How are you holding up anons?
Day 7 here, feels good to have a fap free 2019
/NOFAP/ Do it for her edition
Obligatory "i did nofap for 3 weeks and my dick fell off" post
Day 10 here. It's been a hell of a fight.
Day 48. No changes to report yet.
finally started getting long, vivid, and complex dreams like I did during my previous streak
>Do it for him
How many days until I get wet dreams?
Getting hand boys, everytime it pops up its fucking hard to urge against, worst in the morning.
The only proven benefit of nofap is it makes crybaby /pol9k/ incels even more miserable. For everyone else the wise path is LOWfap, about once / week.
Incels don't do nofap, they are the ones who always shit the threads
10 days.
I’m a virgin and I’ve been doing it.
How does one combat morning wood? It's hardest then when I'm not fully awake and not thinking straight.
Fap free 2019 too. Haven't had a single urge. Accidentally saw a few nudes but it didn't phase me. I know I'll feel worse when I jack it.
Pee and it goes away.
I'm on day three. barely holding on. anyone got tips to deal with the constant urges?
Do some pushups or jumping jacks, something that redirects your bloodflow from your dick to your muscles
Day 330 here, get real faggots
Also AMA
>wake up horny
>edge for 3 hours to ebony doggystyle pov videos
Do you spontaneously jizz in your sleep?
Enjoy giving yourselves PMS, you fags
I’ll admit it happend like 5 times so far, no really a big issue though.
Has your hair thickened?
I’ve always had thick hair.
Ok, thanks.
Do you have a waifu?
>took ZMA
>had very vivid dream about successfully fighting the urge to fap to the most unbelievably gravity defyingly thicc latina ive ever seen posted on /gif/ or /s/ or something
>went on with the rest of my dream just fine
>woke up
>still remember what the latina looked like
>struggling not to fap at this moment
>day 15 got gf
>no random boners or get turned on
Do you see where you made a mistake?
Accept. Don't run from it because this struggle in eternal. All of it is a mindset. Fap or nofap, your mind is what drives your goals.
Jerk off 3 or 4 times a week
HA HA HA HA HA... heh. No. “Nofap” is pretty much exclusively the kind of /pol9k/ incel who blames women for all their life’s problems. I guess hating ‘thots’ is easier than doing something to improve yourself.
Maybe you're not attracted to her
>HA HA HA HA HA... heh.
what anime are you from?
Nah, she's hot, but my entire libido is dead and has been for a while, maybe it's the depression idk.
But hey, one less thing to worry about.
Low DHT.
Leftyfags are so drunk on self loathing and internalized guilt that they cannot imagine that others might have genuine self esteem.
They aren't leftyfags on here you retard, it's all bait
>that Zizz picture
God I love Wormwood.
Maybe. DHT regulates libido; High DHT = horny.
On /sci/ there are quite a bit.
Day 65, doing well.
Why am I not surprised you would post a cartoon like this?
>Day 65
>65 get.
He he xd.
Embrace the suffering it's the only way brother
Day 10, haven't been having any wet dreams. Hasn't happened in my last streak of 23 days either. It concerns me
It'll come. For now enjoy your clean clothes
Do you fags ever wonder why this have so much popularity on reddit?
It's because nofap is literally an equivalent of castration.
KYs Impure JEW
masturbation is de facto a form of castration
Day 7 it wasn’t so bad found a new pornstar almost popped a couple times. Much harder with porn. But first day of class. I’m sick as hell and my face is fucked and covered in snot, also fat but the Test boost was getting me a couple mires, while I wore some big ass sunglasses to hide the bloodshot swelling face.
But once I was out and about i had all the energy in the world to hunt the puss puss. I’m gonna find me the perfect kinkysex, kid factory to save the white race with.
The opposite is true
Day 10 here. Started a little before the new year. This is the longest I have personally gotten, last few days I felt great but today I feel off. Almost as tired and foggy as after fapping. Guess the fabled "returning to baseline after 7-10 days" is real. Also, I havent had wet dreams yet, in fact I never ever had them in my life, it just doesnt happen without stimulation, so I wonder if its not bad for my dick if I dont release old sperm.
Im close to breaking today because it feels pointless now to go longer than 7-10 days after the test boost is gone, and Im worried for my sperm quality
I am doing nofap, because I was jacking off 3 times a day. It doesn't seem to make me miserable.
mmm not really, masturbation is temporary chemical castration
very literally
same also day 7. next few days shouldnt be too hard since i will spent most of it at work
nofap is literally long term castration
>nofap day 3
>imagine being stranded on an island of amazonian goddesses and raping their whole tribe
>Not you being the one raped
You are denying your own genitals.
Just accidentally blue balled self
I’ve never fixed without fapping.
Lowfap AND noporn
Based begone poster
>day 19
>looks like Jesus has a pussy on his wrist
>get chub
>This is an intense pain/pressure
>7 days
>naturally high volume producer
>been on zinc b/c fighting cold
If kidney stones are a 9, this is close to a 7
God damn bad dragon unboxing videos.
>bad dragon unboxing videos
you need jesus
I haven't fapped in like 4 months. I've only cleaned the pipes with my gf.
I still look at porn when I can though. It really is impossible to quit.
Based begone user saves the thread again.
You people are retarded. Watching porn is way more harmful mentally than fapping. In fact, fapping without porn is probably better than watching porn without fapping.
Theres no point in doing a goddamn nofap if youre not doing noporn to begin with
Blue balls here, I didn’t listen. Anyone without as much pain inoculation as me would be trembling.
I just want a girl with a wide birth canal to gives babbyx22 to field 2 football teams, surely Jesus supports such endeavors.
>get ED
>Start nofap
>date set up on day 6, peak test
>she cancels
>get lonely and relapse
every fucking week fuck this gay shit this is so fucking exhausting how can normies keep grinding everyday with multiple girls, multiple phases and styles of flirting, always having someone as backup always competing with other cunts trying to fuck the same girl I'm almost giving up again on this shit I just need to fuck a puss and feel normal for once.
Id suggest stop chasing pussy. Only put effort and energy into a girl if you are willing to start something serious. Meaningless sex is not worth your time.
Yeah. We /wholesome/ here, outside of the primal urge to empty our jiggly, dangly balls into puss
>tfw never fapped
>tfw never had the urge to start
>tfw the thought makes me a little sick
Do I need to seek medical/psychiatric help or is it a blessing in diguise?
lmao what
r9k/incel types glorify their porn
taking away their porn is the same as taking away their only cope, blah blah etc etc "i'll never get it irl plus i can watch cartoon women get raped" and shit like that
Incels don't do nofap. They do nothing to improve themselves, ever. Why the obsession on incels every thread, are you a woman?
maybe force yourself to fap a little
without porn
>using willpower to stop fucking your hand and eventually fuck a real woman
Really nigga? I guess working out is the equivalent of torture with that retarded logic, and that truly free men lay on their couch eating their favorite snack 24/7 because it feels good momentarily. Come on.
Stop being a beta cuck on the phone. Post the texts we’ll fix your fux. Also who the fuck dates except hardcore religious.
Stop feeding the jew he twisted
That pepe just maes me more mad, it's a neverending cycle of hate.
Since when is hating porn the same as hating women? I'm doing nofap because I want my experience with real women to not be fucked up by porn addiction. In fact if you do nofap you probably care more about real women, because the goal for 90% of nofappers is to fix their dick, libido and lust so they lust, approach and fuck real women eventually like normal well adjusted people.
edged today to a scene extremely similar to latest time i had sex
went out felt like a god
nofap/noporn works when youve never seen a sweaty o-face irl
Day 21 or so noporn, nofap, nosex. Praying for help to manage the lust. It's working. Aim is to never ejaculate again until making babies. Felt really motivated and clear headed today.
Bros, I'll never make it. Every day I vow to never watch porn again and right after I bust, the clock is ticking until I do it again. I am addicted to the point of watching cuck, tranny, BBW trash daily. I am so depressed in general and constantly chase that post-nut euphoria. It's been years since I've wanted to quit and I am totally hopeless.
Working out makes you healthier, stronger, and more attractive. Making yourself hornier so that you are more inclined to chase thots only drains your dosh and can get you into trouble.
> tfw getting morning wood again
it's a weirdly good feel
>Post the texts
not american.
>Stop being a beta cuck on the phone
I'll admit I was being boring beta in the beginning and I haven't had many opportunities to be assertive since, only one.
I've been on 3 dates with girl and never fucked her even though she was down since the first, in which I got said ED. On the second she didn't wanna fuck in my car, and on the third she was on her period. I'm too beta to whip my cock out on her face and demand she suck it.
Are you a janny?
Think how good you'll feel after overcoming this problem
Shagged a bird and didn't cum
Get on my level
>day 9
>instead of sitting inside I went outside and joined a new hobby/group
>it was actually nice
Feels good to do something new to get more social.
anyone doing nofood and nofap at the same time?
>took ZMA
>woke up with a headache every morning
Sorry I missed temple this week, Rabbi! I'll make sure to show up next week.
If youre having this much trouble, take one step at a time bro. Maybe its better for you to fap daily BEFORE you watch porn, so you get rid of the urge. The thing thats hurting you the most is porn, this is whats making you depressed. Its probably easier to stop porn if you keep fapping for now, JUST DONT WATCH PORN.
Eventually you will fap less and less, because porn makes you hypersexualized. Once again, focus on getting rid of porn first, fapping can come later. Good luck