Oh God what do I do I've never gotten this far before
What if she finds out I'm actually an autist
Oh God what do I do I've never gotten this far before
do you have harpoons near you? Based on her pic, you're gonna need them
She looks fat
Just say you know a spot, meet her there, get a drink(one, no drunk driving) see if she's into, go back to her place, and pound that pudgy pussy out. You got this dawg
she's fat
Dubs and you say
“Are you as interesting as you look?”
>just one drink
I don't know why you'd wanna go on a date with a fatty, but whatever. You offered drinks, so set a time and place.
ask her if she's an archeologist. i know an archeologist who looks just like her
You have one drink
She has 6
and that's when you rape her! r-right?!
Go back to Jow Forums for relationship advice.
She's fat as fuck, all you need to to do is put a doughnut on your dick and she'd be gobbling down on you bro
>Jow Forums not understanding grinding for gains
fulfill this assuredly hungry hog OP, then explain what your gesture was, a hookup nothing more.
bro how ugly are you to spend time and money on a chick that fat. You should just be asking her to come to your place to fuck
I manage to do it, just order water for the next round and offer to buy her another. Gotten a few funny glances, but they understand when I tell them I have my CDL and can't risk it
"how about we skip the drinks and you come over and look at my lego collection?
>to come to your place to fuck
You mean go to her place. No need to let a lonely hambeast know where you live.
Of course shes down, shes disgusting
Except when you give low-quality girls your time, you end up making them think they deserve a higher-quality man than they actually should. This causes a whole cascade of problems.
>i dont know
tinder truly is a great place
a truckie going on a date, that's rich
Bring a literal vibrator and bring it out on her like Borat with that bag of shit.
>I have like no idea what to even write
You better be good at carrying conversations irl or else it's going to be awkward.
with what I can see from her profile picture, OP will be the one who'll need 6 drinks
nope I'm pretty autistic, each reply took about 30 mins to an hour to think of
no point "vibing" with a tinder girl bruh. You should have gotten straight to the point because it's not like you're gunna date her or some shit. Now you'll have to waste money and time before you get in dem sugar walls.
Also, if she turns out to be a disgusting whale in person at least you can get head.
Truckers are cool, but there are a lot of other trades that require moving equipment or heavy work vehicles. Thanks for the bait though
Text her “I’m putting together a team”
Man the harpoons boys, we got a big one.
You're gonna need more than one drink for this expedition Moby.
Please get this shit off /fit and go the advice board. Delete this fucking thread user.
It’s a stupid idea to let some random stranger in your house
Bruh fuck a prostitute.
With the amount that ham planet is going to eat and expect you to pay for is going to cost ten fold what a half decent hooker would for a couple of hours.
Why does everyone speak like a whigger on these apps? I couldn't do it.
Unmatch her and use this experience as a confidence booster. If you go through with it, drink a lot beforehand, wrap up, and prepare yourself for the regret and shame you will feel afterwards.
Fat goblina
Based. I pay 110€ for 45 minutes which isn’t cheap but the girls in this brothel are really good looking and 1000x times better then some street hooker that has more visitors then your local McDonald’s.
I'm a mechanical engineer and I have a cdl for testing development equipment you mong
>implying OP is high quality
in men, autism counts in attraction value.
Wew shes chunky. Chubby chicks have the tastiest asses bc of all that mcdonalds and kfc though so have fun my man
How do I retort?
Prophesying your digits rn
isn't it already midnight wtf were you doing today other than NOT trying to get pussy?
>I am a woman*
this has nothing to do with fitness you embarrassing little faggot. fuck off.
Why do people think talking like a nigger is the way to get girls
Idk how to talk to girls. I usually talk to long and don't get anything. She is 1 hr away so idk what to do. And tomorrow I got a date with this girl but idk what to do for the date or how to date.
>idk what to do for the date or how to date.
got to a bar or some shit. NEVER do anything super uningaging like going to a concert or watching a movie that does jack fucking shit to introduce yourselves. Literally just strike up a conversation, and make sure to put a bunch of jokes here and there. Listening is KEY and making jokes about what she says puts the psychological impression in her brain that says "oh wow he WAS listening, he DOES care" and that gets you pussy points my dude. Hell, you already talk for a long time so it should be easy if you don't ignore what I just said.
P.S. funny stories help, but only mention them when the story has a reference to what you guys may be talking about. also, make sure to always put a smile on your face, she may dislike frowns.
K thanks buddy. I'm doomed.
>that perfecty circular face
Jesus man have some respect
>dating a nigger
Dubs and you say
>call me Ishmael
Unironically just b yourself
Visit stormfront and ask them what to do from here, this is beyond 4chans reach
> attract 7,8,9s in real life
>only match with trannnys, hambessts, and black chicks on okcupid
that's like asking why you're only finding bees in a hive you mong
she's obese
oh man the harpoons
>too cool to use these words
one day I will be alpha like you
wholesome pepe poster