out of you

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But Khabib has more brute strength than you. Also, go search the local MMA light weight champ and challenge him to a fight. Don't forget the camera.

why does he look so weird
is it cause his torso is huge and his arms are small in comparison

Hello little ''men''
How is it going down there?

Knowing how to punch and wrestle is gonna do more for your chances in an actual fight than how much you can bench.
If you try to wing a punch with your fucking chin hanging against a fighter you’re gonna hit nothing but air, and get your head taken off, but please keep dreaming

>implying I’m a manlet
Dude your 200lbs of flab with no beginners strength, you ain’t got shit to prove you can fight

No, you'd get killed.

You might be bigger and stronger, but with minimal effort they would either twist your leg until your knee separates, you'll be limping for the rest of your life.
Or they'd get you in a choke hold, no matter how big or strong you are a manlets arms are stronger than your neck. You'll be unconscious within 20 seconds, after that he can hold for another minute until you are dead, or let go, rape you while you are unconscious, then kill you in whichever way they see fit.

An untrained giant, can not beat a professional trained manlet.

Imagine being this retarded

Weight and height both matter brainlet
200 lbs at 5'7'' and 6'2'' is not the same

you have never been in a fight or have trained in any capacity. that is very evident.

my job requires a high level of mma training. i love meeting guys like you on the street

>Anyone else feel like they could take down fighters in the manlet divisions? I don't have any real fighting experience but I am 6'2'' 200 lbs with 1/2/3/4pl8 lifts... I am way bigger and stronger than these weak gnomes what could they possibly even do lol
you only got 20lbs on khabib at most, retard. There's something called weight cutting, he could rape you to death if he feels like it

>Fighting is not like in some Jason Statham movie where 5'10 soiboy beats everyone because he has ''technique''
>In real life brute force will always win. You won't have time to think about how to put down a taller guy while you'll already be knocked out unconscious by a powerful punch in your face.

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>1/2/3/4pl8 lifts
lol dyel

I'm sure you're shitposting but kill yourself for being a part of cancer

These threads are always the most effective bait on Jow Forums, they're like the more discrete version of "I could totally take that chimp in a fight"

I'm thinking a mix of complexes and fragile masculinity lead to hundreds of replies

>lanklets defending their lanklet genes and thinking technique is nothing
>manlets defending their techniques and thinking reach distance means nothing
>mfw lanklet that works on technique, best of both worlds
Get on my level faggots.

Samoans have hax though, that's not fair.

Well, they know where to punch, they know how to dodge, they have trained and sparred for years to respond as quickly to an incoming blow as possible. Against some big boy like OP who probably doesn't even know how to punch probably and will end up breaking all his fingers the first time he smacks someone, I think they'll do fine.
Obviously against a well trained opponent who is also a few levels taller they'll be in a pickle.

This thread is retarded. No one remembers when ufc didn't have weight classes and skill dominated everything? Could you win a race against someone who ran them for a living? Could you out lift a professional lifter? Can you build a house faster and more accurately than a carpenter? Than why the fuck would you assume that as a man you can point to another man who fights for a living and say "I can do his job, better than him" and expect to not get mogged like an absolute fucking child. Mma dudes don't try to outlift body builders because it's obvious ffs quit thinking strength is the only factor it will get you killed in a real street fight.


What the fuck, guy in OP pic is flying-fox mode.

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Khabib would fucking destroy you. Shit, Jose Aldo would wreck you.

post body

ITT: triggered manlets on cope

I'm with you op.

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Idk, i’m kinda with/not with OP here. Depends who it is and the situation. I grew up fighting (lots of arseholes on my council estate) and play wrestling with one friend who loved fighting but knew he’d lose in a fist fight and i’ve been in lots of fights (bar fights etc) and knocked out one guy who does mma in the heavy weight divisions playing rugby after he tried to gauge my eye out. I’m 6’4, 224 pounds and only do slightly more than 1/2/3/4 for high reps. If you’ve got knock out power it doesn’t matter how good Khalki Mohammed is coming at you, your likely to catch him with a knock out punch at some point.

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post body skelly

>Idk, i’m kinda with/not with OP here. Depends who it is and the situation. I grew up fighting (lots of arseholes on my council estate) and play wrestling with one friend who loved fighting but knew he’d lose in a fist fight and i’ve been in lots of fights (bar fights etc) and knocked out one guy who does mma in the heavy weight divisions playing rugby after he tried to gauge my eye out. I’m 6’4, 224 pounds and only do slightly more than 1/2/3/4 for high reps. If you’ve got knock out power it doesn’t matter how good Khalki Mohammed is coming at you, your likely to catch him with a knock out punch at some point.
yea cause your buddies and the guys you play grab ass with are world class athletes

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If i got the same prep time as Khalki and a date was set i’d be worried sure, the guys obviously made of nails but i’ve knock enough people out bugger than what Conor has to be confident

Typical incel response

>not dyel

>If i got the same prep time as Khalki and a date was set i’d be worried sure, the guys obviously made of nails but i’ve knock enough people out bugger than what Conor has to be confident
and he trains with luke rockhold, shithead. Enjoy your stupidity bubble though.

>trust me, I could knock out world elite fighters

I’ve watched these Big Brother style MMA shows where they get a load of Jow Forums youngsters in and train them with pros. Some people are just born fighters and others are shit no matter how much time and effort is put into them. I’ve played enough rugby to know that people (no matter the size) are easily knocked out and if you have that required power added with a natural inclination to fighting you are dangerous. Don’t talk shit that just because Khalki is a professional means he’s less prone to knock out and somehow has a larger skull or some shit because he doesn’t. It’s why you have certain fighters like Chuck Liddle who’s primary role other than knock outs were take down defence.

>and he trains with luke rockhold, shithead. Enjoy your stupidity bubble though.

Yeah i’m sure luke rockhold is throwing full power punches at him giving him permanent brain damage in training. Oh yeah - that’s because he isn’t

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Ill take OPs challenge.
These two terms seem fairly unknown to OP. Especially with such a class difference.
1/2/3/3 x 10 for lifts
t. 148lbs 5'6

I'm convinced untrained vs trained you need something like 100lb weight advantage for it to be an even close fight.

Check out Tyson at 15 so barely a heavy weight at the time.
If you think a 50lb weight advantage puts you in the realm of a trained fighter your dreaming, put any 250lb man that doesn't know how to fight against this and they are finished.

These threads are always retarded, and you can’t make it more obvious that you have no mma training at all. Your like the guy in the affliction shirt who watches grappling and says “this is gay id just push them off me, ezpz”
Even Mighty Mouse would kick your ass.

>200 lbs.

You aren't as strong as you think you are, and khabib would decimate you.

they would all kill you as they are trained to do
try that shit on Demetrious Johnson he would make you his pussycat
i know a 5'5 dude that would bend 6'4 dudes in half with his kicks and they both were highly trained so unless you train a martial art you can not be utterly brain damaged to actually think you can stand a chance against a guy that fights for a living
just kiding you should try this on the street just pick the toughest guy from your local muay thai gym and fight him on the street you'll definetely not get killed OP

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Try it. Go into an MMA gym, find a guy with a few recognized fights the same height as Khabib and agree to fight him at 200lb. You'll get kicked inside out.

And you think you can beat a guy who is 27-0 on the grounds that you are taller and have a few DYEL lifts? Pat Healy is six foot, didn't help him against Khabib nor Edson Barboza...

The fact is that fighters under 155 lbs struggle to generate enough force to knock out opponents. 16 year old tyson was bigger than that (165 I think?).

Any 175 lb+ boxer can fucking kill a 6'10 400 lb strongman. But the further you get away from a critical combo of limb length and mass the worse it gets for the smaller fighter's punching power.

For instance, in football a 200 lb D1 running back is probably getting hit by blocks that are as powerful as a full force punch from a 125lb fighter. I really doubt a 125lb pro boxer could beat up a college running back. Yet I totally believe a 200 lb boxer could one hit knockout a 330lb offensive lineman.

Good points. I think right around 150-155 is where I'd put that line too. Any lower and you don't see those huge or consistent knock outs anymore.
But for 200lb OP with his stats (see: lanky) which are FAR lower than what I'd put a D1 running back at. I'd say 125lb would probably be able to generate a knockout blow to his untrained chin.

tyson was 190 at 15 at least thats what cus says

>hey Jow Forums who would win in a fight a guy who's been trained by some of the worlds best trainers to be a fighter or me somebody who hasn't left their room in 2 days

Mark Hunt is something around 300 lbs and probably has the biggest head and hands in the whole ufc

200lbs? You would get your ass beat. We've already tested this with the Gracies and they consistently beat opponents who outweighed them by 100lbs.

If you want to beat a 150-170lbs MMA champ, you will have to be a steroid freak as big as 300-400lbs, mostly muscle. Then they can't do much.

the sheer amount of faggot manlets sperging out ITT is great, but you're a scrawny little faggot with shit lifts, so pipe down, pussy boy.

They beat up half crippled over the hill tincans who didn't know a shit about grappling in cage matches designed specifically to make it easier for them to win.

Why did rescind their invitation to Hulk Hogan for the UFC? Is it because he had REAL no bullshit fucking catch wrestling experience and decades of actual experience in the ring with men of multiple sizes?

But muh BJJ?

>They beat up half crippled over the hill tincans who didn't know a shit about grappling in cage matches designed specifically to make it easier for them to win.
I think you're missing something here, which is the fact that we're talking about experienced small fighters versus untrained 200lbs faggots like OP.
I don't really give a shit what you think about the Gracies, what matters is that a small grappler will beat a muscular untrained opponent.

Martial arts are the ultimate meme way for manlets to cope.
Literally no women will give a single shred of shit about how strong you are. Sure you can oneshot a 260lb 6'4 guy with your perfected, 10 years sculpted form, but in the end women will want to pass on the best genetics to their children and the thought of having a 5'6 guy cum inside them and give them offspring with lower than national height average is just honestly disgusting.

If this is true, why haven't short people died out? Natural selection brah

based Mark "sue the UFC into Oblivion" Hunt
an untrained bodybuilder with zero fighting experience and a trained fighter with 10-20 years of experience is not the same. At some point, height/weight/strength will overcome the skill difference, but not with those in the upper echelon of UFC

how do you know that for a fact?is that what women tell you when they reject you?

Ehhh idk its debatable. Fighters train for what the sport demands which is 3-5 5minute rounds, so you have to have endurance to go the distance. If you train for explosivity and your opponent ropeadopes you until your gassed you will lose. Some IRL fight to the death shit with no interference would be different. Most of these fighters arnt jacked because the metabolic cost of having all that muscle is outweighed by the amount of stamina it drains from you.

but there are also guys like Yoel Romero,Tim Kennedy,Tyron Woodley,Ngannou,Ubereem that look better than most people that go to gym while being natural(except Ubereem)

They would still destroy you. Pic related is two professional fighters, with one giving up 130lbs to the other.

Skill does matter. Especially when you have never fought somebody of that caliber in your life and think it's going to be people throwing punches.

Attached: Fedor vs Hong Man Choi.webm (640x360, 638K)

imagine training for years to be a machine at fighting only to get shot by someone that isn't stuck in the stone age kek. i cant fathom dumping so much time into a hobby when concealed carry is the way to go for self defense

Small fighters like to think it'll be like Daredevil kicking Kingpin's ass

The reality is that they will be powerslammed into the ground and seriously injured

Your weight doesn't matter, what matters is your ability to generate a strong punch,speed,accuracy(i usually go for chin or nose but a good knock between sbs eyes will likely knock him out/double blackeye at least) and wheter your opponent sees the punch coming

doesnt matter how good of a fighter you are, you cant dodge a bullet

and what you gonna do if you havent got your weapon on you and you get in a fight?get beaten to death while thinking how useful that handgun might've been,right?

and neither can you but i can both fight and shoot so if i dont have my gun on me i can bang and knock

yeah but all the time you spend training to fight, im training with my gun. i will hit my target faster than you, and with much higher accuracy

what in mother fuck was he doing with his bitch hand that punch was coming a fucking donkey could have dodged that bitch mother

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