
prove me wrong

Attached: man vs twink.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

seems bout roght

ya ur actually rite

>long hair
Faggots. All of you.

Duh. Chris’ abs look like a dick and balls

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You're just jealous, faggot or are you a hairlet and can't grow your hair out?

proof of social status as long hair indicates you aren't a wagecuck

but this is what girls in their prime really want

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based and blackpilled


Grow all the neck hair you want. No one will give a shit.

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this post made by dreamgang

>Leto's method acting is the stuff of legend. In one of his first major roles, he took things to a whole other level while preparing for and shooting Requiem For A Dream. In order to get into the mind of his drug addicted character, Leto gave up sex for two months.
Haha wow imagine that what a guy haha No clue how he managed that

post some fucking real men

Attached: doug young.jpg (1024x750, 253K)

Best boi coming through right here.
Ladies want economic security, not pretty boytoy non-humans.

Attached: what the ladies really want.jpg (329x502, 54K)

till they see him in person and realize he's 5'9"

Ur a phaggot bro

he's 5'7"

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twink opinions are irrelevant

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Which is why u should stop posting lol


And rich as fuck.
Every million you're worth adds one inch to perceived height.

ladies first

Attached: arm goals.jpg (443x489, 30K)

Why are you making this a reddit contest about the shitty lore of these movies? Both of those other dudes are kings. 2 Prince Charmings out of a fairytale. Or at least one of them is. The other is a cuck to some half black tranny. I haven't seen any of these flicks.

Left looks better because he actually has tats that doesn't look like shit. If his skin was only one colour he'd look no different from even Henry Cavill.

Billy is the hunkiest.

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right actually looks good without a beard


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go away alex

Broski should do some incline bench or volume OHP

I'm not him.

Attached: King Leonidas.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

To achieve this physique, you have to joing a gang and smoke weed until failure. Also play video games and think about society's lies.

Broski should fuckin quit forever

hope those are kg plates and not lbs. dude is just lifting bodyweight with switchgrip, knee wraps, and a belt

he had a 738lbs diddy

>What guys think women want
>What women actually want

The worst joker

Cope, baldie.


Enjoy your gout you daft cunt

Attached: article-2551416-1B30479200000578-322_634x836.jpg (634x836, 135K)

Baldlets are so fucking pathetic

>bending to the will of what women want
>women like your money, not you
>this is a healthy "relationship"

+better definition
+bigger chest, slightly bigger arms
-tatted mongloid


mums gonna FREAK

fuck off alex you are promoting your shit 24/7 on this board and its annoying. get a life

I rocked long hair for about 4 years in my life. My hairline haven't change a bit but I could never go back.
Just the thought of the amount of maintenance needed makes me tired. Try living an active life- which means up to 3 showers a day with long hair... You won't last a month.
To me nothing beats manly short and elegant low maintenance cut that goes great with good jaw and skull

aquaman sucked, thor 3 was great what the fuck are you on about

Hairlet detected

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Reminder that ginormous pecs will let you get away with minimal ab definition

Tbh most men with straight or nigger hair look like trash with long hair

But his hair texture is perfect for this look

We knew this since Arnold, thanks.

Attached: arnold would not bang.jpg (480x392, 53K)

notice how that filename is "arm goals" and not "Me.jpg" because you're a DYEL and posting big dudes wont make you one of them

I was watching some shit with Hemsworth yesterday and one question was how much do you bench. He said he doesn't bench at all. He did for Thor 1 but now he just does push ups and shit.

We can tell.

He is a very attractive man, however.

how fucking tall is bill gates then

>not knowing about 100lb plates

As tall as his father

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>you're a faggot for having hair like nature and god intended


I'm biased, but I'm going with Momoa. Hemsworth lost me when he went from viking to generic dudebro.

What the hell are you talking about? I have long hair and it's super easy to maintain. Just comb it once or twice a day and wash it twice a week.

>up to 3 showers a day with long hair.
What the fuck? Also, you know you can put your hair up, right? You don't have to get it wet every time you shower.

Attached: hair.jpg (953x951, 171K)

only right answer in this thread

Didn’t realize we had a bunch of long haired fags who likely put it into a man bun. Sure wasn’t like this less than a month ago.

Attached: 222FDB2F-3096-47DE-96C9-554F28FE0851.jpg (320x360, 39K)

I'm a long haired fag and I've been here since Zyzz. Fuck off, newfag.

Been on Jow Forums since before you knew about it, kid. Fuck out of here you long haired faggot. I bet you’re vegan.

Long hair is for closeted traps

Lmao. Sure you have been. How about we compare stats. I bench 405 and deadlift 620. I got video proof too.

>I bet you’re vegan.

Also, pro tip: faggots hate long hair. They have whatever haircut is trendy atm. Kinda like you.

Attached: dl.jpg (1465x803, 200K)

>arms smaller than pic
>not a twink
you know what to do

have to do 10xriseups to failure every fucking day to get this physique, i tried it and i wanted to kms


it literally says 100lbs on the side, do you wear a fucking helmet for the bus ride to special school?

You deadlift like 200 more than me
Congrats, you’re still a faggot with long hair that looks terrible.

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at that weight do the chains really make much of a difference? not that guy and genuinely asking
t.ma fag who barely lifts

I've done modeling shoots. You're just a bitter manlet who squats less than I bench.

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I wouldn’t say drastically but it’s a nice addition when pushing.

You’re not helping your case, that just shows you’re an even bigger fag. I train for fighting not to be a pretty boy. I’ve taken plenty of people down your size because they only train strength or worse aesthetics. Hope you don’t just do that.
Also bitter about what? I’m fit, get laid, and my hair doesn’t look like frizzled shit and don’t need to hide a weak chin.

>wash it twice a week
are you a fucking pajeet?

>now YUO see
Why did he type this?

I'm 35 and still have a fuller hair than all of you faggots combined. Only baldies need longer hair to cover up the empty spaces.

>I wouldn’t say drastically but it’s a nice addition when pushing.
isn't it about changing the weight throughout the lift? i meant in that respect by the way

You look cool dude, don't know why that other guy has such a hard on for insulting you lel.

Kid, stop embarrassing yourself. I did kickboxing in addition to powerlifting, they only thing you're gonna take down is my cock in your throat.

> I’m fit
Not based on that pic.
> get laid
doubt. jpg
>and my hair doesn’t look like frizzled shit
You have the hair of a 12-year-old. I have hair that sluts would kill for. Every single day I get comments on how thick and beatuful it is. However, unlike you I don't give a shit about my hair. I only grew it out because I hate going for haircuts and I hate styling it. You seem obssessed with other men's hair.
>and don’t need to hide a weak chin.
Neither do I. I just hate shaving. My beard is too hard and thick.

If you use shampoo every day you don't know the first thing about hair and scalp health. Ask your mother or your sister how often they wash their hair.

when the OP is the BP

He's just angry that he's 5'5.


>hapa manlet cope

Oh you’re right but my main use of them is to help me squat lower, not necessarily for the added weight.

>threatens to choke another man with his cock
>advises another user to ask women for advice
You really are a typical longer haired fag lmfao.

Ok, so we've stablished you are indeed a pajeet, good to know.


you're saying girls think
+big chest
+dark triad

WRONG. they like psychopathic and sociopathic 'evil' traits and evil looking people, in fact they get sexually aroused by criminal looking masculine guys.
most women have no idea why you shouldnt have sex with a guy that looks irresponsible as hell, because that same irresponsibility is what makes them tingle.


>T,t* shorthair fag

The guy getting fucked is the faggot, the guy doing to the fucking is not. I could beat the shit out of you and rape you and there's nothing you can do about it. Luckily for you I'm only attracted to adult women, not child-sized "men".

You really are dumb ass, aren't you? Shampoo destroys your natural oils which makes your hair get greasy faster.


Based rapist

>coping this hard

>a minus for women

Virgin detected.

you really are a filthy attempt of a human being, aren't you?

If all you did was kickboxing then no you couldn’t rape me. You can’t do shit once you’re on the ground. BJJ + MT master race.

If we were in the same weight class that would matter. Since I've got half a foot or more and 50+lbs on you it doesn't.

>girls think
literally who gives a shit?