So I finally benched 2 plates, what’s the big deal...

So I finally benched 2 plates, what’s the big deal? It’s way harder to lift one plate since the bar is very unbalanced because there’s weight only on one side
Last time I listen to you /fit

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Ha ha ha

are you mentally disabled?
when they say 1pl8 they mean 1 plate on each side

A thread died for this low-tier bait

Then why not call it two plates ffs that’s why everyone was looking at me like I was a fucking retard

at least one faggot fell for it too
sad state of 4channel

>tfw can't hit 130x5x3, already failed twice
>tfw losing weight after straightening out my diet and hitting 3000 calories consistently

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Are you eating food?

Shut up and eat ur tofu burger

yes. i drink maybe a quart of milk a day. i used to drink a half gallon of whole chocolate milk (230 cals a glass vs 150 regular milk) a day which would get me to like 4000 cals, but the supermarket only stocks 4 half gallon jugs at a time so i can't get enough of the shit to keep up


Add some tricep accessories. Dips and pulldowns sent my bench flying when I was in your place.

whens the best time to do them? right after benching?

Maximum keks. Good post OP

You big ol’ silly goose.

are some people really this stupid

>are you mentally disabled?

oh the ironing

Not him but the same days you bench.I follow a PPL routine though so it just works.


After benching yes you don't want to tire yourself before the big one.

user you are a genius troll, pls teach me 100% srs

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3 pl8 is rough, more weight AND unbalanced

put me in the screencap

Attached: OSRSLaugh.jpg (817x857, 63K)

Attached: 1525368315326.jpg (600x340, 32K) have to put the one plate in the middle of the bar above your head

this is advanced trolling
outstanding move

I’m far from that lol, 2 plates is easy but 2.5 will be unbalanced and hard again haha