22 and beard won't connect still

Idk if the subreddit is any good, but minoxidil patched my shit up

im 22 and i dont have a beard at all
i look like 14 year old boy with shitty pedostache if anything

Im 25 and my beard is patchy, we must just be late bloomers.

Have you tried turning it off and on again

Beards are male makeup

Then sign me up

Look into minox.

Couldn't connect until 24, at which point I could grow a mountain man beard in a couple of months.

Still no chest hair. Hurts bro

>teenager-tier beard with only a little bit on my chin

Do NOT use minox on your beard. Yeah, it will grow thicker and better but it will age your skin a lot. Minox depletes the collagen in your skin and causes premature wrinkles, and the beard gains will be gone when you stop using it.
Your beard will get better with time, don't rush it.