The absolute state of powerlifting

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Damn, he really gave his all on the makeup, too bad he still looks like a man

>Having the future of your sport looking like this

who dis
t. semi-newfag

Oh wow you do that?

no but I think about it really hard haha

I'd let him suck my dick

what's his name, user


post body/lifts. i guarantee you're a weak faggot with shit lifts lmao.

easy to btfo a bunch of fatties when you had a sex change

Honestly, who is this?

I can't honestly tell if its a dude or not.

S(he) still outlifts almost everyone here
Ronnie coleman

Her name is Amanda. What fucking man do you know has that name?

Are you daft? Changing your name isn't that hard.

Then call yourself "T. Anonymous Faggot" in my honor you fucking queer.

>Thinking they can't change their name
Holy Retardoli


>getting this mad over a comment on the internet.

There's no hope for you.

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Cringe and bluepilled. This girl squats your big 3 total combined kek.

Are you just a salty fanboy with a musclebitch fetish?

>someone says something mean about a whamen

I'm sure she lifts more than some on this board and others lift more than her. Your argument means nothing.

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When you're on so many androgens that people online are actually wondering if you're a nonpassing transexual or not even with makeup a good photo and a small bit of photoshop....
Do you really think she cares if she squats a lot?
Do you think anyone here cares that she lifts a lot of weight?
Women who are heavy weight lifters don't live for long. Espscially those who're on gear. They get all sorts of cancers and cardiovascular issues.
And women's heart and arteries are not as hearty as a man's.
They're like gossamer strands compared to our thick rawhide arteries.
They can't take the same kind of punishment that steroids puts on them.

holy fucking COPE, batman!

>absolutely plebbitgram tier whiteknight level comment
I'm sure she'll fuck you in the ass if you ask nicely

Thanks Sigmund Freud lol

I'll take "couldn't come up with a decent counterpoint"

for 500, Alex.

Also see

>white knighting for this heshe

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Seethe harder

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honestly it doesnt matter what i say lol. post body and lifts. you wont lol

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Its almost as if you missed:

>I'm sure she lifts more than some on this board and others lift more than her. Your argument means nothing.

Stop being an absolute GOTCHA

Brainletty user strikes again. Is this you user? Be srs. How long did the op take?

>Stop being an absolute GOTCHA
Man that is some reddit-tier zoomer shit.

By op you mean opbliterating pussy, it took only 5 seconds. ask your mum

Anonetty please just go

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wouldn't want to disrupt your safespace, right Jow Forumsbaby?

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>muh Jow Forums

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all her white knights are redditors that lactate from their nips like that guy in the front page

>white knighting a half man half beast on an anonymous imageboard
You realize that disgusting creatures like this are only going to lead the sport in the wrong direction?

>Cringe and bluepilled. This girl squats your big 3 total combined kek.

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These same jannetties will cry about powerlifting not being an olympic sport meanwhile all the notable powerlifters are obvious juicers

kek, rip milkman

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kek milk boy btfo

>take so many PEDs you have more test than a healthy male, and look like one too
>weigh around 200lbs
>use """power"""lifting gear
>with all of that still manage to only squat 600lbs

Women are pathetic lmao, imagine trading your fertility and femininity just to lift more weight to impress fat power cucks who will spam post you on anonymous forums

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>roiding for this