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Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-06 at 6.06.34 AM.png (601x741, 584K)

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Jesus christ he looks like the devil himself

Why’d you crop out the dick faggot?

Guy must have been fat as fuck to still have loose skin with all that muscle.

Here is his reddit :^)


it would be so bad if he fast

Looks strong af

he looks scary, like some cgi thing from a monster movie

Attached: irl_kek.jpg (300x200, 6K)

He's going to make an excellent rapist.
This is what happens when you encourage Jow Forums faggots.
DO NOT encourage them.

he looks like a world of warcraft boss

Decent gains but listen, how fucking hard is it to wash your hair and make an attempt at maintaining an appearance? Unless this guy's end goal was going ogre mode, there's no excuse. PS looking at his reddit he's a fag.


he looks like a rapist from a hentai

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how about not giving a fuck about appearance like an insecure bitch as an excuse?

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jesus christ do you just hate women or something? i bet you fucking stink

fucking terrifying

>Jesus christ he looks like the devil himself
he looks like a Jew, oh you're right that's the same thing

Absolute abomination. The ungodly combination of his happy go lucky fucker smile, his oily hair, his loose skin, his numale glasses and his bovine size is truly something to behold.

theres a difference between hygiene and focusing too much on how you look

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Based and redpilled

>reminder that women are attracted to this.
>reminder that women are gay as fuck.

Looks like a prime Jason Blaha

>mfw I'm built just like him, loose skin and all

Holy hell, he's 28!? He looks terrible. I thought late 30's for sure.

Can someone please tell me what is unsettling about this?

Holy shit, Trevor is that you?

Knowing that he could rape your DYEL ass anytime he wanted and you could do absolutly nothing about it

c-could it be??

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WTF it looks like Jonny Candito midway through his transformation into a werewolf.

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That pic of him smiling behind his dick absolutely obliterates my sides everytime I see it

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Solid start for ogre mode. All he needs to do is shave his head and roid.

>in a public restroom

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