How do I get a body like hers Jow Forums?

How do I get a body like hers Jow Forums?

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What is he even doing?

be a brazilian monkey and spend 10k shekels to go under the knife

she's natty

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>paying for a gym membership when all you do is lift 5 pound weights

>she's natty
yeah and I'm steve jobs

A body like hers? Maybe 1000 roses.

I have serious doubts about that. If not then she has exceptionally lucky genetics, and therein lies your answer. Surgery for you is the only option.

she has hundreds of gym vids on her ig, why would she spend so much time there if she was just gonna get work done?

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>you have so much silicone in your tits and ass that you still stupidly wear a stomach trainer even though your tits and ass are comically big

lol Brazilians really are slow

stop making the same thread with the same posts. you know she's not natty and that she uses fake plates.

>she's not natty and that she uses fake plates
just because you say it doesn't make it true

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Why is she wearing a corset at the gym..

Isn't this the fake pl8 bitch?

>still hasn't denied it tho

So you think a relatively scrawny woman with a low body fat can rep out deep 3 plate squats with perfectly controlled form and apparently no effort?

>does 365
>doesn't even strain
>built like a stick
OHOHO Good one

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>fake tits
>meme exercise that kills knees

How is she scrawny? Just look at her legs man

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>dozens of vids on her ig
>Jow Forums so jelly they think they're ALL fake

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The big plates are 20 lbs. The small ones probably 10. Maybe 150 total if you include the bar?

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This is Brazil. Weights are in kgs, so big plates are "44/45" lbs.

imagine the smell between those buffalo thighs

such a beautiful and clearly 100% natural woman

Attached: xgracyanne-barbosa-9.jpg (569x768, 111K)

i used to be extremely attracted to her (fapped countless times) but now i'm turned off by her. not sure why.

helping himself into her pants

You're a retard if you think she actually lifts that. Everything about her screams fake: tits, ass, lips, lifts. Nothing but an insta-poser.

wow nice silicon tits

She smells like burning rubber

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>leg extensions
>bad for knees

guess how i know you're a clueless retard with shit lifts. just guess.

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That why i used quotes. The fake plates should weight next to nothing.

I'm a big fan of big fake tits, but those, hmmm

pretty sure he thinks that's a leg press

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Those aren't big legs, and she's probably pretty short so who cares. It looks like she's struggling to rep out 130 or so on a machine.

The thing to me is the core strength. Squatting 3.5 pl8 for reps and perfect form withut exertion strains your whole body and she doesn't seem that big.


imagine the smell bros

Whats with the "EW FAKE TITS" meme? You all really think they feel like bags of sand huh?

>Jow Forums debating whether a instagram "fitness" HUE thot with fake tits, ass, and probably lip fillers is legitimately repping out over 300lbs with ease
slow night I guess

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I thought we had agreed leg extensions are bad for your knees.

Lmao r u sirius m8? Jelly af, she is probably bigger than you while still being leaner

My heart drops every time I see someone lock their knees doing leg presses.

>girls look up to a woman who is posting soft-core fetish porn on IG

Never change.

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Me in the back walking manually not knowing what to do with my hands.

Booby injections xF

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underrated post

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she would look hot with small tits....fucking ruined

she obviously works out, but her ass and tits are both very
very fake

jesus christ is she trying to melt all that plastic or something

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Gracyanne Barbosa is fucking hot. Who gives a shit if the tits are fake, you would nut in her at the drop of a hat.

From the look of it, inject plastic into your tits.

Sorry, but people will always be able to tell you're a guy.

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a gun and a dream

Try a morgue, night shift usually lets you play with bodies.

God, I hate 'personal trainers' so much. If there ever was a group that deserved to get decapitated by a failed bench, it's them.

what's her name?

these are 35s. nicks strength and power proved she was using lighter weights

oh my god a 4pl8 squat for easy reps. she's so fucking strong wtf

She is fit but has fake face, tits, ass and weights.

Reminds me of a chameleon.

Imagine the insecurity

I'm a g*y and i almost have that ass.

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>How do I get a body like hers Jow Forums?

fuck your body up

stove jibs pls come back2 us

Kek, that bra looks like it's about to launch right off her body.

Good job g*y, keep working on that ass off yours

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