Are eggs healthy? I've heard they have a lot of cholesterol so that kind of bothers me, but I fucking love them...

Are eggs healthy? I've heard they have a lot of cholesterol so that kind of bothers me, but I fucking love them. Thinking of starting to eat a hard boiled egg in the morning for breakfast with my yogurt. I like eating eggs for dinner sometimes, like maybe an egg sandwich? Is that unhealthy? I should mention I'm trying to lose weight, not build muscle. Also would scrambled or over easy eggs be better? I don't like just egg whites because the yolk is where all the flavor is. Could I eat eggs everyday? I mean, of course everything in moderation. Obviously I figured I shouldn't eat more than maybe 3-4 a day.

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Been eating 10 a day for about a week now and it hasn't killed me yet

Cholesterol isn't real. Eggs are the greatest force in humankind.


whole, farm-fresh eggs are the greatest thing. I get about 3 or 4 in a day. Cholesterol in diet doesn't 1:1 mean higher cholesterol in body. Highly recommend you skip the cheap $1.50 eggs and get the more expensive ones. You'll know they are good if they have an ORANGE yolk, like almost blood orange.

If you aren't near anywhere that sells fresh eggs then go to Costco, their eggs tend to be great for very cheap (though I think you have to buy in packs of at least 18 or 24 or some shit)

the yolk colour thing is bs, because they just add pigment to the chickens feed.

been eating 6-24 a day 5 days a week for 7 years.
im still in A-1 condition

Good lord that's a lot of fucking eggs. What do you spend every week on eggs? I assume you buy them in bulk for a good price, but eating that many a day seems a bit insane. That means you're eating anywhere between 42-168 eggs a week.

Then why don't they? I buy store eggs all the time when the person I buy farm eggs from is away and the store eggs' yolks are literally almost lime green. They never taste as good as fresh eggs.

I've never had a farm egg that didn't have a golden orange yolk. That could mean that everybody uses the same kind of feed or it could mean that the feed used for those eggs produces eggs with greater omega 3's etc.

farm eggs are still better than store crap, but the yolk colour isn't a good indicator of quality.
just look up "egg yolk colour pigment feed chickens".
the eggs at my local supermarket have orange yolks too, but they're not that good.

Depends on the person. get a check up, if you dont have high cholesterol then incorporate more eggs into diet and see if it changes your cholesterol levels. Adapt your diet to how your body react to it.

I eat 32 eggs a day and I'm not dead yet.

I died before I even had a chance to eat any eggs

im gonna blow your mind here, nothing is really unhealthy if you have clean diet and eat stupid shit in moderation. eggs arent bad, to cut the fat only eat egg whites, but theyre great. idk why this thread pops up every fucking day

it happens. i crie ebertiem

Actual farm eggs not from chickens fed garabge will have more of a fishy taste kind of like fish oil. This is because they have more of the kind of fat in fish oil.

Eggs are awful for your arteries. Consider oatmeal, skim milk, beans, nonfat cottage cheese, or peanut butter on bagels instead for your protein. You can't eat egg yolks in moderation 1 is an entire day of cholesterol.
>movie workout man eats eggs

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Trying not to faceplam too hard here. The eggs you refer to are because those chickens are literally fed fish oil to increase the Omega 3 intake of their own fat. This type of fat doesn't smell naturally like fishes, it's because the fucking cuck is eating fishes.

Link to study or take your faggy vegan infographics out of here

Eggs are not healthy. same with milk. It's a redpill you have to swallow.

eat vegetables.

1 large egg has as much cholesterol as 23 strips of bacon (186mg)

I bet your scientifically illiterate ass thinks this means eating the 23 strips of bacon is healthier.

The eggs I refer to are the eggs from the chickens my neighbor raises in his backyard

>sign in to read the article, goy
no thanks

m-more protein!

You have been lied to about cholesterol being bad.
It's literally the most important thing you can eat.

>the yolk colour thing is bs, because they just add pigment to the chickens feed.
I own chickens and they have deep orange yolk color.
Walmart eggs have yellow.
So there you go.

I own chickens. They eat bugs in the yard and I get free eggs. More than I can eat. 14 chickens.

Chicken farmer here. All my chickens have orange yolks. So yes there is something fucked up with Supermarket eggs.

If eggs are as bad as everyone makes them out to be than I should have already had a heart attack since I’ve been eating 2-3 eggs everyday for the past 2 years now, I’m gonna start only boiling then cause frying them apparently is just as bad even though I liked do that

Of course they aren't.

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They are horrible for you, the yolks add bad fat


fucking reading comprehension

A good egg has a hard shell and a rich orange-coloured yolk that does not collapse easily. Find eggs like these and eat as many as you can.

>It's literally the most important thing you can eat.

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>If beer is as bad as everyone makes them out to be than I should have already had a heart attack since I’ve been drinking 2-3 beers everyday for the past 2 years now