Do i look like i lift?

do i look like i lift?

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Wow you look so average... Hope you don't spend too much time in the gym

We have the same shitty haircut because I stopped caring about life. Get those posture gains though.

Not at all.

you look like your 5'8' i bet, well 6 foot gigachads mog you rn

get a better haircut, get a tan and go lift weights

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Dude nice advice. Whatever your height is, "+4 inches" gigachads mog you right now. Always remember this OP if you want to be a self-loathing incel like this nigga right here.

It’s incredibly hard to look non dyel when outside unless low BF. Bad lighting. Your traps look decent

you look 10-15% above average?

Do I

My buds tell me im a pretty big guy ™
But my body dysmorphia begs to differ

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He gave pretty good advice outside of the incel gigachad shit.

with clothes on, yes, without you look like a fat (I'm in the same boat)


good this is the response i was hoping for in this thread. im not that dyel faggot teenager that lifts for two days and thinks he's zyzz, but ive put in hard work over the last 8 months and i wanted to see if it was at all visible. also im an attention whore

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You look the same.

i disagree

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It doesn't matter if you disagree. Because you look the same.

yeah but i disagree

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It doesn't matter if you have this opinion because it isn't based on reality and everyone else thinks you're delusional.

>Put in hard work
>Over the last 8 months
You look exactly the same, kid.

post body


it should be mandatory to post body while replying on Jow Forums

Why did you make this thread if you didn't want to hear honest critique?

You're obviously the samefag that says he didn't change. If you think in the before pic he can flex like he did on the different pic he posted, you are truly a retard.

And I'm not OP, it's just obvious that he made some progress.

>I'm not OP

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>”im not that dyel faggot teenager”
Except you are

that's what makes this thread so hilarious

>can't read a complete sentence

>still samefagging this hard and replying to yourself


he is not me
cringe & bluepilled

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slacker dyel

do you perhaps have more pictures with shitty quality and terrible lighting ? OH and not to forget autistic angles

you look like you did some sports in school then ate a bunch of candy and corn chips your entire life

Post frontside boi-o