I lift for her

>I lift for her

Attached: C42.jpg (675x960, 88K)

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>I lift for him

Attached: Corazon1318.jpg (341x512, 43K)

pillow makes her look like a saint painting

What a saint

how much can she squat ?

I like sage

every "man" who watches cutesy/moe anime is a closeted ragging faggot.
I'm yet to be proven wrong

It's the natural progress of being a weeb

Attached: 15466525064.jpg (434x720, 78K)

every "man" who doesn't watch cutesy/moe anime is a closeted ragging faggot.
I'm yet to be proven wrong

Attached: 1531885631752.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

You lift for trash?


Based haruhi poster

there is no need to be so petty. The man has improved himself, are you jealous of his success? Your attitude disgusts me, begone.

Attached: 45674648.jpg (252x200, 6K)

I lift to be him.

Attached: no life king.jpg (848x906, 116K)

how does old people feel like when they suddenly see anime girls ?

*mogs your 2D waifu*

Attached: 1490765149090.jpg (1400x900, 108K)

Nice try, but I said that men who don't watch cutesy/moe anime are closeted raging faggots, not that men who watch cutesy/moe anime aren't closeted raging faggots.

>Lifting for that
I lift for the official Natty King of Jow Forums
Oh great Scooby, please come back

Attached: King Scooby.jpg (900x900, 89K)

Picturing the angry face of my waifu has put ten pounds on my farmer's carry in the past couple weeks.

Attached: 1331792889224.png (2400x1500, 306K)

>I lift for her

Attached: anne frank.jpg (660x371, 22K)

Fuck off /his/

hello there Fräulein.

Attached: racewar johny.jpg (254x254, 15K)

>3d ever mogging 2d

Attached: ishygddt.jpg (200x200, 12K)