Sure you look good, but do you feel good?

Sure you look good, but do you feel good?

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>drinking jew juice
are you sure about that?

I feel so good. Joining a team sport and eating well has changed my life for the better. Thanks for asking.

>Healthy eating.

>Fulfilling career.
I’m a NEET that finished high school almost a year ago, so no.

>Active romantic and social life.
Lost all my friends after my last high school semester and I’ve never had a gilfriend, so no.

>Drinking lots of water.

>Regular exercise
Yes, though I need to take my bitch for a run more often.

>Responsible financial planning.
Yes, with what little my grandparents and the apartment I rent give me.

>Sensible bedtime

>not getting your fluids by condensing and osmosing them straight out of the air with your naked skin.
Neither of you are going to make it.

meh. I eat right when I have money, but as a wagey I have a hard time making sure I ALWAYS have healthy stuff in the house, since I have rent, internet, gym fees, AND school to pay for

see above lel

I get laid every few days or so with a FWB, but my socializing could use work. I've been hanging out with a grad student who taught one of my journalism classes though, so I guess there's that

My ""apartment"" is owned by people who pay less in upkeep than I pay in rent. I'm afraid to drink tapwater, so unless I have bottled I usually just have a few ounces at the gym

This is retarded, everyone knows Jow Forums doesn't lift weights

>Financial planning
I'm gonna be buying a $100 pair of rollerblades with my next wagey certificate, so no lmao

Normally yes, but I've been all but unable to make myself fall asleep before 5 a.m. for about a week now

Healthy food is usually cheaper than unhealthy foods

you're not wrong, my big thing is making sure it all gets eaten before it goes bad, as well as making sure I buy enough of it. I'll usually bulk buy lettuce, eat a few heads, and by the time I get to that point it's all rotten. So I generally eat a fuckload of frozen chicken breast and free expired cottage cheese from the store I work at, which isn't great

>I'll usually bulk buy lettuce, eat a few heads, and by the time I get to that point it's all rotten
So buy less?

I go shopping weekly and only buy what I will eat that week. Nothing goes to waste.

I feel dead inside

Add to that
>not posting on Jow Forums(nel)

Why? This place is fun.

The last step to making it is leaving this shit hole. Jow Forums is good for advice but 90% of this board don't practice what they preach, it just becomes some mental masturbation to want to improve yourself but never act on it.

>can't sleep
>doesn't exercise

hmm I wonder what the problem is?

This. Every single trip that used to post on Jow Forums, absolutely everyone as soon as they started posting how they are actually making it it all ends up with them dissapearing completely.

i got the healthy eating, drinking lots of water and regular excersie down.

Buy some water bottles, chuck them in your gym bag and refill then at the gym.

Fit is for ments, not for advice, you sperg.

Actually I feel dead inside most of the time. Lifting is likely the only reason i still haven't jumped off some bridge.

>Healthy eating
I had a Hungry Man, some cereal and water today

>Drinking water
Always, since it's free

>Fulfilling career
I'm a grocery clerk

>Active romantic and social life
I've given up on girls but I have a few friends

>Regular exercise
I went for a run and lifted 20lb dumbbells until I got tired last night

>Sensible bedtime
12-3am usually

>Responsible financial planning
I just spent $100 on yugioh cards

I think I'm gonna make it

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>implying I look good

>Yes, though I need to take my bitch for a run more often.
>I’ve never had a gilfriend, so no.

i don't look good or feel good

>fulfilling career
>active romantic and social life
these are the hardest to get

>tfw 33 year old khv
>no friends, no social skills
>low income and live with my parents
what do?

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Isn’t a bitch a female dog?

just be yourself

Usually eat healthy but have a problem occasionally gorging on sushi/McDonalds
It's alright working toward a better career now
Not so good I'm a loner (reading/piano my hobbies)
Could drink more
In the gym 6 days a weem
>>Financial planning
I'm 25 and have a house and about 65k saved up, been working since 17 and saved every dime. I'm dipping into my savings with escorts and restaurants but I'm stopping as my resolution
Not so good, I usually sleep 3 hours and then wake up and browse internet until 5 am and work out and then sleep another 4 afterwards


>Usually eat healthy but have a problem occasionally gorging on sushi/McDonalds
Stop your boredom.

>Not so good I'm a loner (reading/piano my hobbies)
They way you phrase it makes it sound like you aren’t a loner.

>Could drink more
Then do it, fag.

>I'm dipping into my savings with escorts and restaurants but I'm stopping as my resolution
Cringe, though I admire your guts to pay for sex.

>Not so good, I usually sleep 3 hours and then wake up and browse internet until 5 am and work out and then sleep another 4 afterwards
RIP gains.

>Healthy eating
No. 50% protein shakes, 30% lunchables, 20% canned spaghetti or ravioli.

>Fulfilling career
Kind of? Software engineer.

>Active romantic and social life
Romantic in the sense that I have a steady FWB, and socially fulfilled enough at work and school.

>Drinking lots of water
Protein shakes count?

>Regular exercise
7 days a week. I don't believe in rest days.

>Responsible financial planning
I live overly frugally and with my salary I get to save at minimum $60k a year after maxing my Roth and 401.

>Sensible bedtime
Sleep at 9:30pm every night. People tell me that's too early so maybe not sensible. Goodnight Jow Forums.

what are you gonna do with all that money you're saving?

I eat fairly well, I don't drink pop or juice.. Water the odd Coffee.. Lots of fruits veggies are my achillies heel but, I'll get at it..

60-65k CAD a year.. idk? Is that better than avg. I am working towards management in the next two years which will put me 80-100k CAD a year before tax.

>I have a GF .. Decently attractive not a model but, not an ogre either. Close group of 10 friends who will all be at eachothers wedding.

Refer too #1

>Workout regularly
1-O-2-O-3-O-O-4-O-1 etc


Own a house, pay all bills on time, $40k+ savings, $5k+ chequing, $5k+ investments

Idk seems alright to me and im healthy. I appreciate life.


Could be better.. sleep around midnight or a tad after.. Wake up at 6:30ish

>healthy eating
Yea got that down

>fulfilling career
How does 3 sound? All I do is work my career job, work career hours contracted as a college prof, about to start another part time with full time career hours.

>active romantic and social life
Non existant

Gallon a day

>regular exercise
Part of my job includes 2 hours in the work gym 3 times a week minimum

>responsible financial
Yea got that down for my age when compared to my peers. Always room to improve.

>bed time?
I dont sleep.

yeah but we don't use that word very frequently in its original sense

>healthy eating is fruits and vegetables
>not meat and eggs

>Healthy eating
>drinking water
>financial planning
I save most of paycheck that I don't spend on living
>fulfilling career
yeah. I love what I do
>romantic and social life
I have friends but am khhv

I get lots of sleep too

Buy frozen veges ans steam them retard.

How are you renting out an apartment as a fresh grad NEET Someone die?

>Someone die?
Yes. My father put his house to my name and it has a section that can be rented as an apartment.

>healthy eating
> drinking water
could drink a bit more
> financial planning
> fulfilling career
to some extent. it is also responsible for a lot of what is unsatisfying.
> exercise
unlimited shame: I do not atm
> romantic and social life
close to inexistant recently
> sleep
after 4 months of chronical insomnia, I'm back at ~6h/night. Yay.


Literally none of them except healthy eating, hydrating and exercise

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Sure, could be better but all this shit is like a snowball that gets exponentially better.

>healthy eating
It could be better
>fulfilling career
Yes, finally have some ambitious objectives to work on. I'm studying to be a teacher next four years while working on unrelated jobs to experience different ways of working
>Active romantic and social live
Got a new gf recently so yes
>Drinking lots of water
Should drink more
>Responsible financial planning
Nope, still a student but I manage what I have the best I can
>Sensible bedtime
7/8 hours a day with almost no exception

I feel quite well with the exception of whenever I see my ex on the street which fucks me up badly.

>healthy eating

I eat okay but not ideal. I probably drink too much among other things but mostly okay.

>fullfilling career

Strong chance I get a good job this month.

>active romantic and social life

I disagree here. Most men are far better off as mgtow. Unless you're in the top 5-10% of looks dating is obnoxiously hard and unfulfilling.

>drinking lots of water

I might actually have the opposite problem where I drink way too much water and I have to pee all the time.

>regular exercise


>sensible bedtime

I sleep way too much. Most of the time 10+ hours. I don't know what to do. I tried sleeping less but I feel like shit the next day. Maybe that's just my genetics.

>responsible financial planning

I've gotten A LOT better at it.

>lots of water
this is wrong
>vegetables portrayed as healthy
again wrong. Animals/Fish is healthy. Vegetables are full of antinutrients and toxic compounds. Eat only in small quantities

Any sources on those statements?

>Healthy eating.
Yes. More or less. I eat one snack a day though.

>Fulfilling career.
Correct. Finished my BS in Physio and doing an MBA from a solid biz school right now. feelsgoodm8

>Active romantic and social life.
Yes, mostly. Have a few flings with some girls but nothing serious. Got good friends. I left my ex 4 months ago, we just weren't compatible.

>Drinking lots of water.

>Regular exercise
Yes, every single day. Love it

>Responsible financial planning.
Yes, obviously. My parents are also wealthy so some of their prudence has rubbed off on me.

>Sensible bedtime
No, trying to fix it though :/

It's just the way things are.

Ok just regular shitposting then

>Regular exercise
6 days per week. Currently on exams so very little time though

I don't look that good, but I feel good physically.
Mentally, though, I'm a lot worse than I look.

May your father rest in peace

No such thing as too much water

But I'm neither.

A gallon in about half an hour can poison you.
Otherwise, you're good.

this looks like boring life

It looks like a good life

Not if you're a coping dopamine addict.

>water poisoning


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I caught herpes 3 years ago. Haven't had sex or pursued women since. Otherwise I'm fine and do everything on that list. I'm just horny.

get a job, ur grandparents shouldnt have to support u at this age

>just get a social life bro
>idk just b urself bro lmao wtf

>healthy eating
Yeah I have been slowly cleaning up my diet over the past few months and I barely even realized it. Now I'm tracking calories and making a more consistent effort to eat clean.

in school at a good uni so who knows

water, milk, coffee and tea are the only things I drink. alcohol occasionally

>financial planning
nigga just dont spend money lol

>active romantic/social life
literally nonexistent. I'm happy without them but this semester I'm pushing myself to reach out to people more. any tips?

>regular exercise
I neglected it last semester having to adjust to school but now I have no excuses. I've worked out consistently before but I allow dumb stuff to throw me off

need 8 hours or else the jews will steal your gains

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that's pretty good. I'd argue that these are the most important.

i dont look good or feel good

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I`m only missing the romantic aspect and job but my school is fulfilling so it works for now. I`m gonna try to get a gf when I graduate and have a stable job

>healthy eating
On a strict diet eating nothing but protein and vegetables, so best I've ever had in my life
>drinking lots of water
>responsible financing
settled a lawsuit against my former employer for wrongful firing - still have the money, been working off and on, so I'm cool, money is absolutely not a problem
>fulfilling career
none so far, but in uni learning and looking for work
>sensible bedtime
sleep at least 8 hours a day every day
>active romantic and social life
best friends ever, but romantic life is none.

You know what, Jow Forums? It's time to stop being a shut in. I'll go find a qt3.14 gf

nah, definitely not. fulfilling work and social life are crucial.

I posted this image to a group chat and people literally got mad.