Nofap placebo meme

it doesnt work. science > memes you no brained single cell parasites.

every normal human being watches porn and masturbates unlike you autists.

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Other urls found in this thread:\\\\

>le epic TL;DR debunk
the biggest signs you don't really to discuss something is when you write/post some gigantic that you know nobody will read, this is an old forum technique that only suits cowards like you OP

there you go you little faggot


Just don't fap before you hit the gym.
Shit will tank your PRs

>t. Schlomo Shekelbergsteingoldenblat

No it wont you fell for broscience

>Over 45 studies link porn use to poorer mental-emotional health & poorer cognitive outcomes:\

Who could be behind this post?

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135 IQ verfied MENSA member here, if you feel good doing nofap is because your diet is shit, fix your diet and you will see nofap for what it really is: a meme.

>no arguments
>d-da joos
you antisemitic piece of shit

Broscience is the best science.
Beats gay christian preacherscience.

hahahahahahaha. no thanks i dont wanna buy dvds. you fell for the meme, read op.

When you can't tell if these are legit posts or more memeing from Jow Forums, you know the NoFap meme has peaked.

Look at the 45 links kikes!!
You want me to cite you all the 45 links nigger?

Look at the 45 links kikes!!
the studies not the host website you retard

Kys antisemit low life pos.

Looks like I touched a nerve

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>every normal human being watches porn and masturbates unlike you autists.
What's your definition of normal? The majority of? Then the normal human also drinks soda every day and doesn't lift.

>failure at life
>jews fault
look at you subhuman.

And yet he has a gf and kids.

Placebo works. It's either placebo or it doesn't work.

But look how long the post is. It must be true!!1! I've read it by the way. He criticizes nofap for having no evidence then makes his own baseless claims and theories. Nonsense

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Project harder, faggot.

He also has a 50% chance of getting divorce raped. Hell, the fact that you think having a gf and kids is an upside says a lot more about you than it ever will about the other guy.

have you ever wonder why we don't use placebo as medical treatment you stupid nogger?

We do you goddamn retarded nigger. They use placebo and the placebo effect and there are guidelines for using them because their effects are real and be used for bad as well as good.

>being proud of 135 IQ

>implying it's not possible for a person to have an unhealthy relationship with porn
Porn amounts to a sexual stimulus that:
- Is endless in supply
- Is free
- Will never reject you
- Requires no effort towards your body/personality
- Can and will cater to nearly any fantasy you may have, no matter how depraved or outlandish

Consider the fact that there are adult men online, right now, cranking it to pictures/video of lolis performing sex acts. Should this be considered normal? Obviously not, but where do we draw the line?

To my point: There was a period of time where I would seek out porn, then come just short of orgasm for hours (literally, multiple hours) not because of any self-denial shit, but because I wanted to keep watching more videos. It wasn't about the sexual satisfaction anymore, it was about the porn and the fantasy that came with it.
I stopped doing that a while ago, and in fact I stopped watching porn entirely. I don't have any desire to get back to that.

And this isn't just anecdotal, either. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Health identifies three types of porn users, one being "compulsive" viewers that watch upward of 110 minutes per week. I'd be willing to bet that most of that 110+ minutes is in one sitting.

Obviously the majority of people are capable of using porn without it fucking up their life. But for those who can't, who view porn compulsively and who have a higher propensity for being addicted to it, the better option is to just quit and seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere.
TL;DR: The majority of people might be fine, but a minority of people DO have an unhealthy relationship with porn that they're better off ending

Stopped reading right there.

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>not even 2 hours per week

Lol you actually think they will argue? Anti nofap/noporn are cope/shill

i'm happier not fapping to porn for 4 hours a day but thanks for the offer

>>implying it's not possible for a person to have an unhealthy relationship with porn
>Porn amounts to a sexual stimulus that:
>- Is endless in supply
>- Is free
I stopped reading right about there. Nofap is not Noporn.

Like anything, ofcourse its important not to overindulge, but to say masturbation will destroy us? Go look up the worlds oldest dildo. There are dildoes older than your religion - and thats just for female masturbation. They had to MAKE a device for females to masturbate. So just imagine how long humans have been doing it for.

eh, we've been drinking alcohol for a long time as well, and we all know how damaging that can be.

I want this piece of misinformation to stop being spread.

18-24 year olds get divorced at an astronomical rate, because they are just kids and still don't know who they are. 25+ year olds have a way higher chance of successful marriages. The divorce rate is supposedly 50% pretty much entirely because you are lumping in those dumb kids with mature 30/40/whatever year olds who know themselves and what they want in life.

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This ain't that.

You have to create alcohol by using SCIENCE.

You NATURALLY want to ejaculate once near puberty.

They literally place placebos in birth control you fucking dumb larping kike

>from my psychology professor
Psychology major here. I stopped reading right there.

>thinking anyone is going to read all that shit

depends on your definition of "overindulge" then.

why did you stop reading right there?

I WILL CONQUER I WILL PERSEVERE I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!! Say it loud my nofap brothers

All nice and dandy, but nofap saved me from jacking off 4 times a day and brought me no porn. It saves tons of time and saved my relationship. I now fap once a week and never watch porn.

God I fucking hate academics. Their entire purpose is to reinforce the status quo official dogma by dazzling people with a bunch of gotcha ACKSHULLYs without even bothering the grasp the core philosophy behind it. Arguing with these sorts of people is pointless because they are more interested in bombarding you with factoids that dance around the real topic while convincing you that only credentialed so-called experts can have any say. Ignore people like OP that are more interested in smugly flaunting whatever gibberish is passed down from the ivory tower.

Always remember when someone tries to tell you masturbation is natural that only caged animals masturbate.

There's at least one study about nofap boosting test up to 7 days, after which test begins to decline again

There isn't a single citation in that wall of text for research that disproves the previous idea.

Therefore I'm going to disregard the latter. Just like I'm going to disregard the pack of rabid self flaggelaters that do nofap for extended periods of time for little more than placebo benefit instead of doing 1 week cycles

There's a second study where college aged men were told to abstain from slapping their salami for two months

The test levels of the abstainers was higher and dropped lower after a sexual encounter then the frequent meat beaters.

>babbles on about philosophy and not actual scientific research


Only a jew would take offence to being called a jew

All you need to know to realise porn is dodgy is porn studios and almost entirely jewish owned and it's widely available for free.

based! i fucking LOOOOVE SCIENCE!

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Can you not post those statistics? They really put a cramp in my theory that the strongest societies are made of people who marry and start families before they’re out of college. Thanks.

If you can find it can you link the study?

Placebos work, even if you know they are a placebo.

Someone tells you, "don't masturbate, it gives you more confidence". Placebo? Maybe, maybe not, but you'd rather be proven right and have vindication, than believe in something that doesn't cost you anything and might benefit you? You sound like a muh fedora tier atheist. Who goes on the internet and tries to argue strangers into masturbating? You are a strange man.

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>linking harvard

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>some paragraphs about personal grandstanding and titles. Look how many things i got for writing stuff which agrees to consensus to advance my career
>look how they don't have my titles, because they are not enforcing given concensus
>brain rewiring is good in all cases
>immediatly rebukes himself
>people might use porn as coping mechanism, but they should not give it up, just take a walk to feel better and never actually face your inner demons
>shames people for being too coward too face their inner demons
>this study says testosterone spikes happen, but it wasn't longer, so i completely omit the possibility of them happening again in prolongued abstinence
>no empirical evidence in form of questionaires to randoms, so the experiences of thousands of users are invalid
>what's so bad about being a fucked-up pervert who can't get off to anything but scat anyways ?
>some more contradictions to his own arguments
>haha, you fucking virgins amirite ?
>if i write a conclusion it will sound smart, also ... those fucking virgins amirite lmao ?

136 iq here. Nofap is not a meme

137 iq here. Nofap is a meme

it sure is reddit in this thread

318 iq here. fapmaxxing isnt a meme

139 here. it's legit and not a meme

b & r

what's fapmaxxing?

How many times did you have to watch Rick and morty to get that high?

I'd agree that people are blaming porn for their sissy hypno fetish when they're probably gay bois and that porn might not be directly causing ed, but at the end of the day it is stunting the sexual development of a lot of young men in the same way that drinking daily does.

731 iq here. fapno is a meme

I'm curious about what actual peer reviewed studies are out there on the effects of porn and masturbation. If there are none, then no one really has the ground to say that watching porn and jerking it are okay or not okay.

stay safe from lust, bros. the Lord is with you on your path.

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You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Dis cord yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc.
Self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention, etc.
We also have some fun channels like memes.
For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!

We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!

dis cord (dot) gg / v3wR7nr

Masturbation isn't good for you. You need to have unprotected penile vaginal intercourse with your wife. Not gay sex. Not fapping. Heterosexual sex as god intended it.
>A wide range of better psychological and physiological health indices are associated specifically with penile-vaginal intercourse. Other sexual activities have weaker, no, or (in the cases of masturbation and anal intercourse) inverse associations with health indices
>Other sexual activities have weaker, no, or (in the cases of masturbation and anal intercourse) inverse associations with health indices
>(in the cases of masturbation and anal intercourse) inverse associations with health indices
>inverse associations with health indices

full text

go back

not him but iirc its fapping 4+ times a day preferably without porn

followed by more ad hominem, poltards seething as usual

I said nothing good or bad about r*ddit. You're the only one attributing negative qualities towards it.

>t. Chaim Goldbergcumstein

>OP partially argues that there's nothing wrong with porn, spends several paragraphs on it in fact
>ignores a post that disparges porn use/overuse because, "It's irrelevant! This is about masturbation, not porn!"
The two go hand-in-hand for a vast majority of people, user.
>NoFap is not NoPorn
This is correct, however like I said, the OP spends significant time discussing porn. It's stupid to just ignore that component altogether

Yoire half right user. All people wank and it's natural but porn isn't natural and shouldn't be consumed.

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I WILL CONQUER I WILL PERSEVERE I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!! say it with me my nofap brothers

>jamie lewis is alive and out of jail or wherever the fuck he was


Proof nofap cult is cringe 14 year olds

Bullshit wanking to pictures of khazar milkers is wholly natural

You can try all your Jewish psychology, it doesn’t matter, it won’t work. NoFap is the test of my own willpower - does my body control me, or do I control my body? Even if NoFap ended up being a complete lie, and there were zero health benefits... I’d still do it. There is no stronger path to transcendence than ascetic behavior.

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>does my body control me, or do I control my body?
You and your body are 100% the same thing

>There is no stronger path to transcendence than ascetic behavior.
>sent from my iPhone

yes hello i would like to sex

>You and your body are 100% the same thing
You can’t deny willpower is an actual thing though. Sometimes your body can overpower your willpower. If this was not true, drug addicts would not exist.
>Sent from my iPhone

based and katepilled


So what if people want to stop masturbating or watching porn? What does that have to do with you?

>You can’t deny willpower is an actual thing though. Sometimes your body can overpower your willpower. If this was not true, drug addicts would not exist.
Willpower is like a muscle. You can use it but it gets tired after a while and gives out. You have to want whatever it is you are trying to force yourself to do if you want to do it longterm. Willpower is just a tool for building habits. Everything has a benefit on some level which explains drug addicts. It all depends on your time preferences.

Max IQ. Nofap meme

>every normal human watches porn
You can’t blow grease in PNGs
You can’t shoot phlegm in a damn WEBM
You can’t put the stiff in an animated GIF
You can’t shake the leg of a fucking JPEG
You can’t blast pearl in a VR girl
You can’t make love to an AVI bruv
You cannot score with an MP4
You can’t leak pre in an MOV
You can’t give bone to your new smart phone
You can’t launch brood in a screen my dude
You can’t ink the squid in a pixel grid
You can’t stick the hard in a graphics card
You can’t fling glop in a fucking laptop
You can’t unleash the horde in a fucking keyboard
You can’t put the loadum from your scrotum in a modem!
You can’t put slime in an ethernet line
You can’t squirt chowder in a wireless router
You cum on my mouse, you get out of my house!

>everyone else is doing it so it must be fine!
this mentality is what caused hitler to get defeated by a bunch of patriotic liberal boomer faggots. you should be ashamed

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I guess you have to fuck without a condom. Fuck that nigger I'm not going to put my free time to an end and have children.

a placebo still works.

people address addiction with religion, which has nothing to do with addiction. I appreciate the debate and debunking of some of the obvious myths, but addressing problems directly hasn't worked for a vast number of patients anyway, many only can with drugs which isn't thanks to the psychologist at all.

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based and holypilled

>tfw tried a porn/fap version of the Sinclair method
>cured myself of all my perversions
>dick works like I was a teenager again
Lmao OP you are a stupid motherfucker.

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Post doesn't even claim it's wrong, just says there isn't enough science to prove it