
Is anyone on Jow Forums an alcoholic?

I've been an alcoholic since high school and it has hurt pretty much every part of my life, including my fitness goals. Counting the calories of all the drinks I was having in a week, I was basically consuming an extra 5000+ calories a week just in booze.

Early last year I tried to quit and managed to make it a couple months but I buckled and went back into my old ways for the rest of the year. In those two months I managed to save lots of money, lose weight, and I honestly just felt better. I bought myself a PS4, a bunch of games, and a PSVR just with the money I wasn't spending on drinks.

My New Years resolution is quitting the sauce. I'm going to quit smoking too, but after I'm not craving the booze. It's been a week since I've taken a drink and I already feel better, but I've got a headache constantly and I desperately want to have a beer.

Has anyone on Jow Forums quit drinking after years of alcoholism? Any tips? Advice?

Sorry if this seems blogposty, but it is related to health and fitness and I trust you guys more than any other board.

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Bump. I'm also trying to get off the sauce. We should get a general up or something. We can make it Brahs

I feel you user
It’s eating into my exercise so badly

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It's so easy to be out for drinks and say to your friends "hey let's go for a run tomorrow morning to work off some of these calories!"

It's easy to make plans when you're drunk.

Take a fucking guess whether or not we actually ended up going for that run.

> me last night
> I’ll have a glass or two of this whiskey
> mfw end up drinking 3/4 of the fucking bottle

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That was me saturday. Got way too fucked up and spent all of Sunday in bed fighting a hangover instead of working out and cleaning my house wtf is wrong with me bruhs

sounds keto to me

Stay strong user. Beer keeps me from my fitness goals as well. I use a reminder app called 'Habits' to track how many days I've gone without a drink. Fills good to mark a day off. Just remember how disappointed you will be with yourself the next day after you relapse. That's what keeps me going.

I've opted for a similar method

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Find something to keep yourself occupied. A productive hobby will leave you feeling fulfilled, which will help curb cravings.

It's very cold here right now. I think my alcoholism always got worse in the winter, from a combination of the holidays and how prohibitive my area is to any winter sports.

Honestly, for the first leg of it, I just resubscribed to World of Warcraft and I'm trying to autistically fill bars as I level a new character to give myself the shallow satisfaction and distraction I need.

By the end of the month I'm sure my Pally can be 120 and geared for raiding and then I guess I'll start a new one.

Wouldn't go as far as alcoholic but ever since I actually got friends by joining the military I've had plenty of gains from peer pressure drinking.
>"Bro just limit yourself to a couple beers."
>"Bro you already started just keep drinking."
>"Bro you're no fun."

Finally drew the line and quit drinking the liquid jew. I don't get invited to most of the nights out as a result. And in all honesty I'm fine with that.

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I was drinking a handle a weekend. It's really about why you drink, which you have to ask yourself the question. Sure it's "fun" when you're in the moment, but then you make poor decisions and wake up like shit the next day. It's like fucking a fat girl and we all regret it. Just have to get driven to do something else.

Take one every morning and get a gf and a job you don't hate. Plan a trip to somewhere you've always wanted to go and save up for it using the money you would've spent on booze. Also, run every day and lift weights. That's what did it for me. Cheers.

You're not an alcoholic. You give it too much power.

Based and redpilled

I have cut back a lot since I started getting fit. Down to about 3-4 drinks a night and I don't binge. Don't really have any hobbies, just like to chill after work with a few beers and watch my animes. Quiting smoking was easy, but can't drop the liquor

Imagine wasting a whole day lying in bed doing absolutely nothing. My perfectionist ass would rope instantly after because it couldnt handle the shame.

Former alcoholic here. Almost 6 months sober. Ask me anything.

I dont think i am an alcoholic but i think i am pretty close.

Sadly i think drinking a lot of alcohol became part of my identity and why people think i am cool, and it makes me drink even more. It's hard to escape this trap, because it gives me reasons to drink. I dont know what to think of it all.

I was sent to rehab my senior year of high school to take care of my alcoholism. Then I spent the next few years working my way through AA. It’s a great help when you have a group like that. Check out local AA meetings and find one you like. It really helps.

Yeah man the shame is why i'm here i'm ready to be done with this shit
How did you get started? What'd you do to not fall back into it?

I don't understand comments like this.

I absolutely am an alcoholic. Before committing to quit I would drink 12-15 drinks 3-4 times a week, for an average of like 50 drinks in a week. I would call in sick to work and ignore my social obligations as a direct result of my drinking.

The last week I haven't been drinking I've had a constant headache and a desperate craving for booze.

How is that not being an alcoholic?

Drank a lot after I turned 21, gained a bunch of weight from drinking during the week. If it's legal in your state, buy Kratom, it's a good buzz/high that I find isn't addictive like booze, and won't give you the munchies. My craving for a drink is gone after I take a couple grams, and the craving suppression lasts into the next day. Another perk is it controls my appetite so dieting goes a whole lot better. I still drink on the weekends, and the caloric reduction from that has been yuge. My fave place is mystic island, sixty cuck bucks a kilo.

Alcoholics have 30+ everyday and have seizures when they go without. You give alcohol too much power, you just have a bad mental habit.

I did it after 2 years of drinking half a liter a day, i used weed to keep my mind busy now I'm working on quiting weed and just being sober but I'm starting to have really vivid dreams that are sometimes terrifying i wish there was a way i could not dream sober

im currently living in a "chem free" living facility. basically a drug free apartment. I struggled with addiction to alcohol for about 4 years. i was suicidal and would drink every single day and night. my mother passed and left me about 60k and i literally lived in my apartment and squandered it on rent food and alchohol. it was gone within 2 years and the next 2 years i sank deeper and deeper until i hit my bottom. which was a hospital visit due to pancreatitis and alcoholic liver disease. i was treated there for alcohol withdrawal while i was there.
it was the second sober week I'd had in the last 2 years, the time before that i got sober again in the hospital after my dad took me because i wouldnt get out of bed for days and was literally trying to drink myself to death. i was 25. spent 5 days at the psych ward after i got sober. anyways, after i got out of the hospital the second time i realized i had a problem. i moved back home and within 30 days i picked up a fifth a vodka which turned into almost a half gallon a day. lasted 5 weeks that time before i called the ambulance to take me to the ER to detox.

there arent any tips i can give. you literally have to hit your bottom. you have to realize you have a problem with alcohol and your life is better without it. you have to accept you are powerless over alcohol and can never drink again because you are unable to control your drinking.

if you think you will ever be able to drink safely or like normal people you havent hit your bottom, but you will if you continue to drink. i can promise you that. and you'll lose alot more than you already have

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tips would be go to AA or NA, read the Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous), talk to the people who speak at the meetings about looking for a sponsor.

the best advice that was given to me was "play the whole tape out" meaning really reflect on if alcohol has caused more good rather than bad in your life and if your life is going to be better with alcohol in it. if you're tempted to drink, reflect on what got you to the point you're currently at

that shit will fuck your liver up so damn bad PLUS literally kill you if you get shit faced on it

What a dumb fucking comment. You're describing a late stage alcoholic literally on the verge of death. It takes some time to get there, but it's not like there's some concrete point where you are or aren't alcoholic.

once an alcoholic always an alcoholic. you havent been to a single AA meeting, have you?

No, those are true alcoholics. The definition has shifted and expanded because people like to view themselves as victims and helpless.

I was away with the army for most of last year. Returned in October and gf of 5 years left me and kicked me out when I got angry that night. So had no home, no friends because my friends became hers and me being away led to her being in closer to the group than me.
I hit the alcohol really hard and was going down a bad path, drinking nost afternoons straight from work like 15 beers then passing out and going to work, clothes not washed no lunch at work and stuff.
I got annoyed with myself and my ex after seeing snapchats of her out having fun and thought fuck it I want to better myself so quit drinking and started exercising and eating well again. I feel so much better now and this year I'm going to go hard and hopefully get my mind and body in a healthy state.

You need to set goals or picture where you want to be and work at that. Stay determined even if you can't be fucked some days

also trying to get rid of my alcohol addiction

for the last two years i was drinking every two to three days

>alcohol addiction
>drinking every two to three days


it does, unless you've been in his shoes for long enough. it's not as cool as it looks on shows like shameless

I feel you bro right on, same thing happened with me after high school (but with pot, not liquor) you know yourself better than those homies

you clearly have never been addicted to alcohol, thus this is not the thread for you. you're not supporting anybody, you're spewing shit

nothing but respect, very good advice for OP

OP, you need to force yourself to be preoccupied every moment you're awake, the second you find yourself with free time the liquor will come back on your mind. more you think about it, more you'll want a drink. keep busy, get some new hobbies. I learned Irish and meditate, haven't gotten drunk in 4 months. can't quit altogether yet, just weening myself off. good luck OP and drink safe bros, we'll all make it.

>t. broscientist

I'm a heavy drinker myself, come from a family of heavy drinkers and know many alcoholics. You guys sound like a bunch of faggots.


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what is context.

heavy drinker =/= alcoholic and "knowing many alcoholics" gives your opinion no validity whatsoever, fuck off buddy

Yeah and everyone posting here is in "heavy drinker" mode at most.

im not going to tell

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You faggots are suffering from placebo addiction.

Seriously, why are some fags in this thread saying "lmfao dude you dont really have a problem with alcohol but me, wow I am truly a heavy drinker LOL"

Shut up the fuck up you fags, if you still feel like you need to compare how much you drink to other people on an anonymous site well you are either LARPing as though guys or bullshtting like faggots.

lmao, I have a 6 pack twice a week. I'm a fucking alcoholic man, what do I do?

are you losers just insecure, or does it offend you to see other people trying to better themselves by quitting a harmful and addictive substance? you're contributing nothing to this thread

whenever this thread gets made, it usually starts out with people giving genuinely good advice and people like OP looking for other perspectives on how to quit, then college-aged faggots show up thinking they have some great worldview and shitpost. it's embarrassing, and it discourages other people from joining in the discussion

>hurr durr luuk at me i drink so much more than you guys which means that you cant be an alcoholic unless you are me, instead of improving myself i disturb and annoy people that want to improve themself

come to altschauerberg 8 in 91448 emskirchen

im going to throw the beating out of you

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>Gatekeeping alcohol addiction
>Thinking you can cure addiction with cute little anecdotes

Kys asap

trying to convince people they have a serious addiction does more harm than good, it gives it too much power in their mind when it ultimately is a minor habit problem.

There’s a lot of autism ITT

>hurr durr, you can have an addiction at any amount.

the absolute state of AA.

the only addiction i have is banging your mother

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>trying to convince people they have a serious addiction does more harm than good
sure, so convince them they DON'T have a problem so they can drink even more? and potentially develop a serious problem? bad argument
> it gives it too much power in their mind
varies person to person. some people have great self-control and can recognize their situation, and some people don't so they get addicted. bad argument
>it ultimately is a minor habit problem
yeah, assuming EVERYONE itt only has a "minor habit problem". now assume OP is correct, and he is actually addicted to alcohol. are you helping him at all by saying "nah man, you don't have a problem stop being such a pussy"? no, you're as shitty as the dudes was talking about.

there isnt a limit, retard. youre probably an alcoholic in denial. drinking every time you get stressed out MAKES YOU AN ALCOHOLIC. same with drinking whenever youre bored, whenever youre sad, whenever youre lonely.

if you use alcohol to deal with negative things in your life youre an alcoholic. deal with it. and i mean that in all seriousness. because once youre an alcoholic youre always an alcoholic and life ONLY gets worse the longer you drink. literally the only cure is complete abstinence

lmao, fuck off AA shills.

flawless argument based retard, pack it up boys the show is over. we beat alcohol addiction, it's all over

lmao, go to an AA meeting and talk about drinking 8 beer every 3 days then.

>guys, had a rough day at work and had a couple beer. cause and effect. i'm a fucking alcoholic, user said so.

OP here

Some of you guys are retarded.

I'm gonna be over here not drinking anymore. Have fun with one of the most bizarre pissing contests I've seen in 12 years on Jow Forums.

>no bro 50 drinks a week doesn't make you an alcoholic! gotta have 150 drinks a week

Christ you're dumber than a bag of hammers.

hope you don't have a seizure user.

One year sober here. I did it with the help of AA, I’m not meeting everyday guy, as casual as you can get. But I worked the steps and got a sponsor and it works. It’s a hangout for other fucked up people who understand why you sit in a dark room and drink, you can’t talk to them.

Get a sponsor, go to some meetings and take it 24 hours a time till you get the next chip.

But Some other advice. I drank soda water with lime 10x a day for my first month and smoke 2 packs a day, a few months later I quit smoking

go back to /b/ you socially retarded piece of shit

if you do that every time you have a rough day youre digging yourself a hole thats going to be very, very hard to get out of

so many autists itt.

Drinking goes up and down through the year. Usually around 60/week. Never suffer any kind of withdrawals though when I decide to go on a break. Usually just workout later in the day so I get some kind of endorphin rush.

so many alcoholics in denial ITT. dont worry, we were all there once. hopefully your bottom isnt prison, death, or an institution

Stop it right there. Your not an alcoholic. You just drink too much. Stop. Drinking.

lel do you even drink bro

This. Just lol @ this thread.

>Is anyone on Jow Forums an alcoholic?
Yes. I'm 25, been drinking since I was 11, but lifting and browsing Jow Forums since I was 16. My only periods of sobriety have been court ordered. I would never admit to anyone besides those who already know that I've been lifting for 9 years. That said, I'm in much better shape than most people, even on here. The truth is alcohol affects everyone differently and there is a large mostly ignored genetic factor. I wouldn't put much faith in caloric content as it's very misleading because of ethanol's flammability (calories are based on how foods burn). Though the health effects cannot be understated. You should really worry about cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and chronic incontinence instead of gaining a few extra pounds. AA's a fucking cult of course. I am generally considered successful by my peers and am able to function going through life with a steady buzz. It's taken me many years to develop and properly adapt my lifestyle to the modern world with plenty of mistakes made along the way, and I'm sure booze will be the death of me so I can't recommend it. Give a shot, it's not for me but I know a few people these drugs have helped.

My personal hard rules are as follows.
>no more than 1 shot of bailey's in morning coffee
>1 beer limit at lunch
>1 beer limit post work, pre work out
>Only beer on workdays after gym and all errands are finished, liquor only with friends on the weekend and even then sparingly as a supplement to beer.
>Never drive to a bar
Keeps me in check most of the time, but best things I've found to limit my drinking are more lifestyle related
>fulltime fulfilling employment
>a meaningful relationship with a woman who cares about you
>keeping close ties with friends and family
>avoiding drugs, weed as much as anything harder

Keep your head up. I've woken up behind steel bars and plexiglass, burned more bridges than I've built, and locked myself away from society for some serious benders (most recent was 2 weeks with a quarter of blow and a dozen cases of beer). I've been fortunate enough to keep my freedom and health so far, but I have plenty of friends who haven't been so lucky. This isn't advice, just wanted to share my experiences. Take from it what you will.

why do you continue to drink if liquor has had such a negative impact in your life?

thank you for sharing user.

I have a woman, friends, and family that I love dearly but booze is what gets me through the day. If you weren't born with the thirst, you'll never truly understand.

>professional victimhood

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>Didn't drink until almost 20
>Nothing against it just wasn't really interested
>Start drinking because new girlfriend drinks
>She got me to start drinking so that she could hook up with strangers at parties while I was too drunk to notice
>She leaves me for one of those guys
>Life gets better, but keep drinking socially
>Party once in a while, not really a big deal
>Effects become harder as I get older
>Hangovers much worse than they used to be
>Don't really even enjoy drinking anymore, but still have one or two beers at work outings and shit like that
>One day sitting at home alone. Think "Oh man a beer sounds really good right now"
>Realize it's 10am. No social reason to drink, body just wants me to
>Scares the shit out of me
>Quit drinking completely before it gets out of hand
I haven't had a drink since. I still go to work happy hours and things like that, but I just get a soda water with lime. Looks like a vodka tonic.

>Friend started drinking around the time he joined basic training
>He takes to the bottle a lot harder and faster than me
>It's not long before he's drinking an entire bottle of Russian Standard Vodka a night.
>Is pretty much always drunk
>Loses a couple of jobs due to alcohol related problems (I don't know if he was showing up drunk, but he was definitely showing up late, calling in sick a lot, etc)
>Goes down this path for about 10 years
>Gains a TON of weight.
>Teeth rotting from smoking and negligence
>Decides to make a change
>Gets massive withdrawals. tremors, migraines, DTs, all of it
>Falls off the wagon a few times, but right now he's been sober for a few months
>Hands still shake like crazy, still hugely out of shape. It'll be years to undo the non-permanent damage he's done to his body. IF he stays sober.

If you're okay with who you are when you're drinking and you're able to do it responsibly, that's great. But if you want to stop, or your body NEEDS to stop, please do yourself a favor and stop.

>why do you keep doing the thing you're addicted to?

Go fuck yourself kid. I'm not a victim, just a drunk. In my experience only people who have struggled with alcoholism truly understand it. I'm a productive member of society, built my own business, and have never collected any kind of unemployment or welfare. My "crimes" have been victimless and I paid the state quite a bit for them. You ask why I continue to drink as if there were some simple answer. I was born to it, that's the best I can put it. I didn't come here asking for sympathy or pity, only to share my experiences with people struggling with something I have dealt with most of my life.

Another alcoholic here, a few years sober. Quit cold turkey. The first several months are fucking terrible. I needed to go to AA, keep track of the number of days I'd been sober, etc. When you quit drinking, you're dealing with both physical withdrawal and trying to change your habits, which isn't easy, but it is doable.

Find a support network. Accountability is important. Commit to not drinking one day at a time. Don't put yourself in a position where you're surrounded by booze. Don't keep booze in the house.

Getting sober isn't about a monumental, singular exercise of willpower. It's about building a sustainable habit pattern bit by bit. And it's absolutely worth it. You're gonna make it, OP.

>born with the thirst
motherfucker you're a degenerate, not a vampire.

2 million followers before birthday guys. Jow Forums follow me on IG @brotherinlove

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an actual alcoholic shows up in the thread and everyone just shits on him for drinking too much. just lol @ Jow Forums

Agree 100%. This is very solid help here.

Drachenlord kek

I have no experience in this but one thing that might help is focusing on the money you save. Spend it on some trip or whatever you find fun. I think it should help at least a bit

>Has anyone on Jow Forums quit drinking after years of alcoholism? Any tips? Advice?
I was an alcoholic for a few years and I'm on the verge of quitting (down to 3 drinks per night from about 14-15). You don't want to stop all at once, just taper off by reducing your total by a couple drinks per night. So in my case it was 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, now is just 1, and the hopefully after that I'll be done.

>tfw never fell for the alcoholic jew

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Watch as your friends get fat and make some club Thot their gf whilst you ascend. Unironically read a good book while they are out losing their gains

I legitimately used pot to quit drinking then I got bored of being high all the time and quit that now I only drink once a week if that

>using reddit-tier phrases like 'gatekeeping'

Do better. Don't @ me I'm not here to educate y'all

This shit is no joke. My sister, who was only 35, died because she was an alcoholic who relapsed after almost dieing from it at 30.

I’ll never forget seeing her in the hospital bed, completely yellow from her liver and kidneys failing.

>One week later, she was dead.

I will never touch alcohol again because of what I saw in those last days I had with her.

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Cunt you sound like a regular college student would hardly call that alcoholism just stop drinking lol