Do you find it possible to be friends with the manlets in your gym, or are they too jealous?
Do you find it possible to be friends with the manlets in your gym, or are they too jealous?
I talked to a manlet at the gym today, good dude.
If you are not a manlet yourself, a manlet will never truly be your friend.
He will fake it waiting to backstab you.
Why would they be jealous?
Are you retarded?
Jow Forums memes aren't real life.
What do manlets even smell like?
Dunno, but I wouldn’t want to smell what they smell having to walk around at ass-crack height
Someone post the unedited one were it says 5'10"
How tall is that man on the left? Absolute unit.
eventhough im only 6'3" i hate fucking short men
nothing worse then getting your day ruined by some fucking 5'7" hobbit walking into your field of vision
Idk man, sounds kinda gay to fuck men, 5’7 or not
dont judge
If you hate fucking them then why do you keep doing it bro?
yeah that must be great fun for the dwarf unless he has extreme leg muscles that can send him flying several meters up in the air
>He will fake it waiting to backstab you.
Implying manlets can even reach that high
5'11.85" vs 6'
Just the sight of us strikes fear into the heart of longmen brothers. THE AGE OF THE MANLET IS UPON US
this is true
I say hi to a few when im there. I like it cause they hype me up like im the hulk. They ask for advice but that's really it.
Why does the 5'3' guy look so disfigured?
I'm the same size and don't look that weird.
6'4" here.
The hobbits are too intimidated by me to be friends. All my friends were 6' plus.
Maybe because he's not actually 5'3