3x5 squats

>3x5 squats
>1st set
>shit that was actually pretty hard
>2nd set
>oh fuck I almost failed on that last one, I'm definitely gonna fail next set :(
>3rd set
>piece o' cake, get more than 5 reps easy

why does this happen

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Stupid unfunny drawings

Neck thyself

never talk about SIR like that EVER AGAIN NEWFAG

I think the muscles need some warmup to get to peak capacity.
Same thing happens to me.


Lifting is also mental especially when you are pushing heavy weight. Also maybe warm up more and strech that kinda helps. Good luck user.

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It's all about them warmups son

get fucked

Did you even do any warmup sets?

What everyone else said, gotta warm up to have power at depth

Yes. Maybe I'm not doing enough.

how exactly do you warm up enough without fatiguing too much, asking for a friend

Start with the bar, work up in like 1pl8 jumps or so. Keep the reps slow and controlled, I usually throw some quicker ones in once I get close to working weight to mentally prepare myself to be a bit more explosive. Also pause squat a few of the light reps. Obviously none of it at high effort, at most like half the reps you could do

I'll give it a try, thanks! How much time should it take max, like, how much rest in between warning up sets?

Not that much, nok need to waste a ton of time on it. Usually only take like 30secs to a minute.
Do it whichever way you like, just don’t wear yourself out too much and make sure your mobility is good by the time you hit the working sets

I literally want the biggest ass possible on a man, how do I do this. I will literally workout constantly just my ass if I'm informed the best way to do this.

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Based on top set weight = 100%
30% x 5
50% x 5
70% x 3
80% x 2
90% x 1

Ass happens because of fat and large glutes, alongside toned thighs. You need to increase your estrogen to have fat near your thighs, then you would need to work out your glutes and thighs, lifting for the glutes and doing toning exercises for the thighs. Also some running.

If you don't have any fat on your butt you're gonna have to bulk up and then cut down.

is this the whole workout or just the warm up? if you're doing what is basically your 1RM how can you have anything in the gas tank for a 3x5?

Last night my right knee started to really hurt when squatting. I've never had this and I haven't done anything traumatic that would cause this pain. Wtf does it mean, what do I do? It's agonizing to squat with any amount of weight.

Also, I know what you mean op. Last night I was doing my usual dl sets and noticed some bigger guy moved behind me to do his dl's. I felt like it was a competition and I immediately matched his weight and mogged him with a pr that made no sense, especially with my injured knee. It was like pure savage testosterone instinct.

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That's just the warmup. The 3x5 weight is 100%, l2read.

Just wanted clarification, because I can't imagine not fatiguing with that volume.. but I suppose I'll give it a try.

if i do 110kg incline bench, i warm up as following:
>20kg, 5x
>60kg, 5x
>80kg, 3x
>100kg, 2x
between each rest set i take 3 min, and also 3 min between the last rest and the working sets

are your knees caving? That started happening ot me and I had to really focus on pushing my knees out in the squat. Also don't do leg extensions or leg press

>knees caving
I suppose, yes. My knees do cave sometimes when I'm struggling. Did this permanently fuck my knee up? It hurts even when I squat with perfect form.

Warming up is not a meme

>Doing a 1RM for multiple reps in multiple sets.
U wot?

I do fuuuuuuuuuking warm up. it still happens

dont know but i went deep with 185 lbs squatting today for the first time and i was so happy

can do 225 parallel

Read first post again tard. The "100%" weight (to calculate other percentages from) is whatever weight you are using for your 3x5. So if you are doing 100kg 3x5 your 90% warmup is 90kg for 1 rep.

Yeah your knee is about to explode RIP

Warm up the muscles broda. When your muscles are nice and toasty they perform better my guy.


Glute thrusts

kys retard

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I'm doing 5x6 on bench press and can do firm set 2 feels the hardest. Set 3 feels like set 1 at worst.

Check the rest time between 2nd and 3rd set

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