Alright so I just started, is this a good beginner schedule?

Alright so I just started, is this a good beginner schedule?

Workout A:
Back Squats 5×5
Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5×5
Bench Press 3x5
Incline Press 2x5
Barbell Curls 2×10
Wrist Work 2×10
Face Pulls 2x10
Sit Ups 2x10
Push Ups 3x10
Workout B:
Front Squats 5×5
Rows 5×5
Standing Press 5×5
Deadlifts 3×5 (2 warm-up sets and 1 “stabilizer set”)
Wrist Work 2×10
Face Pulls 2x10
Sit Ups 2x10
Push Ups 3x10
Training Schedule:
Week 1: A, B, A
Week 2: B, A, B
Week 3: A, B, A and so forth.

Attached: C883B392-9072-4DC2-AEBF-CFFB405047FA.jpg (1122x1194, 171K)

There's no reason why you need 5 sets of bench press one day. Do normal bench press in one day of A workout, then do inclined on the following day of A workout, and keep rotating. Or then do 2 sets of normal press and 1 inclined, etc.

And you also have push-ups, why? You're giving your chest way too much volume from the get go, which is not ideal for gains and it also risks overtraining.

I also don't think you'll do a good deadlift if you do front squats right before them, leave those for separate days

And leave the wrist work for the very ending of the workout

The fuck are you talking about retard?

5/3/1 has 6 sets of bench before you even do another 5 sets at 1st working set weight

This guy doesn't know what he's talking about

I think this is a good workout, but for my personal preference, I would only do back squats, just get strong in one rather than having to have a good technique on both exercises. Also I would do a different an exercise than sit ups.

What is your goal doing all of this?
This just looks like doing a bunch of stuff for the sake of just being at the gym for 2 hours doing nothing.

Squats 5x5
Bench 5x5
Pullups 5x10

Deadlift 5x5
OHP 5x5
Dips 5x10

>tfw new year's retards already broke the GHR machine and had to do incline sit ups instead

Attached: gret.jpg (262x192, 6K)

i mean if can work out more without overtraining, why wouldnt i do it?


Attached: 1546708024658.png (637x653, 463K)

because it's mostly fluff

>Alright so I just started, is this a good beginner schedule?
just follow an established routine, like Candito LP or GSLP or something (until you're ready to move onto a periodised programme). there is no fucking point in doing "2x10 barbell curls", "2x10 sit-ups", "3x10 push-ups", etc.—none at all. you are just wasting your time

but why wouldnt doing pushups do anything.

any time spent doing push-ups is better spent benching or doing dips, because it's far easier to overload those exercises (and so remain within sensible (i.e., effective) rep ranges)

push: bench, squat, press
pull: pullup, deadlift, row
do 2-4 sets, and alternate low rep (3-6) and high rep (6-10).
add 2 sets of facepulls.

pushups are actually great prehab, because they have free shoulderblade movement.

Push ups are different, I always supplement push ups with my bench as a volume boost

In fact unless big numbers are your goal OP, bench isn't even necessary. Fite me faggits, but you can get a good chest without them.

>You're giving your chest way too much volume from the get go, which is not ideal for gains and it also risks overtraining.
>on at most 19 work sets on chest in a week
>of which 9 are sets of 10 push-ups
why did i come back to Jow Forums

>they have free shoulderblade movement
so do (chest) dips

dips aren't horizontal push like bench and pushups.
dips are also hard on the shoulders. pushups are safer.

You will be in th gym for like 5 hours with that workout retard.

i have enough time.

Workout A:
Back Squats 5×5
Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5×10
Bench Press 3x5
Incline Press 2x5
Barbell Curls 2×10
Sit Ups 2x10
Push Ups 2x10
Pull Ups 5x5
Face Pulls 2x10
Wrist Work 2x10
Workout B:
Back Squats 5×5
Rows 5×5
Standing Press 5×5
Pull Ups 5x5
Deadlifts 3×5 (2 warm-up sets and 1 “stabilizer set”)
Face Pulls 2x10
Sit Ups 2x10
Dips 2x10
Wrist Work 2x10
Training Schedule:
Week 1: A, B, A
Week 2: B, A, B
Week 3: A, B, A and so forth.

is this a bit better?


why, do i have to lurk moar? i just want to make it


this is retarded. it's just a scrambled push-pull routine where you get the worst of both worlds. either do ppl or bro-split. stop trying to invent the wheel again.

Do SS with curls, pull ups and dumbbell bench/shoulder press

what the fuck does that even mean.